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NbTestCase (NB JUnit) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Class NbTestCase

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by org.netbeans.junit.NbTestCase
All Implemented Interfaces:
junit.framework.Test, NbTest
Direct Known Subclasses:
MultiTestCase, NbPerformanceTestCase

public abstract class NbTestCase
extends junit.framework.TestCase
implements NbTest

NetBeans extension to JUnit's TestCase. Adds various abilities such as comparing golden files, getting a working directory for test files, testing memory usage, etc.

Constructor Summary
NbTestCase(String name)
          Constructs a test case with the given name.
Method Summary
static void assertFile(File test, File pass)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it just compares two files and doesn't produce any additional output.
static void assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void assertFile(File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file, the message is displayed when assertion fails.
static void assertFile(String message, File test, File pass, File diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown.
static void assertFile(String test, String pass)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it just compares two files and doesn't produce any additional output.
static void assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void assertFile(String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.
static void assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff)
          Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file, the message is displayed when assertion fails.
static void assertFile(String message, String test, String pass, String diff, Diff externalDiff)
          Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown.
static void assertGC(String text, Reference<?> ref)
          Asserts that the object can be garbage collected.
static void assertGC(String text, Reference<?> ref, Set<?> rootsHint)
          Asserts that the object can be garbage collected.
static void assertSize(String message, Collection<?> roots, int limit)
          Assert size of some structure.
static int assertSize(String message, Collection<?> roots, int limit, MemoryFilter skip)
          Assert size of some structure.
static void assertSize(String message, Collection<?> roots, int limit, Object[] skip)
          Assert size of some structure.
static void assertSize(String message, int limit, Object root)
          Assert size of some structure.
 boolean canRun()
          Checks if a test isn't filtered out by the active filter.
 void clearWorkDir()
          Deletes all files including subdirectories in test's working directory.
 void compareReferenceFiles()
          Compares default golden file and default reference log.
 void compareReferenceFiles(String testFilename, String goldenFilename, String diffFilename)
          Compares golden file and reference log.
static String convertNBFSURL(URL url)
          Deprecated. No longer applicable as of NB 4.0 at the latest. FileObject.getURL() should be returning a file-protocol URL, which can be converted to a disk path using new File(URI); or use FileUtil.toFile.
static void failByBug(int bugID)
          Fails a test with known bug ID.
static void failByBug(int bugID, String message)
          Fails a test with known bug ID and with the given message.
 File getDataDir()
          Returns pointer to directory with test data (golden files, sample files, ...).
 String getExpectedFail()
          Returns expected fail message.
 File getGoldenFile()
          Get the default testmethod specific golden file from data/goldenfiles/${classname}/${testmethodname}.pass
 File getGoldenFile(String filename)
          Get the test method specific golden file from ${xtest.data}/goldenfiles/${classname} directory.
 PrintStream getLog()
          Return default log named as ${testmethod}.log.
 PrintStream getLog(String logName)
          Returns named log stream.
 PrintStream getRef()
          Get PrintStream to log inteded for reference files comparision.
protected  int getTestNumber()
          Parses the test name to find out whether it encodes a number.
 File getWorkDir()
          Returns unique working directory for a test (each test method has a unique dir).
 String getWorkDirPath()
          Returns path to test method working directory as a String.
 void log(String message)
          Simple and easy to use method for printing a message to a default log
 void log(String log, String message)
          Easy to use method for logging a message to a named log
protected  Level logLevel()
          Allows easy collecting of log messages send thru java.util.logging API.
 void ref(String message)
          Easy to use logging method for printing a message to a reference log.
 void run(junit.framework.TestResult result)
          Runs the test case, while conditionally skip some according to result of canRun() method.
 void runBare()
          Runs the bare test sequence.
protected  boolean runInEQ()
          Provide ability for tests, setUp and tearDown to request that they run only in the AWT event queue.
 void setFilter(Filter filter)
          Sets active filter.
protected  int timeOut()
          Provides support for tests that can have problems with terminating.
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, runTest, setName, setUp, tearDown, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface junit.framework.Test

Constructor Detail


public NbTestCase(String name)
Constructs a test case with the given name.

name - name of the testcase
Method Detail


public void setFilter(Filter filter)
Sets active filter.

Specified by:
setFilter in interface NbTest
filter - Filter to be set as active for current test, null will reset filtering.


public String getExpectedFail()
Returns expected fail message.

Specified by:
getExpectedFail in interface NbTest
expected fail message if it's expected this test fail, null otherwise.


public boolean canRun()
Checks if a test isn't filtered out by the active filter.

Specified by:
canRun in interface NbTest
true if the test can run


protected boolean runInEQ()
Provide ability for tests, setUp and tearDown to request that they run only in the AWT event queue. By default, false.

true to run all test methods, setUp and tearDown in the EQ, false to run in whatever thread


protected int timeOut()
Provides support for tests that can have problems with terminating. Runs the test in a "watchdog" that measures the time the test shall take and if it does not terminate it reports a failure.

amount ms to give one test to finish or 0 (default) to disable time outs


protected Level logLevel()
Allows easy collecting of log messages send thru java.util.logging API. Overwrite and return the log level to collect logs to logging file. If the method returns non-null level, then the level is assigned to the Logger.getLogger("") and the messages reported to it are then send into regular log file (which is accessible thru getLog(java.lang.String)) and in case of failure the last few messages is also included in failure.getMessage().

default implementation returns null which disables any logging support in test
See Also:
Log.enable(java.lang.String, java.util.logging.Level)


public void run(junit.framework.TestResult result)
Runs the test case, while conditionally skip some according to result of canRun() method.

Specified by:
run in interface junit.framework.Test
run in class junit.framework.TestCase


public void runBare()
             throws Throwable
Runs the bare test sequence. It checks runInEQ() and possibly schedules the call of setUp, runTest and tearDown to AWT event thread. It also consults timeOut() and if so, it starts a count down and aborts the runTest if the time out expires.

runBare in class junit.framework.TestCase
Throwable - if any exception is thrown


protected final int getTestNumber()
Parses the test name to find out whether it encodes a number. The testSomeName1343 represents nubmer 1343.

the number
may - throw AssertionFailedError if the number is not found in the test name


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown. Depending on the Diff implementation additional output can be generated to the file/dir specified by the diff param.

message - the detail message for this assertion
test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.
externalDiff - instance of class implementing the Diff interface, it has to be already initialized, when passed in this assertFile function.


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.
externalDiff - instance of class implementing the Diff interface, it has to be already initialized, when passed in this assertFile function.


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file, the message is displayed when assertion fails.

message - the detail message for this assertion
test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass,
                              String diff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.


public static void assertFile(String test,
                              String pass)
Asserts that two files are the same, it just compares two files and doesn't produce any additional output.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
Asserts that two files are the same (their content is identical), when files differ AssertionFileFailedError exception is thrown. Depending on the Diff implementation additional output can be generated to the file/dir specified by the diff param.

message - the detail message for this assertion
test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.
externalDiff - instance of class implementing the Diff interface, it has to be already initialized, when passed in this assertFile function.


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff,
                              Diff externalDiff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it uses specific Diff implementation to compare two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.
externalDiff - instance of class implementing the Diff interface, it has to be already initialized, when passed in this assertFile function.


public static void assertFile(String message,
                              File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file, the message is displayed when assertion fails.

message - the detail message for this assertion
test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass,
                              File diff)
Asserts that two files are the same, it compares two files and stores possible differencies in the output file.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.
diff - file, where differences will be stored, when null differences will not be stored. In case it points to directory the result file name is constructed from the pass argument and placed to that directory. Constructed file name consists from the name of pass file (without extension and path) appended by the '.diff'.


public static void assertFile(File test,
                              File pass)
Asserts that two files are the same, it just compares two files and doesn't produce any additional output.

test - first file to be compared, by the convention this should be the test-generated file
pass - second file to be comapred, it should be so called 'golden' file, which defines the correct content for the test-generated file.


public String getWorkDirPath()
Returns path to test method working directory as a String. Path is constructed as ${nbjunit.workdir}/${package}.${classname}/${testmethodname}. (The nbjunit.workdir property should be set in junit.properties; otherwise the default is ${java.io.tmpdir}/tests.) Please note that this method does not guarantee that the working directory really exists.

a path to a test method working directory


public File getWorkDir()
                throws IOException
Returns unique working directory for a test (each test method has a unique dir). If not available, method tries to create it. This method uses getWorkDirPath() method to determine the unique path.

Warning: the working directory is not guaranteed to be empty when you get it, so if this is being called in TestCase.setUp() you are strongly advised to first call clearWorkDir() to ensure that each test run starts with a clean slate.

file to the working directory directory
IOException - if the directory cannot be created


public void clearWorkDir()
                  throws IOException
Deletes all files including subdirectories in test's working directory.

IOException - if any problem has occured during deleting files/directories


public PrintStream getLog(String logName)
Returns named log stream. If log cannot be created as a file in the testmethod working directory, PrintStream created from System.out is used. Please note, that tests shoudn't call log.close() method, unless they really don't want to use this log anymore.

logName - name of the log - file in the working directory
Log PrintStream


public PrintStream getLog()
Return default log named as ${testmethod}.log. If the log cannot be created as a file in testmethod working directory, PrinterStream to System.out is returned



public void log(String message)
Simple and easy to use method for printing a message to a default log

message - meesage to log


public void log(String log,
                String message)
Easy to use method for logging a message to a named log

log - which log to use
message - message to log


public PrintStream getRef()
Get PrintStream to log inteded for reference files comparision. Reference log is stored as a file named ${testmethod}.ref in test method working directory. If the file cannot be created, the testcase will automatically fail.

PrintStream to referencing log


public void ref(String message)
Easy to use logging method for printing a message to a reference log.

message - message to log


public File getGoldenFile(String filename)
Get the test method specific golden file from ${xtest.data}/goldenfiles/${classname} directory. If not found, try also deprecated src/data/goldenfiles/${classname} resource directory.

filename - filename to get from golden files directory
golden file


public File getDataDir()
Returns pointer to directory with test data (golden files, sample files, ...). It is the same from xtest.data property.

data directory


public File getGoldenFile()
Get the default testmethod specific golden file from data/goldenfiles/${classname}/${testmethodname}.pass

filename to get from golden files resource directory


public void compareReferenceFiles(String testFilename,
                                  String goldenFilename,
                                  String diffFilename)
Compares golden file and reference log. If both files are the same, test passes. If files differ, test fails and diff file is created (diff is created only when using native diff, for details see JUnit module documentation)

testFilename - reference log file name
goldenFilename - golden file name
diffFilename - diff file name (optional, if null, then no diff is created)


public void compareReferenceFiles()
Compares default golden file and default reference log. If both files are the same, test passes. If files differ, test fails and default diff (${methodname}.diff) file is created (diff is created only when using native diff, for details see JUnit module documentation)


public static String convertNBFSURL(URL url)
Deprecated. No longer applicable as of NB 4.0 at the latest. FileObject.getURL() should be returning a file-protocol URL, which can be converted to a disk path using new File(URI); or use FileUtil.toFile.

Converts NetBeans filesystem URL to absolute path.

url - URL to convert
absolute path


public static void assertGC(String text,
                            Reference<?> ref)
Asserts that the object can be garbage collected. Tries to GC ref's referent.

text - the text to show when test fails.
ref - the referent to object that should be GCed


public static void assertGC(String text,
                            Reference<?> ref,
                            Set<?> rootsHint)
Asserts that the object can be garbage collected. Tries to GC ref's referent.

text - the text to show when test fails.
ref - the referent to object that should be GCed
rootsHint - a set of objects that should be considered part of the rootset for this scan. This is useful if you want to verify that one structure (usually long living in real application) is not holding another structure in memory, without setting a static reference to the former structure.


  // test body
  WeakHashMap map = new WeakHashMap();
  Object target = new Object();
  map.put(target, "Val");
  // verification step
  Reference ref = new WeakReference(target);
  target = null;
  assertGC("WeakMap does not hold the key", ref, Collections.singleton(map));


public static void assertSize(String message,
                              int limit,
                              Object root)
Assert size of some structure. Traverses the whole reference graph of objects accessible from given root object and check its size against the limit.

message - the text to show when test fails.
limit - maximal allowed heap size of the structure
root - the root object from which to traverse


public static void assertSize(String message,
                              Collection<?> roots,
                              int limit)
Assert size of some structure. Traverses the whole reference graph of objects accessible from given roots and check its size against the limit.

message - the text to show when test fails.
roots - the collection of root objects from which to traverse
limit - maximal allowed heap size of the structure


public static void assertSize(String message,
                              Collection<?> roots,
                              int limit,
                              Object[] skip)
Assert size of some structure. Traverses the whole reference graph of objects accessible from given roots and check its size against the limit.

message - the text to show when test fails.
roots - the collection of root objects from which to traverse
limit - maximal allowed heap size of the structure
skip - Array of objects used as a boundary during heap scanning, neither these objects nor references from these objects are counted.


public static int assertSize(String message,
                             Collection<?> roots,
                             int limit,
                             MemoryFilter skip)
Assert size of some structure. Traverses the whole reference graph of objects accessible from given roots and check its size against the limit.

message - the text to show when test fails.
roots - the collection of root objects from which to traverse
limit - maximal allowed heap size of the structure
skip - custom filter for counted objects
actual size or -1 on internal error.


public static void failByBug(int bugID)
Fails a test with known bug ID.

bugID - the bug number according bug report system.


public static void failByBug(int bugID,
                             String message)
Fails a test with known bug ID and with the given message.

bugID - the bug number according bug report system.
message - the text to show when test fails.

org.netbeans.modules.nbjunit/1 1.41

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.