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BaseAction (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Class BaseAction

  extended by javax.swing.AbstractAction
      extended by javax.swing.text.TextAction
          extended by org.netbeans.editor.BaseAction
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, Action
Direct Known Subclasses:
ActionFactory.AbbrevExpandAction, ActionFactory.AbbrevResetAction, ActionFactory.AdjustCaretAction, ActionFactory.AdjustWindowAction, ActionFactory.AnnotationsCyclingAction, ActionFactory.ChangeCaseAction, ActionFactory.CollapseAllFolds, ActionFactory.CollapseFold, ActionFactory.CutToLineBeginOrEndAction, ActionFactory.DumpViewHierarchyAction, ActionFactory.ExpandAllFolds, ActionFactory.ExpandFold, ActionFactory.FindNextAction, ActionFactory.FindPreviousAction, ActionFactory.FindSelectionAction, ActionFactory.FirstNonWhiteAction, ActionFactory.FormatAction, ActionFactory.GenerateGutterPopupAction, ActionFactory.InsertDateTimeAction, ActionFactory.JumpListNextAction, ActionFactory.JumpListNextComponentAction, ActionFactory.JumpListPrevAction, ActionFactory.JumpListPrevComponentAction, ActionFactory.LastNonWhiteAction, ActionFactory.RedoAction, ActionFactory.ReindentLineAction, ActionFactory.RemoveLineAction, ActionFactory.RemoveLineBeginAction, ActionFactory.RemoveSelectionAction, ActionFactory.RemoveTabAction, ActionFactory.RemoveWordNextAction, ActionFactory.RemoveWordPreviousAction, ActionFactory.RunMacroAction, ActionFactory.ScrollDownAction, ActionFactory.ScrollUpAction, ActionFactory.SelectIdentifierAction, ActionFactory.SelectNextParameterAction, ActionFactory.ShiftLineAction, ActionFactory.StartMacroRecordingAction, ActionFactory.StartNewLine, ActionFactory.StopMacroRecordingAction, ActionFactory.ToggleHighlightSearchAction, ActionFactory.ToggleLineNumbersAction, ActionFactory.ToggleTypingModeAction, ActionFactory.UndoAction, ActionFactory.WordMatchAction, BaseKit.BackwardAction, BaseKit.BeepAction, BaseKit.BeginAction, BaseKit.BeginLineAction, BaseKit.BeginWordAction, BaseKit.CompoundAction, BaseKit.CopyAction, BaseKit.CutAction, BaseKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction, BaseKit.DeleteCharAction, BaseKit.DownAction, BaseKit.EndAction, BaseKit.EndLineAction, BaseKit.EndWordAction, BaseKit.ForwardAction, BaseKit.InsertBreakAction, BaseKit.InsertContentAction, BaseKit.InsertStringAction, BaseKit.InsertTabAction, BaseKit.KitCompoundAction, BaseKit.NextWordAction, BaseKit.PageDownAction, BaseKit.PageUpAction, BaseKit.PasteAction, BaseKit.PreviousWordAction, BaseKit.ReadOnlyAction, BaseKit.RemoveTrailingSpacesAction, BaseKit.SplitLineAction, BaseKit.UpAction, BaseKit.WritableAction, ExtKit.AllCompletionShowAction, ExtKit.BuildPopupMenuAction, ExtKit.BuildToolTipAction, ExtKit.CodeSelectAction, ExtKit.CommentAction, ExtKit.CompletionShowAction, ExtKit.CompletionTooltipShowAction, ExtKit.DocumentationShowAction, ExtKit.EscapeAction, ExtKit.FindAction, ExtKit.GotoAction, ExtKit.GotoDeclarationAction, ExtKit.MatchBraceAction, ExtKit.PrefixMakerAction, ExtKit.ReplaceAction, ExtKit.ShowPopupMenuAction, ExtKit.ToggleCaseIdentifierBeginAction, ExtKit.UncommentAction

public abstract class BaseAction
extends TextAction

This is the parent of majority of the actions. It implements the necessary resetting depending of what is required by constructor of target action. The other thing implemented here is macro recording.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int ABBREV_RESET
          Reset abbreviation accounting to empty string
          Clear status bar text
          Resource for the icon
          Prefix for the name of the key for description in locale support
          Prefix for the name of the key for popup description in locale support
          Reset magic caret position
static String NO_KEYBINDING
          The name of Action property.
static int NO_RECORDING
          The action will not be recorded if in macro recording
static String POPUP_MENU_TEXT
          Text of the menu item in popup menu for this action
static int SAVE_POSITION
          Save current position in the jump list
          Remove the selected text at the action begining
          Prevents adding the new undoable edit to the old one when the next document change occurs.
protected  int updateMask
          Bit mask of what should be updated when the action is performed before the action's real task is invoked.
          Reset word-match table
Fields inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractAction
changeSupport, enabled
Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.Action
Constructor Summary
BaseAction(String name)
BaseAction(String name, int updateMask)
Method Summary
 void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
          This method is made final here as there's an important processing that must be done before the real action functionality is performed.
abstract  void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target)
          The target method that performs the real action functionality.
protected  boolean asynchonous()
protected  Object createDefaultValue(String key)
          This method is called when there is no value for the particular key.
protected  Object findValue(String key)
          Deprecated. this method is deprecated like the LocaleSupport which it uses by default. It should be replaced by implementing getShortDescriptionBundleClass()
protected  Object getDefaultShortDescription()
          Get the default value for Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION property.
 JMenuItem getPopupMenuItem(JTextComponent target)
 String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target)
protected  Class getShortDescriptionBundleClass()
          Get the class in a package where resource bundle for localization of the short description of this action resides.
 Object getValue(String key)
protected  void settingsChange(SettingsChangeEvent evt, Class kitClass)
          This method is called once after the action is constructed and then each time the settings are changed.
 void updateComponent(JTextComponent target)
          Update the component according to the update mask specified in the constructor of the action.
 void updateComponent(JTextComponent target, int updateMask)
          Update the component according to the given update mask
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.text.TextAction
augmentList, getFocusedComponent, getTextComponent
Methods inherited from class javax.swing.AbstractAction
addPropertyChangeListener, clone, firePropertyChange, getKeys, getPropertyChangeListeners, isEnabled, putValue, removePropertyChangeListener, setEnabled
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String POPUP_MENU_TEXT
Text of the menu item in popup menu for this action

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String LOCALE_DESC_PREFIX
Prefix for the name of the key for description in locale support

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String LOCALE_POPUP_PREFIX
Prefix for the name of the key for popup description in locale support

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ICON_RESOURCE_PROPERTY
Resource for the icon

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SELECTION_REMOVE
Remove the selected text at the action begining

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAGIC_POSITION_RESET
Reset magic caret position

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ABBREV_RESET
Reset abbreviation accounting to empty string

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int UNDO_MERGE_RESET
Prevents adding the new undoable edit to the old one when the next document change occurs.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int WORD_MATCH_RESET
Reset word-match table

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CLEAR_STATUS_TEXT
Clear status bar text

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int NO_RECORDING
The action will not be recorded if in macro recording

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SAVE_POSITION
Save current position in the jump list

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String NO_KEYBINDING
The name of Action property. If the action has property NO_KEYBINDING set to true, it won't be listed in editor keybindings customizer list.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected int updateMask
Bit mask of what should be updated when the action is performed before the action's real task is invoked.

Constructor Detail


public BaseAction(String name)


public BaseAction(String name,
                  int updateMask)
Method Detail


protected Object findValue(String key)
Deprecated. this method is deprecated like the LocaleSupport which it uses by default. It should be replaced by implementing getShortDescriptionBundleClass()

Find a value in resource bundles.


public Object getValue(String key)
Specified by:
getValue in interface Action
getValue in class AbstractAction


protected Object createDefaultValue(String key)
This method is called when there is no value for the particular key.
If the returned value is non-null it is remembered by AbstractAction.putValue(String, Object) so in that case this method is only called once.

Note: When overriding this method super implementation should always be called.

key - key for which the default value should be found.
default value or null if the default value does not exist for the given key.


protected Class getShortDescriptionBundleClass()
Get the class in a package where resource bundle for localization of the short description of this action resides.
By default this method returns null.


protected Object getDefaultShortDescription()
Get the default value for Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION property.
If this method returns non-empty value it will only be called once (its result will be remembered).

value that will be use as result for Action.getValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION).


protected void settingsChange(SettingsChangeEvent evt,
                              Class kitClass)
This method is called once after the action is constructed and then each time the settings are changed.

evt - event describing the changed setting name. It's null if it's called after the action construction.
kitClass - class of the kit that created the actions


public final void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
This method is made final here as there's an important processing that must be done before the real action functionality is performed. It can include the following: 1. Updating of the target component depending on the update mask given in action constructor. 2. Possible macro recoding when the macro recording is turned on. The real action functionality should be done in the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt, JTextComponent target) which must be redefined by the target action.


public abstract void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt,
                                     JTextComponent target)
The target method that performs the real action functionality.

evt - action event describing the action that occured
target - target component where the action occured. It's retrieved by the TextAction.getTextComponent(evt).


protected boolean asynchonous()


public JMenuItem getPopupMenuItem(JTextComponent target)


public String getPopupMenuText(JTextComponent target)


public void updateComponent(JTextComponent target)
Update the component according to the update mask specified in the constructor of the action.

target - target component to be updated.


public void updateComponent(JTextComponent target,
                            int updateMask)
Update the component according to the given update mask

target - target component to be updated.
updateMask - mask that specifies what will be updated

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.