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org.netbeans.editor (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Package org.netbeans.editor

Interface Summary
Acceptor Accept or reject given character.
AdjustFinder Advanced finder that can adjust the start and limit position of the search.
Annotations.AnnotationsListener Listener for listening on changes in Annotations object.
AnnotationTypes.Loader Loader of annotation types.
AtomicLockDocument Document that supports atomic locking allows for transactional modifications.
AtomicLockListener Listener for begining and end of the atomic locking.
BaseDocument.PropertyEvaluator Property evaluator is useful for lazy evaluation of properties of the document when javax.swing.text.Document#getProperty(java.lang.String) is called.
CharSeq Subset of functionality of CharSequence present in JDK1.4.
DialogSupport.DialogFactory DialogFactory implementation is a class responsible for providing proper implementation of Dialog containing required widgets.
DrawContext This interface provides methods for getting and setting various drawing attributes.
DrawLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
Finder Finders are used to find some information in document without creating copy of the data.
FinderFactory.BlocksFinder Finder that constructs [begin-pos, end-pos] blocks.
FinderFactory.StringFinder Finder that looks for some search expression expressed by string.
GapStart A given object can publish this interface if it allows an efficient access to its gap-based data storage and wants to give its clients a hint about how to access the data efficiently.
ImageTokenID Token-id with the fixed token image.
LocaleSupport.Localizer Translates the keys to the localized strings.
ObjectArray Interface that allows to bridge various implementations of the arrays of objects (especially gap arrays).
ObjectArray.CopyItems Interface allowing more efficient getting of the objects from the object array.
PrintContainer Container for printed text.
Settings.Evaluator Evaluator can be used in cases when value of some setting depends on the value for other setting and it allows to compute the value dynamically based on the other setting(s) value.
Settings.Filter Filter is applied on every value or KitAndValue pairs returned from getValue().
Settings.Initializer Initializer of the settings updates the map filled with settings for the particular kit class when asked.
Settings.InitializerSorter Sort the settings initializers that were added to the settings.
SettingsChangeListener Listener for the changes in settings
SideBarFactory This interface should implement all components that need to be added in the editor sidebar.
Syntax.StateInfo Interface that stores two basic pieces of information about the state of the whole lexical analyzer - its internal state and preScan.
TextBatchProcessor Process the batches of the text in the document.
TokenCategory Token category enables dividing the tokens into groups.
TokenID Token-id is a unique identifier of a particular token.
TokenItem Token-item presents a token as a piece information without dependence on a character buffer and it enables to chain the token-items in both directions.
TokenProcessor Process the tokens

Class Summary
Abbrev Abbreviation support allowing to expand defined character sequences into the expanded strings or call the arbitrary action.
AcceptorFactory Mostly used acceptors
ActionFactory Actions that are not considered basic and therefore they are not included directly in BaseKit, but here.
ActionFactory.AnnotationsCyclingAction Cycle through annotations on the current line
ActionFactory.CollapseAllFolds Collapse all existing folds in the document.
ActionFactory.CollapseFold Collapse a fold.
ActionFactory.CutToLineBeginOrEndAction Cut text from the caret position to either begining or end of the line with the caret.
ActionFactory.DumpViewHierarchyAction Expand all existing folds in the document.
ActionFactory.ExpandAllFolds Expand all existing folds in the document.
ActionFactory.ExpandFold Expand a fold.
ActionFactory.FindSelectionAction Finds either selection or if there's no selection it finds the word where the cursor is standing.
ActionFactory.GenerateGutterPopupAction Select text of whole document
ActionFactory.JumpListNextAction This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryForwardAction in the editor module.
ActionFactory.JumpListNextComponentAction This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryForwardAction in the editor module.
ActionFactory.JumpListPrevAction This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryBackAction in the editor module.
ActionFactory.JumpListPrevComponentAction This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryBackAction in the editor module.
ActionFactory.StartNewLine Starts a new line in code.
ActionFactory.ToggleLineNumbersAction Switch visibility of line numbers in editor
ActionFactory.ToggleTypingModeAction Switch to overwrite mode or back to insert mode
Analyzer Various text analyzes over the document
AnnotationDesc Description of the annotation.
Annotations Annotations class act as data model containing all annotations attached to one document.
Annotations.LineAnnotations Manager of all annotations attached to one line.
AnnotationType Definition of the annotation type.
AnnotationType.CombinationMember Hepler class describing annotation type and whether all occurences of this type should be absorbed by combination or not.
AnnotationTypes Registry of all annotation types.
AtomicLockEvent Event for atomic lock listener notifications.
BaseAction This is the parent of majority of the actions.
BaseCaret Caret implementation
BaseDocument Document implementation
BaseDocumentEvent Document implementation
BaseElement Element implementation.
BaseImageTokenID Token-id with the fixed token image.
BaseKit Editor kit implementation for base document
BaseKit.CompoundAction Compound action that encapsulates several actions
BaseKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction Default typed action
BaseKit.DeleteCharAction Remove previous or next character
BaseKit.InsertStringAction Insert text specified in constructor
BaseKit.KitCompoundAction Compound action that gets and executes its actions depending on the kit of the component.
BaseKit.PageDownAction Go one page down
BaseKit.PageUpAction Go one page up
BaseKit.SelectAllAction Select text of whole document
BaseKit.SelectLineAction Select line around caret
BaseKit.SelectWordAction Select word around caret
BaseSettingsInitializer Initializer for the editor settings.
BaseTextUI Text UI implementation
BaseTokenCategory Base implementation of the token category.
BaseTokenID Base implementation of the token-id.
BaseView Base abstract view serves as parent for both leaf and branch views.
CodeFoldingSideBar Code Folding Side Bar.
Coloring Immutable class that stores font and foreground and background colors.
DelegateAction Action that delegates on delegate action.
DialogSupport Deprecated. See org.openide.spi.editor.lib2.DialogFactory.
DocumentFinder Deprecated. Without any replacement.
DocumentUtilities Various document-related utilities.
DrawEngineFakeDocView Fake view of the whole document supporting the code folding, operating from given startOffset to endOffset
DrawLayer.AbstractLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.AnnotationLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.BlockSearchLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.CaretLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.ColorLineLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.HighlightSearchLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.IncSearchLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.StyleLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.SyntaxLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
DrawLayerFactory.WordColoringLayer Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
EditorDebug Various internal tests
EditorState This singleton class is an editor state encapsulation object.
EditorUI Editor UI for the component.
FinderFactory Various finders are located here.
FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder Support for creating blocks finders.
FinderFactory.AbstractFinder Abstract finder implementation.
FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder Searches for anyone of the specified chars in backward direction.
FinderFactory.CharArrayFwdFinder Searches for anyone of the specified chars in forward direction.
FinderFactory.CharBwdFinder Searches for the specified char in backward direction.
FinderFactory.CharFwdFinder Searches for the specified char in forward direction.
FinderFactory.FalseFinder Request non-existent position immediately
FinderFactory.GenericBwdFinder Generic backward finder that simplifies the search process.
FinderFactory.GenericFwdFinder Generic forward finder that simplifies the search process.
FinderFactory.NextWordFwdFinder Next word forward finder
FinderFactory.NonWhiteBwdFinder Find first non-white character backward
FinderFactory.NonWhiteFwdFinder Find first non-white character forward
FinderFactory.PosVisColFwdFinder Finder for getting visual column value for particular position.
FinderFactory.PreviousWordBwdFinder Find start of the word.
FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder String forward finder that creates position blocks
FinderFactory.StringBwdFinder String backward finder
FinderFactory.StringFwdFinder String forward finder
FinderFactory.TrueFinder Return successful match on the first searched char
FinderFactory.VisColPosFwdFinder Finder for getting position from visual column knowledge.
FinderFactory.WhiteBwdFinder Find first white character backward
FinderFactory.WhiteFwdFinder Find first white character forward
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder String forward finder that finds whole words only and that creates position blocks.
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBwdFinder String backward finder that finds whole words only.
FinderFactory.WholeWordsFwdFinder String forward finder that finds whole words only.
FindSupport Deprecated. Without any replacement.
FoldingToolTip Component for displaying folded part of code in tooltip
FontMetricsCache Static cache that holds the font metrics for the fonts.
Formatter Various services related to indentation and text formatting are located here.
GapObjectArray Implementation of ObjectArray that contains a gap which helps to speed up inserts/removals close to the gap.
GlyphGutter GlyphGutter is component for displaying line numbers and annotation glyph icons.
GuardedDocument Extension to the guarded document that implements StyledDocument interface
GuardedDocumentEvent Attempt to insert or remove from the guarded block has been done.
ImplementationProvider Deprecated. See org.netbeans.spi.editor.lib2.EditorImplementationProvider
JumpList The list of marked positions in text components.
JumpList.Entry An entry in the list with JTextComponent and a position in its Document.
KeySequenceInputPanel This class could be used as input of sequence of KeyStrokes.
LeafElement Leaf element is used on the leaf level of element tree.
LeafView Leaf view implementation.
LineSeparatorConversion Converters handling the various line separators.
LineSeparatorConversion.FromLineFeed Convert all the occurrences of '\n' in the given text to the requested line separator.
LineSeparatorConversion.ToLineFeed Convert all the occurrences of '\r' and '\r\n' in the text to '\n'.
LocaleSupport Deprecated. this class is deprecated as the number of bundle queries is proportional to the number of registered localizers which is not optimal from the performance point of view.
MacroDialogSupport The support for creating macros.
MacroSavePanel The component for displaying and editing just recorded macro.
Mark Class defining basic type of mark.
MarkBlock Block of text created using two marks.
MarkBlockChain Support class for chain of MarkBlocks
MarkChain Support class for chain of MarkBlocks
MarkFactory Various marks are located here
MarkFactory.ChainDrawMark Support for draw marks chained in double linked list
MarkFactory.ContextMark Mark that can have its position updated by where it's located
MarkFactory.DrawMark Activation mark for particular layer.
MarkFactory.SyntaxMark Deprecated. syntax marks are no longer used to hold lexer states.
MultiKeyBinding Extension of JTextComponent.KeyBinding to hold several successive keystrokes.
MultiKeymap Keymap that is capable to work with MultiKeyBindings
ObjectArrayUtilities Utilities over object array.
PopupManager Popup manager allows to display an arbitrary popup component over the underlying text component.
PopupManager.HorizontalBounds Horizontal bounds of popup panel specification
PopupManager.Placement Placement of popup panel specification
Registry Deprecated. Without any replacement.
SegmentCache Deprecated. The caching is no longer performed as the object creation in the present JVMs is fast.
Settings Configurable settings that editor uses.
Settings.AbstractInitializer Abstract implementation of the initializer dealing with the name.
Settings.FilterInitializerSorter Initializer sorter that delegates to another sorter.
Settings.KitAndValue Kit class and value pair
SettingsChangeEvent Event providing information about what was changed in settings
SettingsDefaults Default values for the settings.
SettingsNames Names of the base settings defined in the editor.
SettingsUtil Utility methods for managing settings
SettingsUtil.FontStylePrintColoringEvaluator Deprecated. Fonts and colors for printing are the same as those on screen.
SettingsUtil.ForeColorPrintColoringEvaluator Deprecated. Fonts and colors for printing are the same as those on screen.
SettingsUtil.PrintColoringEvaluator Deprecated. Fonts and colors for printing are the same as those on screen.
SettingsUtil.TokenColoringEvaluator Deprecated. Use Editor Settings and Editor Settings Storage API instead.
SettingsUtil.TokenColoringInitializer Deprecated. Use Editor Settings and Editor Settings Storage API instead.
StatusBar Status bar support
StringMap Support for comparing part of char array to hash map with strings as keys.
Syntax Lexical analyzer that works on a given text buffer.
Syntax.BaseStateInfo Base implementation of the StateInfo interface
SyntaxDebug Debugging stuff for the syntax scanners
SyntaxSupport Support methods for syntax analyzes
SyntaxUpdateTokens Notification about the tokens being relexed as result of a document modification.
TokenContext Token context defines the environment in which only a limited set of tokens can be used.
TokenContextPath Immutable and 'interned' wrapper holding an array of the contexts starting with the original context in which the token is defined and ending with the target context from which the token is being returned.
TokenItem.AbstractItem Abstract implementation that doesn't contain chaining methods.
TokenItem.FilterItem Implementation useful for delegation.
Utilities Various useful editor functions.
WeakEventListenerList Class that can hold the list of event listeners in a "weak" manner.
WeakPropertyChangeSupport Similair functionality as PropertyChangeSupport but holds only weak references to listener classes
WeakTimerListener Action listener that has a weak reference to the source action listener so it doesn't prevent it to be garbage collected.
WordMatch Word matching support enables to fill in the rest of the word when knowing the begining of the word.

Exception Summary
GuardedException Attempt to insert or remove from the guarded block has been done.
InvalidMarkException This exception is thrown either if the mark is invalid and it should be valid (getOffset(), getLine(), remove()) or on the oposite side if the mark is valid and it shouldn't be i.e.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.