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org.netbeans.api.visual.action (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Package org.netbeans.api.visual.action

This package contains ActionFactory class which is factory of all built-in widget-actions provided by the library.


Interface Summary
AcceptProvider This interface controls an accept (drag & drop) action.
AlignWithMoveDecorator This interface decorates of a align-with move action.
AlignWithWidgetCollector This interface is used for collecting regions for which the moving widget has to be checked.
ConnectDecorator This interface decorates a connect action.
ConnectProvider This interface controls a connect action.
CycleFocusProvider This interface provides an ability for switching focus.
EditProvider This interface controls an edit action.
HoverProvider This interface controls hover action.
InplaceEditorProvider<C extends JComponent> This interface controls an in-place editor of an in-place editor action.
InplaceEditorProvider.EditorController This is an interface of editor action supplied to the methods in the provider.
MoveControlPointProvider This interface controls a move control point action.
MoveProvider This interface controls move action.
MoveStrategy This interfaces provides a movement strategy.
PopupMenuProvider This interface provides a popup menu.
ReconnectDecorator This interface decorates a reconnect action.
ReconnectProvider This interface controls a reconnect action.
RectangularSelectDecorator This interface decorates a rectangular select action.
RectangularSelectProvider This interface controls a rectangular select action.
ResizeControlPointResolver This interface is used by ResizeAction to resolve if and which control point is being dragged for particular resizing.
ResizeStrategy This interface provides a resizing strategy.
SelectProvider This interface controls a select action.
TextFieldInplaceEditor This is an inteface for text-field based in-place editor.
TwoStateHoverProvider This interface provides a two-state logic for a hover action.
WidgetAction This interface is defining an action that is usually assigned to a widget.
WidgetAction.WidgetEvent Represents an widget event.
WidgetAction.WidgetLocationEvent Represents an location event used for controlling mouse location.

Class Summary
ActionFactory The factory class of all built-in actions.
WidgetAction.Adapter An adapter of the widget action.
WidgetAction.Chain Represents a chain of widget actions.
WidgetAction.LockedAdapter An adapter of the widget action.
WidgetAction.State Represents a state of event processing.
WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDragEvent Represents a drop target drag event.
WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetDropEvent Represents a drop target drop event.
WidgetAction.WidgetDropTargetEvent Represents a drop target event.
WidgetAction.WidgetFocusEvent Represents a focus event of a scene view.
WidgetAction.WidgetKeyEvent Represents a key event.
WidgetAction.WidgetMouseEvent Represents a mouse event.

Enum Summary
ConnectorState This enum is used in ConnectProvider and ReconnectProvider to hold a state of connector (acceptability and searching state).
InplaceEditorProvider.ExpansionDirection Represents possible directions for expansion of an editor component.
ResizeProvider.ControlPoint This enum represents a control point of a resize action.

Package org.netbeans.api.visual.action Description

This package contains ActionFactory class which is factory of all built-in widget-actions provided by the library.

Widget-actions are defined by WidgetAction interface. Also there is an adapter (WidgetAction.Adapter) and special lock-aware version (WidgetAction.LockedAdapter).

Factories requires various input parameter:

Built-in implementation of those interfaces can be found in ActionFactory class too.

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.