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org.openide.loaders (Datasystems API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Package org.openide.loaders

Datasystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and higher-level file-oriented operations.


Interface Summary
ChangeableDataFilter Allows certain data objects to be excluded from being displayed.
CreateFromTemplateAttributesProvider This is an interface for smart templating.
DataFilter Allows certain data objects to be excluded from being displayed.
DataLoader.RecognizedFiles Buffer holding a list of primary and secondary files marked as already recognized, to prevent further scanning.
DataObject.Container Interface for objects that can contain other data objects.
Environment.Provider Cookie for objects that plan to provide environment.
FolderRenameHandler This handler is used by DataFolder.FolderNode.setName() method.
OperationListener Listener to operations on data objects.
SaveAsCapable Save document under a different file name and/or extension.
TemplateWizard.Iterator The interface for custom iterator.
XMLDataObject.Processor Deprecated. use lookup

Class Summary
ConnectionSupport Deprecated. Should no longer be used.
CreateFromTemplateHandler This is an interface for smart templating that allows any module to intercept calls to DataObject.createFromTemplate(org.openide.loaders.DataFolder) and handle them themselves.
DataFolder A folder containing data objects.
DataFolder.Index Support for index cookie for folder nodes.
DataFolder.SortMode Type-safe enumeration of sort modes for data folders.
DataLoader A data loader recognizes FileObjects and creates appropriate DataObjects to represent them.
DataLoaderPool Pool of data loaders.
DataNode Standard node representing a data object.
DataObject Object that represents one or more file objects, with added behavior accessible though DataObject.getLookup() lookup pattern.
DataObject.Registry Registry of modified data objects.
DataShadow Default implementation of a shortcut to another data object.
DataShadow.ShadowNode Node for a shadow object.
Environment Utilities that define the "settings hierarchy".
ExtensionList Property class that collects a modifiable list of file extensions and permits checking of whether a name or a file object has a given extension.
FileEntry Entry that works with plain files.
FileEntry.Folder Simple entry for handling folders, on copy, move and createFromTemplate it creates new empty folder and copies attributes of source folder.
FileEntry.Format Specialized entry that simplifies substitution when a file entry is created from template.
FileEntry.Numb Simple file entry variant.
FolderInstance Support class for creation of an object from the content of a DataObject.Container.
FolderLookup Deprecated. use Lookups.forPath(java.lang.String) instead.
InstanceDataObject A data object whose only purpose is to supply InstanceCookie.
InstanceSupport An instance cookie implementation that works with files or entries.
InstanceSupport.Instance Trivial supporting instance cookie for already-existing objects.
LoaderTransfer Class that contains specific datatransfer flavors and methods to work with transfered DataObjects.
MultiDataObject Provides support for handling of data objects with multiple files.
MultiFileLoader Loader for any kind of MultiDataObject.
OpenSupport Simple support for an openable file.
OpenSupport.Env Environment that connects the support together with DataObject.
OperationAdapter Adapter for methods of OperationListener.
OperationEvent Event that describes operations taken on a data object.
OperationEvent.Copy Notification of a copy action of a data object, creation of a shadow, or creation from a template.
OperationEvent.Move Notification of a move of a data object.
OperationEvent.Rename Notification of a rename of a data object.
RepositoryNodeFactory Deprecated. Probably unwise to call this for any reason; obsolete UI.
TemplateWizard Wizard for creation of new objects from a template.
UniFileLoader Support class for loader handling one file at a time.
XMLDataObject Object that provides main functionality for xml documents.
XMLDataObject.Info Deprecated. use Lookup Representation of xmlinfo file holding container of Processors.

Exception Summary
DataObjectExistsException Exception signalling that the data object for this file cannot be created because there already is an object for the primary file.
DataObjectNotFoundException Exception signalling that the data object for a given file object could not be found in DataObject.find(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject).

Package org.openide.loaders Description

Datasystems are the logical layer between a filesystem and higher-level file-oriented operations.

The Datasystems API provides a higher-level view of files in terms of useful data - data which has specific types, actions that can be performed on these types, and relationships to other files. For example, NetBeans might find these files in a newly-opened directory:

Logically, all of these files are interlinked, and it is the job of a data loader to associate them. In this case, a loader installed by the Form Editor into the system's loader pool would recognize the common basename of the files, and produce a special data object which encapsulates that there is a Java source with an accompanying form and compiled class files. This data object would then provide operations appropriate to a form on disk, and assist in creating an Explorer node subtree for it.

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.