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Uses of Class org.netbeans.editor.TokenContextPath (Editor Library) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Uses of Class

Packages that use TokenContextPath
org.netbeans.editor.ext Completion Design View 

Uses of TokenContextPath in org.netbeans.editor

Fields in org.netbeans.editor declared as TokenContextPath
protected  TokenContextPath Syntax.tokenContextPath
          Path from which the found token-id comes from.

Methods in org.netbeans.editor that return TokenContextPath
 TokenContextPath[] TokenContext.getAllContextPaths()
          Get all the context paths for this token-context including itself as the first one and all its children.
 TokenContextPath TokenContextPath.getBase()
          Get the base path which corresponds to only the first context in the context-array.
 TokenContextPath TokenContext.getContextPath()
          Get the context path for this token-context.
 TokenContextPath SyntaxUpdateTokens.TokenInfo.getContextPath()
 TokenContextPath TokenContext.getContextPath(TokenContextPath childPath)
          Get the context path for this token-context that is derived from the path of one of the children.
 TokenContextPath TokenContextPath.getParent()
          Get parent context-path that consists of all the contexts of this path except the last one.
 TokenContextPath TokenItem.getTokenContextPath()
          Get the token-id of this token-item
 TokenContextPath TokenItem.AbstractItem.getTokenContextPath()
 TokenContextPath TokenItem.FilterItem.getTokenContextPath()
 TokenContextPath Syntax.getTokenContextPath()
          Get the token-context-path of the returned token.
 TokenContextPath DrawContext.getTokenContextPath()
          Get the token-context-path for the token
 TokenContextPath TokenContextPath.replaceStart(TokenContextPath byPath)
          Get the path which has the initial part of the path (usually only the base path) replaced by the given path.

Methods in org.netbeans.editor with parameters of type TokenContextPath
 boolean TokenContextPath.contains(TokenContextPath tcp)
          Does this path contain the given path.
 TokenContextPath TokenContext.getContextPath(TokenContextPath childPath)
          Get the context path for this token-context that is derived from the path of one of the children.
static Coloring SettingsUtil.getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tcp, TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet)
          Deprecated. Use Editor Settings API instead.
abstract  Object SettingsUtil.TokenColoringInitializer.getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet)
          Deprecated. Get either coloring or settings evaluator for the given target token-id.
static Object SettingsUtil.getTokenColoring(TokenContextPath tcp, TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, boolean printingSet, boolean evaluateEvaluators)
          Deprecated. Use Editor Settings API instead.
 TokenContextPath TokenContextPath.replaceStart(TokenContextPath byPath)
          Get the path which has the initial part of the path (usually only the base path) replaced by the given path.
abstract  void SyntaxUpdateTokens.syntaxUpdateToken(TokenID id, TokenContextPath contextPath, int offset, int length)
          Notification that a token was found during updating of lexical states.
 boolean TokenProcessor.token(TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, int tokenBufferOffset, int tokenLength)
          Notify that the token was found.

Constructors in org.netbeans.editor with parameters of type TokenContextPath
SettingsUtil.TokenColoringEvaluator(TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, TokenCategory tokenIDOrCategory, Coloring coloring, boolean printingSet)
          Deprecated. Create new token-coloring evaluator.
SyntaxUpdateTokens.TokenInfo(TokenID id, TokenContextPath contextPath, int offset, int length)
TokenItem.AbstractItem(TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, int offset, String image)

Uses of TokenContextPath in org.netbeans.editor.ext

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext that return TokenContextPath
 TokenContextPath FormatSupport.getValidWhitespaceTokenContextPath()
          Get the valid whitespace token-context-path by calling getWhitespaceTokenContextPath().
 TokenContextPath FormatSupport.getWhitespaceTokenContextPath()
          Get the token-context-path that should be assigned to the token that consists of the indentation whitespace only.

Methods in org.netbeans.editor.ext with parameters of type TokenContextPath
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findAnyToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID[] tokenIDArray, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, boolean backward)
          Search for any of the image tokens from the given array and return if the token matches any item from the array.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.findToken(TokenItem startToken, TokenItem limitToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage, boolean backward)
          Find the token either by token-id or token-text or both.
 TokenItem ExtFormatSupport.insertImageToken(TokenItem beforeToken, ImageTokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath)
          Insert the token that has token-id containing image, so additional text is not necessary.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Create a new token-item and insert it before the token-item given as parameter.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.insertToken(TokenItem beforeToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Delegation to the same method in format-writer.
 void FormatSupport.replaceToken(TokenItem originalToken, TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tokenContextPath, String tokenImage)
          Replace the given token with the new token.
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the end of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitEnd(TokenItem token, int endLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
 TokenItem FormatWriter.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
          Create the additional token from the text at the start of the given token.
 TokenItem FormatSupport.splitStart(TokenItem token, int startLength, TokenID newTokenID, TokenContextPath newTokenContextPath)
 boolean FormatSupport.tokenEquals(TokenItem compareToken, TokenID withTokenID, TokenContextPath withTokenContextPath)
          Compare token-id of the compare-token with the given token-id and token-context-path.
 boolean FormatSupport.tokenEquals(TokenItem compareToken, TokenID withTokenID, TokenContextPath withTokenContextPath, String withTokenImage)
          Compare token-id of the compare-token with the given token-id and given token-text.

org.netbeans.modules.editor.lib/1 1.14.0 3

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.