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NbTestDecorator (NB JUnit) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Class NbTestDecorator

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.extensions.TestDecorator
          extended by org.netbeans.junit.NbTestDecorator
All Implemented Interfaces:
junit.framework.Test, NbTest
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NbTestDecorator
extends junit.extensions.TestDecorator
implements NbTest

NetBeans extension to JUnit's TestDecorator class. Tests created with the help of this class can use method assertFile and can be filtered.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class junit.extensions.TestDecorator
Constructor Summary
NbTestDecorator(junit.framework.Test test)
Method Summary
static void assertFile(File test, File pass)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String test, String pass)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
static void assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          for description, see this method in NbTestCase class
 boolean canRun()
          Checks if a test isn't filtered out by the active filter.
 String getExpectedFail()
          Returns expected fail message.
 void setFilter(Filter filter)
          Sets active filter.
Methods inherited from class junit.extensions.TestDecorator
basicRun, countTestCases, getTest, run, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface junit.framework.Test
countTestCases, run

Constructor Detail


public NbTestDecorator(junit.framework.Test test)
Method Detail


public void setFilter(Filter filter)
Sets active filter.

Specified by:
setFilter in interface NbTest
filter - Filter to be set as active for current test, null will reset filtering.


public String getExpectedFail()
Returns expected fail message.

Specified by:
getExpectedFail in interface NbTest
expected fail message if it's expected this test fail, null otherwise.


public boolean canRun()
Checks if a test isn't filtered out by the active filter.

Specified by:
canRun in interface NbTest
true if the test can run


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass)
for description, see this method in NbTestCase class

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.