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CompletionQuery.ResultItem (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Interface CompletionQuery.ResultItem

All Known Implementing Classes:
CompletionQuery.AbstractResultItem, CompletionQuery.DefaultResultItem
Enclosing interface:

public static interface CompletionQuery.ResultItem

An interface used as an item of List returned by CompletionQuery.Result.getData() Such items are then able to their part in Completion process themselves

Method Summary
 String getItemText()
          Says what text would this Element use if substituteText is called.
 Component getPaintComponent(JList list, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus)
          Prepare proper component for painting value of this.
 boolean substituteCommonText(JTextComponent c, int offset, int len, int subLen)
          Update the text in response to pressing TAB key (or any key mapped to this function) on this element
 boolean substituteText(JTextComponent c, int offset, int len, boolean shift)
          Update the text in response to pressing ENTER on this element.

Method Detail


boolean substituteCommonText(JTextComponent c,
                             int offset,
                             int len,
                             int subLen)
Update the text in response to pressing TAB key (or any key mapped to this function) on this element

c - the text component to operate on, enables implementation to do things like movement of caret.
offset - the offset where the item should be placed
len - the length of recognized text which should be replaced
subLen - the length of common part - the length of text that should be inserted after removal of recognized text
whether the text was successfully updated


boolean substituteText(JTextComponent c,
                       int offset,
                       int len,
                       boolean shift)
Update the text in response to pressing ENTER on this element.

c - the text component to operate on, enables implementation to do things like movement of caret.
offset - the offset where the item should be placed
len - the length of recognized text which should be replaced
shift - the flag that instructs completion to behave somehow differently - enables more kinds of invocation of substituteText
whether the text was successfully updated


String getItemText()
Says what text would this Element use if substituteText is called.

the substitution text, usable e.g. for finding common text/its' length


Component getPaintComponent(JList list,
                            boolean isSelected,
                            boolean cellHasFocus)
Prepare proper component for painting value of this.

JList - the list this item will be drawn into, usefull e.g. for obtaining preferred colors.
isSelected - tells if this item is just selected, for using proper color scheme.
cellHasFocus - tells it this item is just focused.
the component usable for painting this value

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.