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CreateFromTemplateAttributesProvider (Datasystems API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Interface CreateFromTemplateAttributesProvider

public interface CreateFromTemplateAttributesProvider

This is an interface for smart templating. Implementations of this class can be registered in the global Lookup and allows anyone provide additional parameters to each CreateFromTemplateHandlers when a template is instantiating. Read more in the howto document.


Method Summary
 Map<String,?> attributesFor(DataObject template, DataFolder target, String name)
          Called when a template is about to be instantiated to provide additional values to the CreateFromTemplateHandler that will handle the template instantiation.

Method Detail


Map<String,?> attributesFor(DataObject template,
                            DataFolder target,
                            String name)
Called when a template is about to be instantiated to provide additional values to the CreateFromTemplateHandler that will handle the template instantiation.

template - the template that is being processed
target - the destition folder
name - the name of the object to create
map of named objects, or null

org.openide.loaders 6.4

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.