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Node (Nodes API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Class Node

  extended by java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
      extended by org.openide.nodes.Node
All Implemented Interfaces:
HelpCtx.Provider, Lookup.Provider
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractNode, FilterNode

public abstract class Node
extends FeatureDescriptor
implements Lookup.Provider, HelpCtx.Provider

A node represents one element in a hierarchy of objects (beans). It provides all methods that are needed for communication between an explorer view and the bean.

The node has three purposes:

  1. visually represent the object in the tree hierarchy (i.e. Explorer)
  2. provide sets of properties for that object (i.e. Component Inspector, Property Sheet)
  3. offer actions to perform on itself

Frequently nodes are created to represent DataObjects. But they may also represent anything to be displayed to the user or manipulated programmatically, even if they have no data directly stored behind them; for example, a control panel or debugger breakpoint.

There are two listeners in this class: PropertyChangeListener and NodeListener (which extends PropertyChangeListener). The first is designed to listen on properties that can be returned from getPropertySets(), the later for listening on changes in the node itself (including the name, children, parent, set of properties, icons, etc.). Be sure to distinguish between these two.

The node is cloneable. When a node is cloned, it is initialized with an empty set of listeners and no parent. The display name and short description are copied to the new node. The set of properties is shared.

Implements Lookup.Provider since 3.11.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Node.Cookie
          Marker interface for all cookies.
static interface Node.Handle
          Serializable node reference.
static class Node.IndexedProperty<T,E>
          Description of an indexed property and operations on it.
static class Node.Property<T>
          Description of a Bean property on a node, and operations on it.
static class Node.PropertySet
          Class that represents one set of properties.
Field Summary
static Node EMPTY
          An empty leaf node.
static String PROP_COOKIE
          Property for a node's cookie set.
          Property for node display name.
static String PROP_ICON
          Property for the normal (closed) icon of a node.
static String PROP_LEAF
          Property saying whether the Node is Leaf
static String PROP_NAME
          Property for internal (not displayable) name of a node.
static String PROP_OPENED_ICON
          Property for the opened icon of a node.
static String PROP_PARENT_NODE
          Property for a node's parent.
          Property for a node's list of property sets.
          Property for short description of a node.
Constructor Summary
protected Node(Children h)
          Creates a new node with a given hierarchy of children.
protected Node(Children h, Lookup lookup)
          Creates a new node with a given hierarchy of children and a lookup providing content for getCookie(java.lang.Class) and getLookup() methods.
Method Summary
 void addNodeListener(NodeListener l)
          Add a listener to changes in the node's intrinsic properties (name, cookies, etc.).
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Add a listener to the node's computed Bean properties.
abstract  boolean canCopy()
          Test whether this node permits copying.
abstract  boolean canCut()
          Test whether this node permits cutting.
abstract  boolean canDestroy()
          Test whether this node can be deleted.
abstract  boolean canRename()
          Test whether this node can be renamed.
abstract  Transferable clipboardCopy()
          Called when a node is to be copied to the clipboard.
abstract  Transferable clipboardCut()
          Called when a node is to be cut to the clipboard.
protected  Object clone()
          Implements Object.clone() to behave correctly if cloning is desired.
abstract  Node cloneNode()
          Clone the node.
 void destroy()
          Remove the node from its parent and deletes it.
abstract  Transferable drag()
          Called when a drag is started with this node.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Compares for equality.
protected  void fireCookieChange()
          Fires a change event for PROP_COOKIE.
protected  void fireDisplayNameChange(String o, String n)
          Allow subclasses that override the getDisplayName method to fire the changes of the name by itself.
protected  void fireIconChange()
          Fire a change event for PROP_ICON.
protected  void fireNameChange(String o, String n)
          Allow subclasses that override the getName method to fire the changes of the name by itself.
protected  void fireNodeDestroyed()
          To all node listeners fire node destroyed notification.
protected  void fireOpenedIconChange()
          Fire a change event for PROP_OPENED_ICON.
protected  void firePropertyChange(String name, Object o, Object n)
          Fire a property change event.
protected  void firePropertySetsChange(Node.PropertySet[] o, Node.PropertySet[] n)
          Fires a (Bean) property change event (for PROP_PROPERTY_SETS).
protected  void fireShortDescriptionChange(String o, String n)
          Allow subclasses that override the getShortDescription method to fire the changes of the description by itself.
 SystemAction[] getActions()
          Deprecated. Use getActions (false) instead.
 Action[] getActions(boolean context)
          Get the set of actions that are associated with this node.
 Children getChildren()
          Get the list of children.
 SystemAction[] getContextActions()
          Deprecated. Use getActions (true) instead.
 JPopupMenu getContextMenu()
          Make a context menu for this node.
<T extends Node.Cookie>
getCookie(Class<T> type)
          Get a cookie for this node.
abstract  Component getCustomizer()
          Get the customizer component.
 SystemAction getDefaultAction()
          Deprecated. Use getPreferredAction() instead.
abstract  PasteType getDropType(Transferable t, int action, int index)
          Determine if there is a paste operation that can be performed on provided transferable.
abstract  Node.Handle getHandle()
          Obtain handle for this node (for serialization).
abstract  HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
          Get context help associated with this node.
 String getHtmlDisplayName()
          Return a variant of the display name containing HTML markup conforming to the limited subset of font-markup HTML supported by the lightweight HTML renderer org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer (font color, bold, italic and strike-through supported; font colors can be UIManager color keys if they are prefixed with a ! character, i.e.
abstract  Image getIcon(int type)
          Find an icon for this node (in the closed state).
 Lookup getLookup()
          Obtains a Lookup representing additional content of this Node.
abstract  NewType[] getNewTypes()
          Get the new types that can be created in this node.
abstract  Image getOpenedIcon(int type)
          Find an icon for this node (in the open state).
 Node getParentNode()
          Get the parent node.
abstract  PasteType[] getPasteTypes(Transferable t)
          Determine which paste operations are allowed when a given transferable is in the clipboard.
 Action getPreferredAction()
          Gets the preferred action for this node.
abstract  Node.PropertySet[] getPropertySets()
          Get the list of property sets for this node.
abstract  boolean hasCustomizer()
          Test whether there is a customizer for this node.
protected  boolean hasPropertyChangeListener()
          Allows to figure out, whether the node has any PropertyChangeListeners attached.
 boolean isLeaf()
          Test whether the node is a leaf, or may contain children.
 void removeNodeListener(NodeListener l)
          Remove a node listener.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Remove a Bean property change listener.
protected  void setChildren(Children ch)
          Allows to change Children of the node.
 void setDisplayName(String s)
          Set the display name.
 void setName(String s)
          Set the system name.
 void setShortDescription(String s)
          Set the short description of the node.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.beans.FeatureDescriptor
attributeNames, getDisplayName, getName, getShortDescription, getValue, isExpert, isHidden, isPreferred, setExpert, setHidden, setPreferred, setValue
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Node EMPTY
An empty leaf node.


public static final String PROP_DISPLAY_NAME
Property for node display name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_NAME
Property for internal (not displayable) name of a node. This name is often used to look up a node in the hierarchy, so it should be chosen to be simple.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_SHORT_DESCRIPTION
Property for short description of a node.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_ICON
Property for the normal (closed) icon of a node.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_OPENED_ICON
Property for the opened icon of a node.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_PARENT_NODE
Property for a node's parent.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_PROPERTY_SETS
Property for a node's list of property sets.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_COOKIE
Property for a node's cookie set.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PROP_LEAF
Property saying whether the Node is Leaf

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


protected Node(Children h)
        throws IllegalStateException
Creates a new node with a given hierarchy of children.

h - the children to use for this node
IllegalStateException - if the children object is already in use by a different node


protected Node(Children h,
               Lookup lookup)
        throws IllegalStateException
Creates a new node with a given hierarchy of children and a lookup providing content for getCookie(java.lang.Class) and getLookup() methods.

As the lookup needs to be constructed before Node's constructor is called, it might not be obvious how to add Node or other objects into it without type casting. Here is the recommended suggestion that uses public/private pair of constructors:

    public MyNode(Children ch, FileObject file) {
        this(ch, file, new InstanceContent());

    /** A private constructor that takes an InstanceContent and
         * uses it as internals for the Node lookup and also allow us
         * to modify the content, for example by adding a reference 
         * to the node itself or any other object we want to represent.
         * @param ch children we wish to use
         * @param file sample object we wish to have in lookup
         * @param content the content created by the first constructor
    private MyNode(Children ch, FileObject file, InstanceContent content) {
        super(ch, new AbstractLookup(content));
        // adds the node to our own lookup
        content.add (this);
        // adds additional items to the lookup
        content.add (file);

h - the children to use for this node
lookup - the lookup to provide content of getLookup() and also getCookie(java.lang.Class)
IllegalStateException - if the children object is already in use by a different node
Method Detail


protected Object clone()
                throws CloneNotSupportedException
Implements Object.clone() to behave correctly if cloning is desired. But Cloneable is not declared by default.

The default implementation checks whether the child list implements Cloneable, and if so, it clones the children. If the child list does not support cloning, Children.LEAF is used instead for the children. The parent of this node is set to null and an empty set of listeners is attached to the node.

clone in class Object
the cloned version of the node
CloneNotSupportedException - if the children cannot be cloned in spite of implementing Cloneable


public abstract Node cloneNode()
Clone the node. The newly created node should reference the same object is this node does, but it should not be inserted as a child to any other node. Also it should have an empty set of listeners. In all other respects the node should behave exactly as the original one does.

copy of this node


public void setName(String s)
Set the system name. Fires a property change event.

setName in class FeatureDescriptor
s - the new name
IllegalArgumentException - if the new name cannot represent a valid node name


public void setDisplayName(String s)
Set the display name. Fires a property change event.

setDisplayName in class FeatureDescriptor
s - the new name


public void setShortDescription(String s)
Set the short description of the node. Fires a property change event.

This description may be used for tool tips, etc.

setShortDescription in class FeatureDescriptor
s - the new description


public abstract Image getIcon(int type)
Find an icon for this node (in the closed state).

type - constant from BeanInfo
icon to use to represent the node


public abstract Image getOpenedIcon(int type)
Find an icon for this node (in the open state). This icon is used when the node may have children and is expanded.

type - constant from BeanInfo
icon to use to represent the node when open


public abstract HelpCtx getHelpCtx()
Get context help associated with this node.

Specified by:
getHelpCtx in interface HelpCtx.Provider
the context help object (could be null or HelpCtx.DEFAULT_HELP)


public final Children getChildren()
Get the list of children.

the children


protected final void setChildren(Children ch)
Allows to change Children of the node. Call to this method aquires write lock on the nodes hierarchy. Take care not to call this method under read lock.

ch - New children to be set on the node.


public final boolean isLeaf()
Test whether the node is a leaf, or may contain children.

true if the children list is actually Children.LEAF


public final Node getParentNode()
Get the parent node.

the parent node, or null if this node is the root of a hierarchy


public abstract boolean canRename()
Test whether this node can be renamed. If true, one can use FeatureDescriptor.getName() to obtain the current name and setName(java.lang.String) to change it.

true if the node can be renamed


public abstract boolean canDestroy()
Test whether this node can be deleted.

true if can


public void destroy()
             throws IOException
Remove the node from its parent and deletes it. The default implementation obtains write access to the children's lock, and removes the node from its parent (if any). Also fires a property change.

This may be overridden by subclasses to do any additional cleanup.

IOException - if something fails


public abstract Node.PropertySet[] getPropertySets()
Get the list of property sets for this node. E.g. typically there may be one for normal Bean properties, one for expert properties, and one for hidden properties.

the property sets


public abstract Transferable clipboardCopy()
                                    throws IOException
Called when a node is to be copied to the clipboard.

the transferable object representing the content of the clipboard
IOException - when the copy cannot be performed


public abstract Transferable clipboardCut()
                                   throws IOException
Called when a node is to be cut to the clipboard.

the transferable object representing the content of the clipboard
IOException - when the cut cannot be performed


public abstract Transferable drag()
                           throws IOException
Called when a drag is started with this node. The node can attach a transfer listener to ExTransferable and will be then notified about progress of the drag (accept/reject).

transferable to represent this node during a drag
IOException - if a drag cannot be started


public abstract boolean canCopy()
Test whether this node permits copying.

true if so


public abstract boolean canCut()
Test whether this node permits cutting.

true if so


public abstract PasteType[] getPasteTypes(Transferable t)
Determine which paste operations are allowed when a given transferable is in the clipboard. For example, a node representing a Java package will permit classes to be pasted into it.

t - the transferable in the clipboard
array of operations that are allowed


public abstract PasteType getDropType(Transferable t,
                                      int action,
                                      int index)
Determine if there is a paste operation that can be performed on provided transferable. Used by drag'n'drop code to check whether the drop is possible.

t - the transferable
action - the drag'n'drop action to do DnDConstants.ACTION_MOVE, ACTION_COPY, ACTION_LINK
index - index between children the drop occurred at or -1 if not specified
null if the transferable cannot be accepted or the paste type to execute when the drop occurs


public abstract NewType[] getNewTypes()
Get the new types that can be created in this node. For example, a node representing a Java package will permit classes to be added.

array of new type operations that are allowed


public Action[] getActions(boolean context)
Get the set of actions that are associated with this node. This set is used to construct the context menu for the node.

By default this method delegates to the deprecated getActions or getContextActions method depending on the value of supplied argument.

It is supposed to be overridden by subclasses accordingly.

context - whether to find actions for context meaning or for the node itself
a list of actions (you may include nulls for separators)


public SystemAction[] getActions()
Deprecated. Use getActions (false) instead.

Get the set of actions associated with this node. This may be used e.g. in constructing a context menu.

By default returns the actions in NodeOp.getDefaultActions().

system actions appropriate to the node


public SystemAction[] getContextActions()
Deprecated. Use getActions (true) instead.

Get a special set of actions for situations when this node is displayed as a context.

For example, right-clicking on a parent node in a hierarchical view (such as the normal Explorer) should use getActions. However, if this node is serving as the parent of a (say) a window tab full of icons (e.g., in IconView), and the users right-clicks on the empty space in this pane, then this method should be used to get the appropriate actions for a context menu.

Note that in the Windows UI system, e.g., these action sets are quite different.

actions for a context. In the default implementation, same as getActions(boolean).


public SystemAction getDefaultAction()
Deprecated. Use getPreferredAction() instead.

Gets the default action for this node.

null indicating there should be none default action


public Action getPreferredAction()
Gets the preferred action for this node. This action can but need not to be one from the action array returned from getActions(boolean). In case it is, the context menu created from those actions is encouraged to highlight the preferred action. Override in subclasses accordingly.

the preferred action, or null if there is none


public final JPopupMenu getContextMenu()
Make a context menu for this node. The menu is constructed from the set of actions returned by getActions(boolean).

the context menu


public abstract boolean hasCustomizer()
Test whether there is a customizer for this node. If true, the customizer can be obtained via getCustomizer().

true if there is a customizer


public abstract Component getCustomizer()
Get the customizer component.

the component, or null if there is no customizer


public <T extends Node.Cookie> T getCookie(Class<T> type)
Get a cookie for this node.

The set of cookies can change. If a node changes its set of cookies, it fires a property change event with PROP_COOKIE.

If the Node was constructed with a Lookup in constructor than this method delegates to the provided lookup object.

type - the representation class of the cookie
a cookie assignable to that class, or null if this node has no such cookie
See Also:


public final Lookup getLookup()
Obtains a Lookup representing additional content of this Node. If the lookup was provided in a constructor, it is returned here, if not, a lookup based on the content of getCookie method is provided.

Specified by:
getLookup in interface Lookup.Provider
lookup for this node


public String getHtmlDisplayName()
Return a variant of the display name containing HTML markup conforming to the limited subset of font-markup HTML supported by the lightweight HTML renderer org.openide.awt.HtmlRenderer (font color, bold, italic and strike-through supported; font colors can be UIManager color keys if they are prefixed with a ! character, i.e. <font color='!controlShadow'>). Enclosing <html> tags are not needed. If returning non-null, HTML markup characters that should be literally rendered must be escaped (> becomes &gt; and so forth).

This method should return either an HTML display name or null; it should not return the non-HTML display name.

Note there is no property corresponding to the HTML display name - if it should change, a change in the display name should be fired; this should not be a mechanism for returning anything other than a marked up version of the return value of getDisplayName.

a String containing conformant HTML markup which represents the display name, or null. The default implementation returns null.
See Also:


public abstract Node.Handle getHandle()
Obtain handle for this node (for serialization). The handle can be serialized and Node.Handle.getNode() used after deserialization to obtain the original node.

the handle, or null if this node is not persistable


public final void addNodeListener(NodeListener l)
Add a listener to changes in the node's intrinsic properties (name, cookies, etc.).

The listener is not notified about changes in subnodes until the method getChildren().getNodes() is called.

l - the listener to add


public final void removeNodeListener(NodeListener l)
Remove a node listener.

l - the listener


public final void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Add a listener to the node's computed Bean properties.

l - the listener


protected final boolean hasPropertyChangeListener()
Allows to figure out, whether the node has any PropertyChangeListeners attached.

True if node has one or more PropertyChangeListeners attached.


public final void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Remove a Bean property change listener.

l - the listener


protected final void firePropertyChange(String name,
                                        Object o,
                                        Object n)
Fire a property change event.

name - name of changed property (from getPropertySets()); may be null
o - old value; may be null
n - new value; may be null
See Also:


protected final void fireNameChange(String o,
                                    String n)
Allow subclasses that override the getName method to fire the changes of the name by itself. Please notice that default implementation of setName will fire the change by itself.


protected final void fireDisplayNameChange(String o,
                                           String n)
Allow subclasses that override the getDisplayName method to fire the changes of the name by itself. Please notice that default implementation of setDisplayName will fire the change by itself.


protected final void fireShortDescriptionChange(String o,
                                                String n)
Allow subclasses that override the getShortDescription method to fire the changes of the description by itself. Please notice that default implementation of setShortDescription will fire the change by itself.


protected final void fireIconChange()
Fire a change event for PROP_ICON.


protected final void fireOpenedIconChange()
Fire a change event for PROP_OPENED_ICON.


protected final void fireNodeDestroyed()
To all node listeners fire node destroyed notification.


protected final void firePropertySetsChange(Node.PropertySet[] o,
                                            Node.PropertySet[] n)
Fires a (Bean) property change event (for PROP_PROPERTY_SETS).

o - the old set
n - the new set


protected final void fireCookieChange()
Fires a change event for PROP_COOKIE. The old and new values are set to null.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares for equality. Does special treatment of FilterNodes. If argument is FilterNode then this node can be equal with it if it is its original.

equals in class Object
obj - object to compare
true if the obj is == or is filter node of this node


public String toString()
toString in class Object

org.openide.nodes 7.0

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.