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F-Index (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3


FALSE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AcceptorFactory
FAST_IMPORT_PACKAGE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSettingsNames
Deprecated. replaced by FAST_IMPORT_SELECTION
FAST_IMPORT_SELECTION - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSettingsNames
Whether the fast import should offer packages instead of classes Values: java.lang.Integer
FILE_NAME_PROP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
File name property
FileAccessor - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
DataAccessor for Code Completion DB files via RandomAccessFile implementation
FileAccessor(File) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileAccessor
Creates a new instance of FileAccessor
fileNotFound - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
FileStorage - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Management of storage of the data for the java completion.
FileStorage(String) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
FileStorage(String, StringCache) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
FileStorage(DataAccessor, StringCache) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
filterValue(Class, String, Object) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.Settings.Filter
Filter single value.
filterValueHierarchy(Class, String, Settings.KitAndValue[]) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.Settings.Filter
Filter array of kit-class and value pairs.
finalize() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.LeafElement
finalize() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.MarkBlock
Destroy the marks if necessary
find(Finder, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
Find something in document using a finder.
find(BaseDocument, int, int, Map, boolean) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.DocumentFinder
Deprecated. Finds in document
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFinderFactory.LineBlocksFinder
find function that must be defined by descendant
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFinderFactory.LineBwdFinder
find function that must be defined by descendant
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFinderFactory.LineFwdFinder
find function that must be defined by descendant
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.Finder
This is the most important function in finder.
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.FalseBlocksFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.FalseFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericBwdFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericFwdFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.PosVisColFwdFinder
finds BOL on current line
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.TrueFinder
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.VisColPosFwdFinder
finds BOL on current line
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder
find(Map, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
Deprecated. Find the text from the caret position.
find(int, char[], int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.WordMatch
FIND_BACKWARD_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH_END - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_BLOCK_SEARCH_START - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_HIGHLIGHT_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_HISTORY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_HISTORY_CHANGED_PROP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
FIND_HISTORY_PROP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
FIND_HISTORY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_INC_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_INC_SEARCH_DELAY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_MATCH_CASE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_REG_EXP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_REPLACE_WITH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_SMART_CASE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_WHAT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_WHOLE_WORDS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
FIND_WRAP_SEARCH - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
findAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtKit
Open find dialog action - this action is defined in view package, but its name is defined here for clarity
findAnyToken(TokenItem, TokenItem, TokenID[], TokenContextPath, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Search for any of the image tokens from the given array and return if the token matches any item from the array.
findBlocks(BaseDocument, int, int, Map, int[]) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.DocumentFinder
findDeclarationPosition(String, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport
Find either the local or global declaration position.
FindDialogPanel - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Deprecated. Without any replacement.
FindDialogPanel() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FindDialogPanel
Deprecated. Initializes the Form
FindDialogSupport - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Deprecated. Without any replacement.
findEdit(Class) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocumentEvent
Finder - Interface in org.netbeans.editor
Finders are used to find some information in document without creating copy of the data.
FinderFactory - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Various finders are located here.
FinderFactory() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory
FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Support for creating blocks finders.
FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractBlocksFinder
FinderFactory.AbstractFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Abstract finder implementation.
FinderFactory.AbstractFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
FinderFactory.AcceptorBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
FinderFactory.AcceptorBwdFinder(Acceptor) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AcceptorBwdFinder
FinderFactory.AcceptorFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
FinderFactory.AcceptorFwdFinder(Acceptor) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AcceptorFwdFinder
FinderFactory.BlocksFinder - Interface in org.netbeans.editor
Finder that constructs [begin-pos, end-pos] blocks.
FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Searches for anyone of the specified chars in backward direction.
FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder(char[]) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.CharArrayBwdFinder
FinderFactory.CharArrayFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Searches for anyone of the specified chars in forward direction.
FinderFactory.CharArrayFwdFinder(char[]) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.CharArrayFwdFinder
FinderFactory.CharBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Searches for the specified char in backward direction.
FinderFactory.CharBwdFinder(char) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.CharBwdFinder
FinderFactory.CharFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Searches for the specified char in forward direction.
FinderFactory.CharFwdFinder(char) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.CharFwdFinder
FinderFactory.FalseBlocksFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
FinderFactory.FalseBlocksFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.FalseBlocksFinder
FinderFactory.FalseFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Request non-existent position immediately
FinderFactory.FalseFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.FalseFinder
FinderFactory.GenericBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Generic backward finder that simplifies the search process.
FinderFactory.GenericBwdFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericBwdFinder
FinderFactory.GenericFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
FinderFactory.GenericFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericFinder
FinderFactory.GenericFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Generic forward finder that simplifies the search process.
FinderFactory.GenericFwdFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericFwdFinder
FinderFactory.NextWordFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Next word forward finder
FinderFactory.NextWordFwdFinder(BaseDocument, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.NextWordFwdFinder
FinderFactory.NonWhiteBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Find first non-white character backward
FinderFactory.NonWhiteBwdFinder(BaseDocument) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.NonWhiteBwdFinder
FinderFactory.NonWhiteFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Find first non-white character forward
FinderFactory.NonWhiteFwdFinder(BaseDocument) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.NonWhiteFwdFinder
FinderFactory.PosVisColFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Finder for getting visual column value for particular position.
FinderFactory.PosVisColFwdFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.PosVisColFwdFinder
FinderFactory.PreviousWordBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Find start of the word.
FinderFactory.PreviousWordBwdFinder(BaseDocument, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.PreviousWordBwdFinder
FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String forward finder that creates position blocks
FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.StringBlocksFinder
FinderFactory.StringBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String backward finder
FinderFactory.StringBwdFinder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.StringBwdFinder
FinderFactory.StringFinder - Interface in org.netbeans.editor
Finder that looks for some search expression expressed by string.
FinderFactory.StringFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String forward finder
FinderFactory.StringFwdFinder(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.StringFwdFinder
FinderFactory.TrueFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Return successful match on the first searched char
FinderFactory.TrueFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.TrueFinder
FinderFactory.VisColPosFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Finder for getting position from visual column knowledge.
FinderFactory.VisColPosFwdFinder() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.VisColPosFwdFinder
FinderFactory.WhiteBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Find first white character backward
FinderFactory.WhiteBwdFinder(BaseDocument) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WhiteBwdFinder
FinderFactory.WhiteFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Find first white character forward
FinderFactory.WhiteFwdFinder(BaseDocument) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WhiteFwdFinder
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String forward finder that finds whole words only and that creates position blocks.
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder(BaseDocument, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WholeWordsBlocksFinder
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String backward finder that finds whole words only.
FinderFactory.WholeWordsBwdFinder(BaseDocument, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WholeWordsBwdFinder
FinderFactory.WholeWordsFwdFinder - Class in org.netbeans.editor
String forward finder that finds whole words only.
FinderFactory.WholeWordsFwdFinder(BaseDocument, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.WholeWordsFwdFinder
findFirstLFOffset(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
findFirstLFOffset(String) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
findFirstNonSpace(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
Return the first index that is not space
findFirstNonTab(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
Return the first index that is not space
findFirstNonWhite(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
Return the first index that is not space or tab or new-line char
findFirstTab(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
findFirstTabOrLF(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
findFirstToken(TokenItem) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the first token in chain.
findFirstToken(TokenItem) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatWriter
Find the first token in the chain.
findGlobalDeclarationPosition(String, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport
Get the position of the global declaration of a given variable.
findImportant(FormatTokenPosition, FormatTokenPosition, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Get the first position that is not whitespace and that is not comment.
findImportantToken(TokenItem, TokenItem, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Find the first non-whitespace and non-comment token in the given direction.
findInBlock(JTextComponent, int, int, int, Map, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
Deprecated. Find the searched expression
findIndex(ObjectArray, Object) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.ObjectArrayUtilities
Get index of the occurrence of the given item in the object array by using binary search and scanning the adjacent items that are equal copmared to the searched item.
findIndex(ObjectArray, Object, Comparator) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.ObjectArrayUtilities
Get index of the occurrence of the given item in the object array by using binary search and scanning the adjacent items that are equal copmared to the searched item.
findInsideBlocks(Finder, int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.SyntaxSupport
findLastNonWhite(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Analyzer
Return the last index that is not space or tab or new-line char
findLayer(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
findLayer(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorUI
Deprecated. Please use Highlighting SPI instead, for details see Editor Library 2.
findLineDistance(FormatTokenPosition, FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Find how many EOLs is between two token-position.
findLineEnd(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the ending position of the line.
findLineEndNonImportant(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Get the start of the area of line where there is only whitespace or comment till the end of the line.
findLineEndWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Return the ending whitespace on the line or null if there's no such token on the given line.
findLineFirstImportant(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Get the first non-whitespace and non-comment token or null.
findLineFirstNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Return the first non-whitespace character on the line or null if there is no non-WS char on the line.
findLineStart(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the starting position of the line.
findLocalDeclarationPosition(String, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport
findLowerViewIndex(View, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.ViewUtilitiesImpl
The semantics is the same like findViewIndex() but if there are any empty views at the offset (e.g.
findMatchingBlock(int, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport
Find matching bracket or more generally block that matches with the current position.
findMatchingToken(TokenItem, TokenItem, TokenID, String, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
This method can be used to find a matching brace token.
findMatchingToken(TokenItem, TokenItem, ImageTokenID, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
findNextAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
Find next occurence action
findNextEOL(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the first EOL in forward direction.
findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
findNonEmptyToken(TokenItem, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatWriter
Check whether the given token has empty text and if so start searching for token with non-empty text in the given direction.
findNonWhitespace(FormatTokenPosition, FormatTokenPosition, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the first non-whitespace position in the given direction.
findOutsideBlocks(Finder, int, int, int[]) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.SyntaxSupport
findPreviousAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
Find previous occurence action
findPreviousEOL(FormatTokenPosition) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Get the first EOL in backward direction.
findReplaceResult(String, BaseDocument, int, int, Map, boolean) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.DocumentFinder
Deprecated. Finds the searching string and substitute replace expression in case of regexp backreferences.
findSelectionAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
Find current word
FindSupport - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Deprecated. Without any replacement.
FindSupport.SearchPatternWrapper - Class in org.netbeans.editor
FindSupport.SearchPatternWrapper(String, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport.SearchPatternWrapper
findToken(TokenItem, TokenItem, TokenID, TokenContextPath, String, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatSupport
Find the token either by token-id or token-text or both.
findType(String, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport
Find the type of the variable.
findUpperViewIndex(View, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.ViewUtilitiesImpl
The semantics is the same like findViewIndex() but if there are any empty views at the offset (e.g.
findValue(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseAction
Deprecated. this method is deprecated like the LocaleSupport which it uses by default. It should be replaced by implementing BaseAction.getShortDescriptionBundleClass()
findViewIndex(View, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.ViewUtilitiesImpl
Find the child view index that best represents the given offset.
findViewIndexBounded(View, int) - Static method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.ViewUtilitiesImpl
Find child index representing the given offset or -1 if the offset is not represented by any child view i.e.
findWhat - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FindDialogPanel
findWhatLabel - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FindDialogPanel
findWhatPanel - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FindDialogPanel
finishScan() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.KeywordMatchGenerator
fireChangedAll() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.Annotations
Fire AnnotationsListener.ChangedAll change
fireChangedLine(int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.Annotations
Fire AnnotationsListener.ChangedLine change
fireChangedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
fireInsertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationDesc
Fire property change to registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Fire property change to registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Fire property change to registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorUI
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Fire the change of the given property.
firePropertyChange(Object, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.WeakPropertyChangeSupport
fireRemoveUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
fireStateChanged() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
Notifies listeners that caret position has changed
fireUndoableEditUpdate(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
first() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CharacterArrayIterator
firstNonWhiteAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
First non-white character on the line
flasher - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
Timer used for blinking the caret
flush() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatWriter
flyInstance(View) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.view.spi.FlyView
Create an instance of the view dependent on the context given by the parent view.
FlyView - Interface in org.netbeans.editor.view.spi
Interface marking the flyweight views.
FlyView.Parent - Interface in org.netbeans.editor.view.spi
Interface that views capable of maintaining flyweight views as their children must implement.
FMT_GUARDED_INSERT_LOCALE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument
FMT_GUARDED_REMOVE_LOCALE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.GotoDialogPanel
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.GotoDialogPanel
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
foldHierarchyChanged(FoldHierarchyEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
FoldingToolTip - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Component for displaying folded part of code in tooltip
FoldingToolTip(View, EditorUI) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FoldingToolTip
Creates a new instance of FoldingToolTip
font - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
FONT_MODE_APPLY_NAME - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.Coloring
Apply only the name from the font.
FONT_MODE_APPLY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.Coloring
Apply only the size from the font.
FONT_MODE_APPLY_STYLE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.Coloring
Apply only the style from the font.
FONT_MODE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.Coloring
Replace the underlying font by the coloring's font.
FontMetricsCache - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Static cache that holds the font metrics for the fonts.
FontMetricsCache() - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.FontMetricsCache
FontMetricsCache.Info - Interface in org.netbeans.editor
foreColor - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
foreColor - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.DrawLayerFactory.StyleLayer
foreColor - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionQuery.DefaultResultItem
Color used for painting text of non-selected item
format(FormatWriter) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatter
Called by format-writer to do the format
format(FormatWriter) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatLayer
Format the tokens begining with the firstItem till the end.
formatAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
Format part of the document text using Indent
FormatLayer - Interface in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Formatting layer that can be added to BaseFormatter to format the tokens.
formatLayerIterator() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtFormatter
Get the iterator over the format layers.
FormatSupport - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Format support presents a set of operations over the format-writer that is specific for the given set of formatting layers.
FormatSupport(FormatWriter) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FormatSupport
Formatter - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Various services related to indentation and text formatting are located here.
Formatter(Class) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.Formatter
Construct new formatter.
FormatTokenPosition - Interface in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Position consisting of the token-item and the offset inside it.
FormatWriter - Class in org.netbeans.editor.ext
Formatting writter accepts the input-text, formats it and writes the output to the underlying writer.
forward - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.GenericFinder
Flag that determines whether the search is in the forward direction
forwardHistory() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionJavaDoc
found - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.FinderFactory.AbstractFinder
Was the string found?
fromAttributeSet(AttributeSet) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Coloring
Converts AttributeSet to a Coloring.
frontAnnotation(AnnotationDesc) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.Annotations
Move annotation in front of others.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3
Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.