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InstanceDataObject (Datasystems API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Class InstanceDataObject

  extended by org.openide.loaders.DataObject
      extended by org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
          extended by org.openide.loaders.InstanceDataObject
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, InstanceCookie, InstanceCookie.Of, Node.Cookie, HelpCtx.Provider, Lookup.Provider

public class InstanceDataObject
extends MultiDataObject
implements InstanceCookie.Of

A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie. The instances are created by default instantiation; the name of the class to instantiate is stored on disk, typically right in the file name.

This data object is generally used to configure menus and toolbars, though it could be used in any situation requiring instances to be present in a folder; for example, anything using FolderInstance.

Typical instance classes are subclasses of SystemAction to make menu items or toolbar buttons; JSeparator for a menu separator; or JToolBar.Separator for a toolbar separator.

Use create(org.openide.loaders.DataFolder, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) and remove(org.openide.loaders.DataFolder, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) to make the objects. Better yet, use an XML filesystem to install them declaratively.

Instance data object by default recognizes all files with .instance suffix. Such file can have associated optional file attributes:

instantionalized Object (e.g. created by methodvalue at XML filesystem)
String that is tokenized at ':', ',', ';' and whitespace boundaries. Resulting tokens represent class names that created instance is instanceof. Utilizing it may improve performance.
(optional file attributes documented since 3.34).

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
DataObject.Container, DataObject.Registry
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.openide.cookies.InstanceCookie
Field Summary
static String INSTANCE
          File extension for instance data objects.
Fields inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
Constructor Summary
InstanceDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader)
          Create a new instance.
Method Summary
static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder, String name, Class<?> clazz)
          Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder.
static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder, String name, Object instance, ModuleInfo info)
          Create a new InstanceDataObject containing settings in a given folder.
static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder, String name, Object instance, ModuleInfo info, boolean create)
          Create a new InstanceDataObject containing settings in a given folder.
static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder, String name, String className)
          Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder.
protected  Node createNodeDelegate()
          Provides node that should represent this data object.
protected  void dispose()
          Allows subclasses to discard the object.
static InstanceDataObject find(DataFolder folder, String name, Class<?> clazz)
          Finds instance of specified name in a given folder.
static InstanceDataObject find(DataFolder folder, String name, String className)
          Finds instance of specified name in a given folder.
<T extends Node.Cookie>
getCookie(Class<T> clazz)
          Look for a cookie in the current cookie set matching the requested class.
 HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
          Get help context for this object.
 String getName()
          Get the name of the data object.
protected  DataObject handleCopy(DataFolder df)
          Copies primary and secondary files to new folder.
protected  DataObject handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder df, String name)
          Create a new data object from template (implemented in subclasses).
protected  void handleDelete()
          Delete this object (implemented by subclasses).
protected  FileObject handleRename(String name)
          Rename this object (implemented in subclasses).
 Class<?> instanceClass()
 Object instanceCreate()
 String instanceName()
 boolean instanceOf(Class<?> type)
          Query if this instance can create object of given type.
static boolean remove(DataFolder folder, String name, Class<?> clazz)
          Remove an existing instance data object.
static boolean remove(DataFolder folder, String name, String className)
          Remove an existing instance data object.
Methods inherited from class org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject
addSecondaryEntry, files, findSecondaryEntry, getCookieSet, getMultiFileLoader, getPrimaryEntry, handleCopyRename, handleMove, isCopyAllowed, isDeleteAllowed, isMoveAllowed, isRenameAllowed, registerEntry, removeSecondaryEntry, secondaryEntries, setCookieSet, takePrimaryFileLock
Methods inherited from class org.openide.loaders.DataObject
addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, copy, createFromTemplate, createFromTemplate, createFromTemplate, createShadow, delete, find, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getCookie, getFolder, getLoader, getLookup, getNodeDelegate, getPrimaryFile, getRegistry, handleCreateShadow, isModified, isShadowAllowed, isTemplate, isValid, markFiles, move, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, rename, setModified, setTemplate, setValid, toString, writeReplace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String INSTANCE
File extension for instance data objects.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public InstanceDataObject(FileObject pf,
                          MultiFileLoader loader)
                   throws DataObjectExistsException
Create a new instance. Do not use this to make instances; use create(org.openide.loaders.DataFolder, java.lang.String, java.lang.String).

pf - primary file object for this data object
loader - the loader
DataObjectExistsException - if it already exists
Method Detail


public static InstanceDataObject find(DataFolder folder,
                                      String name,
                                      String className)
Finds instance of specified name in a given folder.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed)
className - the name of the class the new object should provide an instance of
the found instance data object or null if it does not exist


public static InstanceDataObject find(DataFolder folder,
                                      String name,
                                      Class<?> clazz)
Finds instance of specified name in a given folder.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed)
clazz - the class to create instance for (see class header for details)
the found instance data object or null if it does not exist


public static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder,
                                        String name,
                                        String className)
                                 throws IOException
Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder. If object with specified name already exists, it is returned. You should specify the name if there is a chance another file of the same instance class already exists in the folder; or just to provide a more descriptive name, which will appear in the Explorer for example.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed) but name cannot be empty
className - the name of the class the new object should provide an instance of (see class header for details)
the newly created or existing instance data object
IOException - if the file cannot be created


public static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder,
                                        String name,
                                        Class<?> clazz)
                                 throws IOException
Create a new InstanceDataObject in a given folder. If object with specified name already exists, it is returned. You should specify the name if there is a chance another file of the same instance class already exists in the folder; or just to provide a more descriptive name, which will appear in the Explorer for example.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed)
clazz - the class to create instance for (see class header for details)
the newly created or existing instance data object
IOException - if the file cannot be created


public static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder,
                                        String name,
                                        Object instance,
                                        ModuleInfo info)
                                 throws IOException
Create a new InstanceDataObject containing settings in a given folder. If object with specified name already exists, it is returned. If the module info is null then the origin module info of an instance class is tried to find out.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed) but name cannot be empty
instance - the serializable instance
info - the module info describing the settings provenance (can be null)
the newly created or existing instance data object
IOException - if the file cannot be created


public static InstanceDataObject create(DataFolder folder,
                                        String name,
                                        Object instance,
                                        ModuleInfo info,
                                        boolean create)
                                 throws IOException
Create a new InstanceDataObject containing settings in a given folder. If the module info is null then the origin module info of an instance class is tried to find out.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to create the instance data object in
name - the name to give to the object (can be null if no special name besides the class name is needed) but name cannot be empty
instance - the serializable instance
info - the module info describing the settings provenance (can be null)
create - true - always create new file; false - store to existing file if exist
the newly created or existing instance data object
IOException - if the file cannot be created


public static boolean remove(DataFolder folder,
                             String name,
                             String className)
Remove an existing instance data object. If you have the exact file name, just call DataObject.delete(); this method lets you delete an instance you do not have an exact record of the file name for, based on the same information used to create it.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to remove the file from
name - the name of the instance (can be null)
className - the name of class the object referred to (see class header for details)
true if the instance was succesfully removed, false if not


public static boolean remove(DataFolder folder,
                             String name,
                             Class<?> clazz)
Remove an existing instance data object. If you have the exact file name, just call DataObject.delete(); this method lets you delete an instance you do not have an exact record of the file name for, based on the same information used to create it.

Note: use of XML layers to install instances is generally preferred.

folder - the folder to remove the file from
name - the name of the instance (can be null)
clazz - the class the object referred to (see class header for details)
true if the instance was succesfully removed, false if not


public HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
Description copied from class: DataObject
Get help context for this object.

Specified by:
getHelpCtx in interface HelpCtx.Provider
getHelpCtx in class MultiDataObject
the help context


protected Node createNodeDelegate()
Description copied from class: MultiDataObject
Provides node that should represent this data object.

createNodeDelegate in class MultiDataObject
the node representation
See Also:


public <T extends Node.Cookie> T getCookie(Class<T> clazz)
Description copied from class: MultiDataObject
Look for a cookie in the current cookie set matching the requested class.

getCookie in class MultiDataObject
clazz - the class to look for
an instance of that class, or null if this class of cookie is not supported


public String instanceName()
Specified by:
instanceName in interface InstanceCookie


public Class<?> instanceClass()
                       throws IOException,
Specified by:
instanceClass in interface InstanceCookie


public boolean instanceOf(Class<?> type)
Query if this instance can create object of given type.

Specified by:
instanceOf in interface InstanceCookie.Of
type - the type to create
true or false


public Object instanceCreate()
                      throws IOException,
Specified by:
instanceCreate in interface InstanceCookie


public String getName()
Description copied from class: DataObject
Get the name of the data object.

The default implementation uses the name of the primary file.

getName in class DataObject
the name


protected FileObject handleRename(String name)
                           throws IOException
Description copied from class: DataObject
Rename this object (implemented in subclasses).

handleRename in class MultiDataObject
name - name to rename the object to
new primary file of the object
IOException - if an error occures


protected DataObject handleCreateFromTemplate(DataFolder df,
                                              String name)
                                       throws IOException
Description copied from class: DataObject
Create a new data object from template (implemented in subclasses). This method should copy the content of the template to the destination folder and assign a new name to the new object.

handleCreateFromTemplate in class MultiDataObject
df - data folder to create object in
name - name to give to the new object (or null if the name should be chosen according to the template)
the new data object
IOException - if an error occured


protected DataObject handleCopy(DataFolder df)
                         throws IOException
Description copied from class: MultiDataObject
Copies primary and secondary files to new folder. May ask for user confirmation before overwriting.

handleCopy in class MultiDataObject
df - the new folder
data object for the new primary
IOException - if there was a problem copying
UserCancelException - if the user cancelled the copy


protected void dispose()
Description copied from class: DataObject
Allows subclasses to discard the object. When an object is discarded, it is released from the list of objects registered in the system. Then the contents of the parent folder (if it still exists) are rescanned, which may result in the creation of a new data object for the primary file.

The normal use of this method is to change the type of a data object. Because this would usually only be invoked from the original data object, it is protected.

dispose in class DataObject


protected void handleDelete()
                     throws IOException
Description copied from class: DataObject
Delete this object (implemented by subclasses).

handleDelete in class MultiDataObject
IOException - if an error occures

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.