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FontMetricsCache.Info (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Interface FontMetricsCache.Info

Enclosing class:

public static interface FontMetricsCache.Info

Method Summary
 int getSpaceWidth(Component c)
          Returns the width of the space character
 int getSpaceWidth(Graphics g)
          Returns the width of the space character
 float getStrikethroughOffset(Component c)
          Returns the position of the strike-through line relative to the baseline.
 float getStrikethroughOffset(Graphics g)
          Returns the position of the strike-through line relative to the baseline.
 float getStrikethroughThickness(Component c)
          Returns the thickness of the strike-through line.
 float getStrikethroughThickness(Graphics g)
          Returns the thickness of the strike-through line.
 float getUnderlineOffset(Component c)
          Returns the position of the underline relative to the baseline.
 float getUnderlineOffset(Graphics g)
          Returns the position of the underline relative to the baseline.
 float getUnderlineThickness(Component c)
          Returns the thickness of the underline.
 float getUnderlineThickness(Graphics g)
          Returns the thickness of the underline.

Method Detail


int getSpaceWidth(Graphics g)
Returns the width of the space character


int getSpaceWidth(Component c)
Returns the width of the space character


float getStrikethroughOffset(Graphics g)
Returns the position of the strike-through line relative to the baseline.


float getStrikethroughOffset(Component c)
Returns the position of the strike-through line relative to the baseline.


float getStrikethroughThickness(Graphics g)
Returns the thickness of the strike-through line.


float getStrikethroughThickness(Component c)
Returns the thickness of the strike-through line.


float getUnderlineOffset(Graphics g)
Returns the position of the underline relative to the baseline.


float getUnderlineOffset(Component c)
Returns the position of the underline relative to the baseline.


float getUnderlineThickness(Graphics g)
Returns the thickness of the underline.


float getUnderlineThickness(Component c)
Returns the thickness of the underline.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.