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AdjustFinder (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Interface AdjustFinder

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AdjustFinder
extends Finder

Advanced finder that can adjust the start and limit position of the search. The finder can be used in the BaseDocument.find() which calls its adjust-methods automatically. The order of the methods called for the search is
1. adjustStartPos() is called
2. adjustStartPos() is called
3. reset() is called
If the search is void i.e. doc.find(finder, pos, pos) is called, no adjust-methods are called, only the reset() is called. For backward search the start-position is higher than the limit-position. The relation startPos < endPos defines whether the search will be forward or backward. The adjust-methods could in fact revert this relation turning the forward search into the backward one and vice versa. This is not allowed. If that happens the search is considered void. The adjust-methods must NOT use the shortcut -1 for the end of document.

Method Summary
 int adjustLimitPos(BaseDocument doc, int limitPos)
          Adjust the limit position of the search (it's the position where the search will end) to be either the same or greater.
 int adjustStartPos(BaseDocument doc, int startPos)
          Adjust start position of the search to be either the same or lower.
Methods inherited from interface org.netbeans.editor.Finder
find, isFound, reset

Method Detail


int adjustStartPos(BaseDocument doc,
                   int startPos)
Adjust start position of the search to be either the same or lower. This method can be used for example to scan the whole line by the reg-exp finder even if the original start position is not at the begining of the line. Although it's not specifically checked the finder should NOT in any case return the position that is lower than the original

doc - document to search on
startPos - start position originally requested in BaseDocument.find().
possibly modified start position. The returned position must be the same or lower than the original start position for forward search and the same or high.


int adjustLimitPos(BaseDocument doc,
                   int limitPos)
Adjust the limit position of the search (it's the position where the search will end) to be either the same or greater.

doc - document to search on
limitPos - limit position originally requested in BaseDocument.find()
possibly modified limit position. The returned position must be the same or greater than the original limit position.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.