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ModuleInfo (Module System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.modules 7.2

Class ModuleInfo

  extended by org.openide.modules.ModuleInfo

public abstract class ModuleInfo
extends Object

General information about a module. Immutable from an API perspective, serves as a source of information only. All instances may be gotten via lookup. It is forbidden for module code to register instances of this class.


Field Summary
static String PROP_ENABLED
          Property name fired when enabled or disabled.
Constructor Summary
protected ModuleInfo()
          Do-nothing constructor.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Add a change listener.
protected  void firePropertyChange(String prop, Object old, Object nue)
          Indicate that something changed, as a subclass.
abstract  Object getAttribute(String attr)
          Get some attribute, for example OpenIDE-Module-Name.
 String getBuildVersion()
          The identification of the build version.
 ClassLoader getClassLoader()
          Get a class loader associated with this module that can load classes defined in the module.
abstract  String getCodeName()
          The full code name, with release version after slash if defined.
abstract  String getCodeNameBase()
          The code name of the module, sans release version.
abstract  int getCodeNameRelease()
          The release version (-1 if undefined).
abstract  Set<Dependency> getDependencies()
          Get a list of all dependencies this module has.
 String getDisplayName()
          Get a localized display name, if available.
 String getImplementationVersion()
          The implementation version, or null.
abstract  Object getLocalizedAttribute(String attr)
          Get an attribute with localization.
 String[] getProvides()
          Get a set of capabilities which this module provides to others that may require it.
abstract  SpecificationVersion getSpecificationVersion()
          The specification version, or null.
abstract  boolean isEnabled()
          Whether the module is currently enabled.
abstract  boolean owns(Class<?> clazz)
          Determine if the provided class was loaded as a part of this module, and thus will only be loadable later if this module is enabled.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Remove a change listener.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String PROP_ENABLED
Property name fired when enabled or disabled. For changes in other attributes, property name can match manifest attribute name, for example OpenIDE-Module-Specification-Version after upgrade.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected ModuleInfo()
Do-nothing constructor.

Method Detail


public abstract String getCodeNameBase()
The code name of the module, sans release version.


public abstract int getCodeNameRelease()
The release version (-1 if undefined).


public abstract String getCodeName()
The full code name, with release version after slash if defined.


public String getDisplayName()
Get a localized display name, if available. As a fallback provides the code name (base). Convenience method only.


public abstract SpecificationVersion getSpecificationVersion()
The specification version, or null.


public String getImplementationVersion()
The implementation version, or null. Convenience method only.


public String getBuildVersion()
The identification of the build version. Usually build number. If no specific build version is provided then this method delegates to getImplementationVersion().

textual identification of build version or the value for implementation version


public abstract boolean isEnabled()
Whether the module is currently enabled.


public abstract Object getAttribute(String attr)
Get some attribute, for example OpenIDE-Module-Name. Not all manifest attributes need be supported here. Attributes not present in the manifest may be available.


public abstract Object getLocalizedAttribute(String attr)
Get an attribute with localization. That is, if there is a suitable locale variant of the attribute name, return its value rather than the value of the base attribute.


public final void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Add a change listener.


public final void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Remove a change listener.


protected final void firePropertyChange(String prop,
                                        Object old,
                                        Object nue)
Indicate that something changed, as a subclass. Changes are fired synchronously (but this method need not be called synchronously).


public abstract Set<Dependency> getDependencies()
Get a list of all dependencies this module has.


public abstract boolean owns(Class<?> clazz)
Determine if the provided class was loaded as a part of this module, and thus will only be loadable later if this module is enabled. If in doubt, return false.



public ClassLoader getClassLoader()
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
Get a class loader associated with this module that can load classes defined in the module.

You can only call this method on an enabled module, and the result may change if the module is disabled and reënabled.

The class loader may or may not be shared with any other module, or be the application's startup class loader, etc.

For reasons of backward compatibility, this method is not abstract but will throw UnsupportedOperationException if not overridden. The instances obtainable from default lookup will override the method to return a real value.

a module class loader
IllegalArgumentException - if this module is disabled


public String[] getProvides()
Get a set of capabilities which this module provides to others that may require it. The default implementation returns an empty array.

an array of tokens, possibly empty but not null

org.openide.modules 7.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.