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Uses of Class org.netbeans.editor.BaseAction (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseAction
org.netbeans.editor.ext Completion Design View 

Uses of BaseAction in org.netbeans.editor

Subclasses of BaseAction in org.netbeans.editor
static class ActionFactory.AbbrevExpandAction
static class ActionFactory.AbbrevResetAction
static class ActionFactory.AdjustCaretAction
static class ActionFactory.AdjustWindowAction
static class ActionFactory.AnnotationsCyclingAction
          Cycle through annotations on the current line
static class ActionFactory.ChangeCaseAction
static class ActionFactory.CollapseAllFolds
          Collapse all existing folds in the document.
static class ActionFactory.CollapseFold
          Collapse a fold.
static class ActionFactory.CutToLineBeginOrEndAction
          Cut text from the caret position to either begining or end of the line with the caret.
static class ActionFactory.DumpViewHierarchyAction
          Expand all existing folds in the document.
static class ActionFactory.ExpandAllFolds
          Expand all existing folds in the document.
static class ActionFactory.ExpandFold
          Expand a fold.
static class ActionFactory.FindNextAction
static class ActionFactory.FindPreviousAction
static class ActionFactory.FindSelectionAction
          Finds either selection or if there's no selection it finds the word where the cursor is standing.
static class ActionFactory.FirstNonWhiteAction
static class ActionFactory.FormatAction
static class ActionFactory.GenerateGutterPopupAction
          Select text of whole document
static class ActionFactory.InsertDateTimeAction
static class ActionFactory.JumpListNextAction
          This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryForwardAction in the editor module.
static class ActionFactory.JumpListNextComponentAction
          This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryForwardAction in the editor module.
static class ActionFactory.JumpListPrevAction
          This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryBackAction in the editor module.
static class ActionFactory.JumpListPrevComponentAction
          This implementation is no longer used, see org.netbeans.modules.editor.impl.actions.NavigationHistoryBackAction in the editor module.
static class ActionFactory.LastNonWhiteAction
static class ActionFactory.RedoAction
static class ActionFactory.ReindentLineAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveLineAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveLineBeginAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveSelectionAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveTabAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveWordNextAction
static class ActionFactory.RemoveWordPreviousAction
static class ActionFactory.RunMacroAction
static class ActionFactory.ScrollDownAction
static class ActionFactory.ScrollUpAction
static class ActionFactory.SelectIdentifierAction
static class ActionFactory.SelectNextParameterAction
static class ActionFactory.ShiftLineAction
static class ActionFactory.StartMacroRecordingAction
static class ActionFactory.StartNewLine
          Starts a new line in code.
static class ActionFactory.StopMacroRecordingAction
static class ActionFactory.ToggleHighlightSearchAction
static class ActionFactory.ToggleLineNumbersAction
          Switch visibility of line numbers in editor
static class ActionFactory.ToggleTypingModeAction
          Switch to overwrite mode or back to insert mode
static class ActionFactory.UndoAction
static class ActionFactory.WordMatchAction
static class BaseKit.BackwardAction
static class BaseKit.BeepAction
static class BaseKit.BeginAction
static class BaseKit.BeginLineAction
static class BaseKit.BeginWordAction
static class BaseKit.CompoundAction
          Compound action that encapsulates several actions
static class BaseKit.CopyAction
static class BaseKit.CutAction
static class BaseKit.DefaultKeyTypedAction
          Default typed action
static class BaseKit.DeleteCharAction
          Remove previous or next character
static class BaseKit.DownAction
static class BaseKit.EndAction
static class BaseKit.EndLineAction
static class BaseKit.EndWordAction
static class BaseKit.ForwardAction
static class BaseKit.InsertBreakAction
static class BaseKit.InsertContentAction
static class BaseKit.InsertStringAction
          Insert text specified in constructor
static class BaseKit.InsertTabAction
static class BaseKit.KitCompoundAction
          Compound action that gets and executes its actions depending on the kit of the component.
static class BaseKit.NextWordAction
static class BaseKit.PageDownAction
          Go one page down
static class BaseKit.PageUpAction
          Go one page up
static class BaseKit.PasteAction
static class BaseKit.PreviousWordAction
static class BaseKit.ReadOnlyAction
static class BaseKit.RemoveTrailingSpacesAction
static class BaseKit.SelectAllAction
          Select text of whole document
static class BaseKit.SelectLineAction
          Select line around caret
static class BaseKit.SelectWordAction
          Select word around caret
static class BaseKit.SplitLineAction
static class BaseKit.UpAction
static class BaseKit.WritableAction

Uses of BaseAction in org.netbeans.editor.ext

Subclasses of BaseAction in org.netbeans.editor.ext
static class ExtKit.AllCompletionShowAction
static class ExtKit.BuildPopupMenuAction
          Called before the popup menu is shown to possibly rebuild the popup menu.
static class ExtKit.BuildToolTipAction
static class ExtKit.CodeSelectAction
          Deprecated. this action is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
static class ExtKit.CommentAction
static class ExtKit.CompletionShowAction
static class ExtKit.CompletionTooltipShowAction
static class ExtKit.DocumentationShowAction
static class ExtKit.EscapeAction
          Executed when the Escape key is pressed.
static class ExtKit.ExtDefaultKeyTypedAction
static class ExtKit.ExtDeleteCharAction
static class ExtKit.FindAction
static class ExtKit.GotoAction
static class ExtKit.GotoDeclarationAction
          Action to go to the declaration of the variable under the caret.
static class ExtKit.MatchBraceAction
static class ExtKit.PrefixMakerAction
          Prefix maker adds the prefix before the identifier under cursor.
static class ExtKit.ReplaceAction
static class ExtKit.ShowPopupMenuAction
          Show the popup menu.
static class ExtKit.ToggleCaseIdentifierBeginAction
static class ExtKit.UncommentAction

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.