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TokenContext (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Class TokenContext

  extended by org.netbeans.editor.TokenContext

public class TokenContext
extends Object

Token context defines the environment in which only a limited set of tokens can be used. This set can be retrieved by calling the getTokenIDs() method. The context can contain other contexts which means that the context can possibly switch into one of its children contexts during lexing. The child context can also have other children that can work in the same way. In this way context-paths can be created. They describe the way how was the token lexically recognized. The context can be retrieved when the syntax-class is known using the get method.

Constructor Summary
TokenContext(String namePrefix)
TokenContext(String namePrefix, TokenContext[] children)
          Construct new token-context.
Method Summary
protected  void addDeclaredTokenIDs()
          Add all static-final token-id fields declared in this token-context using Class.getDeclaredFields() call.
protected  void addTokenID(TokenID tokenID)
          Add token-id to the set of token-ids that belong to this context.
 TokenContextPath[] getAllContextPaths()
          Get all the context paths for this token-context including itself as the first one and all its children.
 TokenContext[] getChildren()
          Get the children contexts of this context.
 TokenContextPath getContextPath()
          Get the context path for this token-context.
 TokenContextPath getContextPath(TokenContextPath childPath)
          Get the context path for this token-context that is derived from the path of one of the children.
 String getNamePrefix()
          Get the prefix that this context adds to the name of its tokens.
 TokenCategory[] getTokenCategories()
          Get the token-categories that belong to this token-context.
 TokenID[] getTokenIDs()
          Get the token-ids that belong to this token-context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TokenContext(String namePrefix)


public TokenContext(String namePrefix,
                    TokenContext[] children)
Construct new token-context.

namePrefix - name that will prefix all the token-ids names.
children - child token contexts.
Method Detail


public String getNamePrefix()
Get the prefix that this context adds to the name of its tokens.


public TokenContext[] getChildren()
Get the children contexts of this context. It returns empty-array if there are no children.


protected void addTokenID(TokenID tokenID)
Add token-id to the set of token-ids that belong to this context.


protected void addDeclaredTokenIDs()
                            throws IllegalAccessException,
Add all static-final token-id fields declared in this token-context using Class.getDeclaredFields() call.



public TokenID[] getTokenIDs()
Get the token-ids that belong to this token-context. It doesn't return the children's token-ids.


public TokenCategory[] getTokenCategories()
Get the token-categories that belong to this token-context. It doesn't return the children's token-categories.


public TokenContextPath getContextPath()
Get the context path for this token-context.


public TokenContextPath getContextPath(TokenContextPath childPath)
Get the context path for this token-context that is derived from the path of one of the children.


public TokenContextPath[] getAllContextPaths()
Get all the context paths for this token-context including itself as the first one and all its children.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.