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WidgetAction.State (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Class WidgetAction.State

  extended by org.netbeans.api.visual.action.WidgetAction.State
Enclosing interface:

public abstract static class WidgetAction.State
extends Object

Represents a state of event processing.

Field Summary
static WidgetAction.State CHAIN_ONLY
          The state that means: The event is processed by the action and only actions that are in the same chain can process the event too.
static WidgetAction.State CONSUMED
          The state that means: The event is processed by the action and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it).
static WidgetAction.State REJECTED
          The state that means: The event is not processed by the action and has to be processed by other actions too.
Method Summary
static WidgetAction.State createLocked(Widget lockedWidget, WidgetAction lockedAction)
          Creates a state that means: The event is processed and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it).
abstract  WidgetAction getLockedAction()
          Returns whether (and by which action) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.
abstract  Widget getLockedWidget()
          Returns whether (and by which widget) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.
abstract  boolean isConsumed()
          Returns whether the event is consumed
abstract  boolean isLockedInChain()
          Returns whether the event processing has to be stopped after the processing by the chain where the actions is added.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final WidgetAction.State REJECTED
The state that means: The event is not processed by the action and has to be processed by other actions too.


public static final WidgetAction.State CONSUMED
The state that means: The event is processed by the action and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it).


public static final WidgetAction.State CHAIN_ONLY
The state that means: The event is processed by the action and only actions that are in the same chain can process the event too.

Method Detail


public static WidgetAction.State createLocked(Widget lockedWidget,
                                              WidgetAction lockedAction)
Creates a state that means: The event is processed and the processing has to stopped immediately (no other action should processed it). Next event will be processed by the lockedAction on lockedAction first. Only if the lockedAction reject the event, then the event will be processed regularly. It is used for locking the event processing for a long-term operation like moving, resizing, rectangular selection, ... (usually they are using mouse motion events).


public abstract boolean isLockedInChain()
Returns whether the event processing has to be stopped after the processing by the chain where the actions is added.

true if locked in chain


public abstract boolean isConsumed()
Returns whether the event is consumed

true if the event is consumed


public abstract Widget getLockedWidget()
Returns whether (and by which widget) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.

the locked widget; if null, then there is no prior widget


public abstract WidgetAction getLockedAction()
Returns whether (and by which action) the next event has to be processed prior to regular processing.

the locked action; if null, then there is no prior action

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.