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MoveControlPointProvider (Visual Library API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Interface MoveControlPointProvider

public interface MoveControlPointProvider

This interface controls a move control point action.

Method Summary
 List<Point> locationSuggested(ConnectionWidget connectionWidget, int index, Point suggestedLocation)
          Called to resolve control points of a connection widget for specified suggested change of a location of a control point specified by its index.

Method Detail


List<Point> locationSuggested(ConnectionWidget connectionWidget,
                              int index,
                              Point suggestedLocation)
Called to resolve control points of a connection widget for specified suggested change of a location of a control point specified by its index. Usually used for supplying the move strategy of control points.

connectionWidget - the connection widget
index - the index of the control point which new location was suggested by an user
suggestedLocation - the suggested location (by an user) of a control point specified by its index
the list of new control points of the connection widget

org.netbeans.api.visual 2.2

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.