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Uses of Interface org.netbeans.api.visual.action.WidgetAction (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Uses of Interface

Packages that use WidgetAction
org.netbeans.api.visual.action This package contains ActionFactory class which is factory of all built-in widget-actions provided by the library. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.model This package contains ObjectScene class which is a scene with ability to register model-objects with widgets on the scene. 
org.netbeans.api.visual.widget This package contains Widget class. 

Uses of WidgetAction in org.netbeans.api.visual.action

Classes in org.netbeans.api.visual.action that implement WidgetAction
static class WidgetAction.Adapter
          An adapter of the widget action.
static class WidgetAction.Chain
          Represents a chain of widget actions.
static class WidgetAction.LockedAdapter
          An adapter of the widget action.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.action that return WidgetAction
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAcceptAction(AcceptProvider provider)
          Creates a accept action with a specified accept logic provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createActionMapAction()
          Creates an action which handles keys and popup menu.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createActionMapAction(InputMap inputMap, ActionMap actionMap)
          Creates an action which handles keys and popup menu.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAddRemoveControlPointAction()
          Creates a add-remove control point action with a default sensitivity.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAddRemoveControlPointAction(double createSensitivity, double deleteSensitivity)
          Creates a add-remove control point action with a specified sensitivity.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAlignWithMoveAction(AlignWithWidgetCollector collector, LayerWidget interractionLayer, AlignWithMoveDecorator decorator)
          Creates a align-with move action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAlignWithMoveAction(LayerWidget collectionLayer, LayerWidget interractionLayer, AlignWithMoveDecorator decorator)
          Creates a align-with move action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAlignWithResizeAction(AlignWithWidgetCollector collector, LayerWidget interractionLayer, AlignWithMoveDecorator decorator)
          Creates a align-with resize action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createAlignWithResizeAction(LayerWidget collectionLayer, LayerWidget interractionLayer, AlignWithMoveDecorator decorator)
          Creates a align-with resize action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createCenteredZoomAction(double zoomMultiplier)
          Creates a action that controls a zoom factor of a scene where the action is assigned.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createConnectAction(ConnectDecorator decorator, LayerWidget interractionLayer, ConnectProvider provider)
          Creates a connect action with a specific decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createConnectAction(LayerWidget interractionLayer, ConnectProvider provider)
          Creates a connect action with a default decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createCycleFocusAction(CycleFocusProvider provider)
          Creates a cycle focus action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createCycleObjectSceneFocusAction()
          Creates a cycle focus action which switches focused object on a object scene.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createEditAction(EditProvider provider)
          Creates an edit action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createExtendedConnectAction(ConnectDecorator decorator, LayerWidget interractionLayer, ConnectProvider provider)
          Creates an extended connect action with a specific decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createExtendedConnectAction(LayerWidget interractionLayer, ConnectProvider provider)
          Creates an extended connect action with a default decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createForwardKeyEventsAction(Widget forwardToWidget, String forwardToTool)
          This action is used for forwarding key events to another widget.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createFreeMoveControlPointAction()
          Creates a move control point (of a connection widget) action with no movement restriction.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createHoverAction(HoverProvider provider)
          Creates a hover action using a hover provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createHoverAction(TwoStateHoverProvider provider)
          Creates a hover action using a two-stated hover provider.
<C extends JComponent>
ActionFactory.createInplaceEditorAction(InplaceEditorProvider<C> provider)
          Creates an in-place editor action for a specific provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createInplaceEditorAction(TextFieldInplaceEditor editor)
          Creates a text in-place editor action visualized using JTextField.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createInplaceEditorAction(TextFieldInplaceEditor editor, EnumSet<InplaceEditorProvider.ExpansionDirection> expansionDirections)
          Creates a text in-place editor action visualized using JTextField.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createMoveAction()
          Creates a move action with a default (free) strategy.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createMoveAction(MoveStrategy strategy, MoveProvider provider)
          Creates a move action with a specified strategy and provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createMoveControlPointAction(MoveControlPointProvider provider)
          Creates a move control point (of a connection widget) action with a specified provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createOrthogonalMoveControlPointAction()
          Creates a move control point (of a connection widget) action with is used at ConnectionWidget with OrthogonalSearchRouter.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createPanAction()
          Creates a scene view panning action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createPopupMenuAction(PopupMenuProvider provider)
          Creates a popup menu action with a speicied provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createReconnectAction(ReconnectDecorator decorator, ReconnectProvider provider)
          Creates a reconnect action with a specific decorator and logic provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createReconnectAction(ReconnectProvider provider)
          Creates a reconnect action with a default decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createRectangularSelectAction(ObjectScene scene, LayerWidget interractionLayer)
          Creates a rectangular select action for a specified object scene with a default decorator.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createRectangularSelectAction(RectangularSelectDecorator decorator, LayerWidget interractionLayer, RectangularSelectProvider provider)
          Creates a rectangular select action with a specified decorator and logic provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createResizeAction()
          Creates a resize action with a default (free without any restriction) strategy and default logic provider (the action affect preferredBounds of a widget where it is assigned) default resize control point resolver.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createResizeAction(ResizeStrategy strategy, ResizeControlPointResolver resolver, ResizeProvider provider)
          Creates a resize action with a specified resize strategy and provider.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createResizeAction(ResizeStrategy strategy, ResizeProvider provider)
          Creates a resize action with a specified resize strategy and provider and default resize control point resolver.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createSelectAction(SelectProvider provider)
          Creates a select action.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createSwitchCardAction(Widget cardLayoutWidget)
          Creates a switch card action with controls an active card of a widget where a card layout is used.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createZoomAction()
          Creates a action that controls a zoom factor of a scene where the action is assigned.
static WidgetAction ActionFactory.createZoomAction(double zoomMultiplier, boolean animated)
          Creates a action that controls a zoom factor of a scene where the action is assigned.
abstract  WidgetAction WidgetAction.State.getLockedAction()
          Returns whether (and by which action) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.action that return types with arguments of type WidgetAction
 List<WidgetAction> WidgetAction.Chain.getActions()
          Returns a list of actions in the chain.

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.action with parameters of type WidgetAction
 void WidgetAction.Chain.addAction(int index, WidgetAction action)
          Adds an action at a specific index
 void WidgetAction.Chain.addAction(WidgetAction action)
          Adds an action.
static WidgetAction.State WidgetAction.State.createLocked(Widget lockedWidget, WidgetAction lockedAction)
          Creates a state that means: The event is processed and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it).
static InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController ActionFactory.getInplaceEditorController(WidgetAction inplaceEditorAction)
          Returns an editor controller for a specified inplace-editor-action created by ActionFactory.createInplaceEditorAction method.
 void WidgetAction.Chain.removeAction(WidgetAction action)
          Removes an action.

Uses of WidgetAction in org.netbeans.api.visual.model

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.model that return WidgetAction
 WidgetAction ObjectScene.createObjectHoverAction()
          Returns a object-oriented hover action.
 WidgetAction ObjectScene.createSelectAction()
          Creates a object-oriented select action.

Uses of WidgetAction in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget

Methods in org.netbeans.api.visual.widget that return WidgetAction
 WidgetAction Scene.createWidgetHoverAction()
          Creates a widget-specific hover action.

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.