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FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Class FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder

  extended by org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
      extended by org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder
          extended by org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder
All Implemented Interfaces:
Finder, FinderFactory.BlocksFinder
Enclosing class:

public static final class FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder
extends FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder

String forward finder that finds whole words only and that creates position blocks. There are some speed optimizations attempted.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
Constructor Summary
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder(BaseDocument doc, String s, boolean matchCase)
Method Summary
 int find(int bufferStartPos, char[] buffer, int offset1, int offset2, int reqPos, int limitPos)
          This is the most important function in finder.
 void reset()
          Reset the finder
Methods inherited from class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder
addBlock, closeBlocks, debugBlocks, getBlocks, setBlocks
Methods inherited from class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.netbeans.editor.Finder

Constructor Detail


public FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder(BaseDocument doc,
                                            String s,
                                            boolean matchCase)
Method Detail


public void reset()
Description copied from class: FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
Reset the finder

Specified by:
reset in interface Finder
reset in class FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder


public int find(int bufferStartPos,
                char[] buffer,
                int offset1,
                int offset2,
                int reqPos,
                int limitPos)
Description copied from interface: Finder
This is the most important function in finder. It can be called several times if the whole search area doesn't fit in the cache buffer. Usual forward search should look like this: int offset = reqPos - bufferStartPos; while (offset < offset2) { if (buffer[offset]-meets-condition) { set-found-flag return offset + bufferStartPos; } offset++; } return offset + bufferStartPos; Bakward search follows: int offset = reqPos - bufferStartPos while (offset >= offset1) { if (buffer[offset]-meets-condition) { set-found-flag return offset + bufferStartPos; } offset--; } return offset + bufferStartPos; Caution! Nothing can be written to the data comming in buffer to find() method because of performance reasons these are primary document data, not a copy. Buffer is always guaranteed to have at least one char - it is char standing at reqPos. However there can be calls to find() when there will be only that one character, so find() must must be prepared for this. Unlike calling DocCache.find() the offset1 < offset2 even for backward searches.

bufferStartPos - begining position of the buffer (not search area).
buffer - buffer with chars to be searched
offset1 - offset of begining of searchable area in buffer. No searching below this offset can be performed.
offset2 - offset of end of searchable area in buffer. No searching beyond this offset can be performed.
reqPos - required position. Initially it is the begining search position requested by caller. In subsequent calls it is the same value as returned from previous call to find() method.
limitPos - is filled with position beyond which search cannot go. (i.e. forward: pos < limitPos and backward: pos >= limitPos) Some finders i.e. finder that tries to find some word with whole-words-only flag turned on can benefit from this information. If the searched word is at the very end of the document the finder wouldn't normally find it as it would request the next buffer even when the whole word was matched because the finder needs to find white space to know the word ended there. However this would be beyond the search area so EOT exception would be raised. To correctly manage this situation finder must care for limitPos. When it sees the word and knows this is the last text in document it signals that it found the word.
in case the string was found, find() method returns the position (not offset) where the string starts (and must also set some flag resulting to that isFound() method will return true). If the string was not yet found, the function should return position (not offset) where the next search should continue. If this position is greater or equal than limit position (lower than limit position for backward search), searching will stop resulting in -1 as returned position. The position returned will be passed as reqPos in next call to find() method.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.