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NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
Diff (NB JUnit) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)
Interface Diff
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- LineDiff, NativeDiff, SimpleDiff
public interface Diff
This interface must be implemented by any class used as file-diff facility in assertFile functions.
It declares two functions, which are called whenever the file comparision is required. Their meaning
is identical, they only differ by arguments types.
Generally, they both take three parameters, the first two specify files being compared and the third
is the file, where comparision results are stored. Third paramtere can be null in case no additional
output except the return value is needed.
- See Also:
Assert class
boolean diff(File first,
File second,
File diff)
throws IOException
- Parameters:
- first file to comparesecond
- second file to comparediff
- difference file, caller can pass null value, when results are not needed.
- Returns:
- true iff files differ
- Throws:
boolean diff(String first,
String second,
String diff)
throws IOException
- Parameters:
- first file to comparesecond
- second file to comparediff
- difference file, caller can pass null value, when results are not needed.
- Returns:
- true iff files differ
- Throws: