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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.junit.diff.Diff (NB JUnit) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Diff

Uses of Diff in org.netbeans.junit

Fields in org.netbeans.junit declared as Diff
protected static Diff Manager.systemDiff

Methods in org.netbeans.junit that return Diff
static Diff Manager.getSystemDiff()
protected static Diff Manager.instantiateDiffImpl(String diffImplName)

Methods in org.netbeans.junit with parameters of type Diff
static void NbTestDecorator.assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void NbTestCase.assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void NbTestDecorator.assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void NbTestCase.assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown.
static void NbTestDecorator.assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void NbTestCase.assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void NbTestDecorator.assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void NbTestCase.assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown.

Uses of Diff in org.netbeans.junit.diff

Classes in org.netbeans.junit.diff that implement Diff
 class LineDiff
          Line Diff with formated textual output.
 class NativeDiff
          Implementation of native OS diff.
 class SimpleDiff

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.