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P-Index (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3


packed - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseView
Is this view packed
pageDown() - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionView
Go down one page in the data item list.
pageDown() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ListCompletionView
pageUp() - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionView
Go up one page in the data item list.
pageUp() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ListCompletionView
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
Renders the caret
paint(Graphics, Shape) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseView
It divides painting into three areas: INSETS_TOP, MAIN_AREA, INSETS_BOTTOM.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorUI
This method is called by textui to do the paint.
paint(Graphics, Shape) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.view.spi.LockView
paint(View, Graphics, Shape, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.view.spi.ViewRenderingContext
Paint the glyphs representing the given range.
paint(Graphics, Shape) - Method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.GapBoxView
Render the view using the given allocation and rendering surface.
paint(Graphics, Shape) - Method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.GapDocumentView
PAINT_END_MARK - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
PAINT_LINE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
PAINT_MARK - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
PAINT_NOOP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
Paint operations
paintAreas(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseView
Paint either top insets, main area, or bottom insets.
paintAreas(Graphics, int, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.LeafView
Paint either top insets, main area, or bottom insets depending on paintAreas variable
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FoldingToolTip
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.GlyphGutter
Paint the gutter itself
paintCustomCaret(Graphics) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
PAIR_CHARACTERS_COMPLETION - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
Completion of { } [ ] " " ' ' and tags
parent - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseElement
Parent element
parseFile(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.SyntaxDebug
Scans the whole file by some syntax scanner.
parseLink(String, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionJavaDoc
Parses given link such as java.awt.Component#addHierarchyListener and returns parsed Object
parseToken() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.Syntax
This is core function of analyzer and it returns either the token-id or null to indicate that the end of buffer was found.
pasteFormatedAction - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseKit
Paste and reformat code
performAction(CodeFoldingSideBar.Mark) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.CodeFoldingSideBar
performAction(Action, ActionEvent, JTextComponent) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Utilities
performClickAction(Document, int) - Method in interface org.netbeans.lib.editor.hyperlink.spi.HyperlinkProvider
The implementor should perform an action corresponding to clicking on the hyperlink on the given offset.
performGoto() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.GotoDialogSupport
Perform the goto operation.
performResults() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.Completion
Show result popup.
popup(boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.Completion
Get the help and show it in the view.
POPUP_MENU_ACTION_NAME_LIST - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSettingsNames
List of the action names that should be shown in the popup menu.
POPUP_MENU_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSettingsNames
Whether popup menu will be displayed on mouse right-click or not.
POPUP_MENU_TEXT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseAction
Text of the menu item in popup menu for this action
PopupManager - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Popup manager allows to display an arbitrary popup component over the underlying text component.
PopupManager(JTextComponent) - Constructor for class org.netbeans.editor.PopupManager
Creates a new instance of PopupManager
PopupManager.HorizontalBounds - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Horizontal bounds of popup panel specification
PopupManager.Placement - Class in org.netbeans.editor
Placement of popup panel specification
popupNotify(KeyEventBlocker) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.GotoDialogPanel
the method called to ensure that the input field would be a focused component with the content selected
popupNotify() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.MacroSavePanel
postRemoveUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
preferenceChanged(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseTextUI
Specifies that some preference has changed.
preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.view.spi.LockView
preferenceChanged(View, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.GapBoxView
Child views can call this on the parent to indicate that the preference has changed and should be reconsidered for layout.
preInsertCheck(int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
This method is called automatically before the document insertion occurs and can be used to revoke the insertion before it occurs by throwing the BadLocationException.
preInsertCheck(int, String, AttributeSet) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument
This method is called automatically before the document is updated as result of removal.
preInsertUpdate(AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent, AttributeSet) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
preRemoveCheck(int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
This method is called automatically before the document removal occurs and can be used to revoke the removal before it occurs by throwing the BadLocationException.
preRemoveCheck(int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.GuardedDocument
This method is called automatically before the document is updated as result of removal.
prev - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.MarkBlock
Previous block in the chain
prev - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.MarkFactory.ChainDrawMark
Previous mark in chain
previous() - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CharacterArrayIterator
PREVIOUS_WORD_FINDER - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
Finder for finding the previous word.
print(PrintContainer) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
print(PrintContainer, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
Print into given container.
print(PrintContainer, boolean, Boolean, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
Print into given container.
PRINT_LINE_NUMBER_VISIBLE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.SettingsNames
Whether to display line numbers when printing to the printer.
PrintContainer - Interface in org.netbeans.editor
Container for printed text.
processRepaint(ViewLayoutState.Parent) - Method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.GapBoxView
Process pending repaint requests from children.
processRepaint(ViewLayoutState.Parent) - Method in class org.netbeans.lib.editor.view.GapDocumentView
processText(TextBatchProcessor, int, int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument
Perform any generic text processing.
processTextBatch(BaseDocument, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface org.netbeans.editor.TextBatchProcessor
Process one batch of the text.
PROP_ACTIONS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Actions (Action[])
PROP_ACTIONS_FOLDER - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_ANNOTATION_TYPE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationDesc
Property name of the annotation type
PROP_ANNOTATION_TYPES - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Property which is fired when list of annotation types is changing.
PROP_BACKGROUND_DRAWING - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Whether the pasive glyphs are drawn on the background under the text (boolean).
PROP_BACKGROUND_GLYPH_ALPHA - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
The alpha of the pasive glyphs drawn on the background under the text (int 0..100%).
PROP_BROWSEABLE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_COMBINATION_MINIMUM_OPTIONALS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_COMBINATION_ORDER - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_COMBINATION_TOOLTIP_TEXT_KEY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_COMBINATIONS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Combinations (AnnotationType.CombinationMember[]).
PROP_COMBINE_GLYPHS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Whether the glyphs should be combined according to combination annotation types (boolean).
PROP_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for ContentType (String)
PROP_CUSTOM_SIDEBAR_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Description (String)
PROP_DESCRIPTION_KEY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_DISMISS_DELAY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the dismiss delay change
PROP_ENABLED - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the enabled flag change
PROP_FILE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property holding the object which represent the source of this annotation type.
PROP_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Foreground (Color)
PROP_GLYPH_URL - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Glyph (URL)
PROP_GLYPHS_OVER_LINE_NUMBERS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Whether the glyph icon should be drawn over the line numbers (boolean).
PROP_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Highlight (Color)
PROP_INHERIT_FOREGROUND_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for InheritForegroundColor (Boolean)
PROP_INITIAL_DELAY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the initial delay change
PROP_KEYSEQUENCE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.KeySequenceInputPanel
PROP_LOCALIZING_BUNDLE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_MOVE_TO_FRONT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationDesc
Virtual property for fronting of annotation
PROP_NAME - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Name (String)
PROP_PRIORITY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_SEVERITY - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationDesc
Property name of the tip text
PROP_SHOW_GLYPH_GUTTER - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationTypes
Whether the glyph gutter should be shown after opening editor or not (boolean).
PROP_STATUS - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the visibility status change.
PROP_TOOL_TIP - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the tooltip component change
PROP_TOOL_TIP_TEXT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
Property for the tooltip text change
PROP_TOOLTIP_TEXT - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for TooltipText (String)
PROP_USE_CUSTOM_SIDEBAR_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
PROP_USE_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for UseHighlightColor (Boolean)
PROP_USE_WAVEUNDERLINE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for UseWaveUnderlineColor (Boolean)
PROP_VISIBLE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for Visible (boolean)
PROP_WAVEUNDERLINE_COLOR - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for WaveUnderline (Color)
PROP_WHOLE_LINE - Static variable in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Property name for WholeLine (boolean)
propagateValue(Class, String, Object) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.Settings
Set the value for the current kit and propagate it to all the children of the given kit by removing the possible values for the setting from the children kit setting maps.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.Abbrev
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseCaret
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.BaseTextUI
This method gets called when a bound property is changed.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorUI
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.Completion
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.CompletionJavaDoc
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.JDCPopupPanel
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ScrollCompletionPane
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.ToolTipSupport
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.StatusBar
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.WordMatch
provokedByAutoPopup - Variable in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.Completion
put(String, Coloring) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.DrawLayerFactory.WordColoringLayer
put(String[], Coloring) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.DrawLayerFactory.WordColoringLayer
put(List, Coloring) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.DrawLayerFactory.WordColoringLayer
put(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorState
Store the object under specified key
putFindProperties(Map) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
Deprecated. Add/replace properties from some other map to current find properties.
putFindProperty(String, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.FindSupport
Deprecated. Set find property with specified name and fire change.
putInteger(int) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
Put the integer into bytes[] array.
putProp(Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.AnnotationType
Puts property to Map
putProperty(Object, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.EditorUI
putString(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.FileStorage
Put the string into bytes[] array.
putSurviveString(String) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.ext.StringCache
Put a string into cache that will survive there so that it will be never removed.
putValue(String, Object) - Method in class org.netbeans.editor.DelegateAction

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3
Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.