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org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.actions (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.actions

This package integrates VCS support with actions UI.


Interface Summary
ClusterItemVisualizer TODO Is not it unused?
ContextAwareDelegateAction.Delegatable This interface should implement the action that needs to be delegated.
VcsMountFromTemplateAction.Cookie Cookie that can be implemented by a node if it wishes to have a special templates wizard.

Class Summary
AbstractCommandAction Deprecated. It's here only for backward compatibility..
AddToGroupAction Action sensitive to the node selection that does something useful.
ClusteringAction TODO Is not it unused?
CommandActionSupporter OBject that needs to be return as an attribute of all fileobjects that support the Abstract/GeneralCommandAction framework and all the actions that subclass these two classes.
CommandMenu The (popup or main) menu with VCS commands used as FS actions and in main Versioning menu.
ContextAwareDelegateAction A delegate action that is usually associated with a specific lookup and extract the nodes it operates on from it.
GeneralCommandAction Action sensitive to nodes, that delegates the enable/perform processing to CommandActionSupporter instances.
HistoryCommandAction TODO remove it's unused.
OpenVersioningAction This action opens the Versioning Explorer tab, but doesn't select node
RefreshLocalFolderAction Action that refresh the local files in a local folder.
VcsAllCommandsAction Action, that contains all VCS actions.
VcsGlobalCommandsAction This action presents global VCS commands, that are independent of a filesystem.
VcsManagerAction VCS Manager Action.
VcsMountFromTemplateAction Creates a new VCS filesystem from template in the "Templates/Mount/VCS" folder.
VcsOutputAction The action, that will open VCS output.
VersioningAction This action openes the Versioning Explorer tab.
VersioningExplorerAction This action openes the Versioning Explorer tab.
VSRevisionAction The revision action on Versioning System.

Package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.actions Description

This package integrates VCS support with actions UI.

VCS Actions Package

There are various command actions: Add, Diff, Commit, History, Remove and Update that for toolbar. CommandMenu and VcsGlobalCommandAction action constructs context menu from ComamndTree descriptors. There are also few non command related actions: group management, opening revision explorer, versioning manager, versioning output. There are inproperly placed they should go to repective packages,

CommandMenu class describes menu invoked command lifetime (without a phase hidden in command.execute()). It's described in org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands package.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.