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Settings.Evaluator (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Interface Settings.Evaluator

All Known Implementing Classes:
SettingsUtil.FontStylePrintColoringEvaluator, SettingsUtil.ForeColorPrintColoringEvaluator, SettingsUtil.PrintColoringEvaluator, SettingsUtil.TokenColoringEvaluator
Enclosing class:

public static interface Settings.Evaluator

Evaluator can be used in cases when value of some setting depends on the value for other setting and it allows to compute the value dynamically based on the other setting(s) value. The Evaluator instance can be used as the value in the Settings.setValue() call. In that case the call to the Settings.getValue() call will 'evaluate' the Evaluator by calling its getValue().

Method Summary
 Object getValue(Class kitClass, String settingName)
          Compute the particular setting's value.

Method Detail


Object getValue(Class kitClass,
                String settingName)
Compute the particular setting's value.

kitClass - kit class for which the setting is being retrieved.
settingName - name of the setting to retrieve. Although the Evaluator are usually constructed only for the concrete setting, this parameter allows creation of the Evaluator for multiple settings.
the value for the requested setting. The substitution is not attempted again, so the return value cannot be another Evaluator instance. If the returned value is null, the same action is taken as if there would no value set on the particular kit level.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.