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org.netbeans.editor.ext (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Package org.netbeans.editor.ext

Completion Design View


Interface Summary
CompletionPane Pane displaying the completion view and accompanying components like label for title etc.
CompletionQuery Code completion querying SPI and support.
CompletionQuery.Result Result of the query or expression evaluation.
CompletionQuery.ResultItem An interface used as an item of List returned by CompletionQuery.Result.getData() Such items are then able to their part in Completion process themselves
CompletionQuery.ResultItemAssociatedObject An interface allowing to obtain the object carrying the actual data associated with the result item.
CompletionQuery.SupportsSpeculativeInvocation Deprecated. It is a workaround.
CompletionView Code copmletion view component interface.
DataAccessor DataAccessor for Code Completion DB files
ExtCompletionPane Interface that extends basic CompletionPane functionality.
ExtSyntaxSupport.DeclarationTokenProcessor Token processor extended to get declaration position of the given variable.
FormatLayer Formatting layer that can be added to BaseFormatter to format the tokens.
FormatTokenPosition Position consisting of the token-item and the offset inside it.
JavaDocPane Pane displaying the javadoc view and accompanying components like toolbar for navigation etc.
JavaDocView javadoc view component interface.

Class Summary
AbstractFormatLayer Abstract formatting layer offers the support for naming the layer and creation of an format-support.
CharacterArrayIterator Character-iterator that operates on the array of characters.
Completion General Completion display formatting and services
CompletionJavaDoc Support for javadoc in code completion.
CompletionQuery.AbstractResult The very basic funztionality of Result is implemented by this class, but parts general enough to not need to be overriden.
CompletionQuery.AbstractResultItem A class providing generic, nearly full implementation of ResultItem
CompletionQuery.DefaultResult Full implementation of Result, managing substitution of the text and finding and substituting common prefix of items
ExtCaret Extended caret implementation
ExtEditorUI Editor UI for the component.
ExtFinderFactory Various finders are located here.
ExtFinderFactory.LineBlocksFinder Finder that collects the whole lines and calls the lineFound() method that can do a local find.
ExtFinderFactory.LineBwdFinder Finder that collects the whole lines and calls the lineFound() method that can do a local find.
ExtFinderFactory.LineFwdFinder Finder that collects the whole lines and calls the lineFound() method that can do a local find.
ExtFormatSupport Extended format-support offers comment-token support, token-and-text operations and other support.
ExtFormatter Unlike the formatter class, the ExtFormatter concentrates on providing a support for the real formatting process.
ExtFormatter.Simple Simple formatter
ExtKit Extended kit offering advanced functionality
ExtKit.BuildPopupMenuAction Called before the popup menu is shown to possibly rebuild the popup menu.
ExtKit.CodeSelectAction Deprecated. this action is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
ExtKit.EscapeAction Executed when the Escape key is pressed.
ExtKit.GotoDeclarationAction Action to go to the declaration of the variable under the caret.
ExtKit.PrefixMakerAction Prefix maker adds the prefix before the identifier under cursor.
ExtKit.ShowPopupMenuAction Show the popup menu.
ExtSettingsDefaults Initializer for the extended editor settings.
ExtSettingsInitializer Initializer for the extended editor settings.
ExtSettingsNames Names of the extended editor settings.
ExtSyntaxSupport Support methods for syntax analyzes
ExtUtilities Extended kit offering advanced functionality
FileAccessor DataAccessor for Code Completion DB files via RandomAccessFile implementation
FileStorage Management of storage of the data for the java completion.
FindDialogPanel Deprecated. Without any replacement.
FindDialogSupport Deprecated. Without any replacement.
FormatSupport Format support presents a set of operations over the format-writer that is specific for the given set of formatting layers.
FormatWriter Formatting writter accepts the input-text, formats it and writes the output to the underlying writer.
GotoDialogPanel GotoDialogPanel is an UI object for entering line numbers to move caret to.
GotoDialogSupport Support for displaying goto dialog
HTMLJavaDocView HTML javadoc view.
JDCPopupPanel Invisible panel that contains code completion panel and javadoc panel, computes preferred size and provides access to these both components.
KeywordMatchGenerator Generator of code used for matching the keywords or more generally some group of words.
ListCompletionView Code completion view component interface.
MultiSyntax Composition of several syntaxes together.
MultiSyntax.MultiStateInfo Class that can contain any number of the additional state infos from other syntaxes.
ScrollCompletionPane Pane displaying the completion view and accompanying components like label for title etc.
ScrollJavaDocPane JScrollPane implementation of JavaDocPane.
StringCache Cache holding the most commonly used strings.
ToolTipSupport Support for editor tooltips.

Package org.netbeans.editor.ext Description

Completion Design View

Status: designing...

Entry Point Handlers

User types a character ("UT") :position, character

UT -> AWT/Swing -> kit.ExtDefaultKeyAction
  switch lexsupport.codeCompletion

User moves caret ("UM") (navigation keys or mouse click) :position

UM -> AWT/Swing -> cc.CaretListener

User invokes code assistent ("UC") :position

UC -> AWT/Swing -> kit.AssistantAction

User invokes kill assistant action

UC -> AWT/Swing -> kit.AssistantAction

User invokes select assistant action

UC -> AWT/Swing -> kit.AssistantAction
  cc.perform  ??? [order is pending]

Module modifies document ("MM") :documentEvent

MM -> unknown thread -> cc.DocumentListener

Completion API

+ Completion:
  + autoShow(position, character) instruct completion to open sometimes
  + show(position, character) instruct completion to open in limited time
  + refresh(position, character) if open then update content
  + refresh(documentEvent) if open then update content
  + hide() hide view
+ CompletionEnvironment implements DocumentListener, CaretListener

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.