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org.netbeans.modules.vcscore (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore

Interface Summary
DirReaderListener The listener, that is called from the directory reader to update the files attributes in the given directory.
FileObjectExistence The interface, that tells you about existing FileObjects.
FileReaderListener Listener, that is called to update the file attributes.
FilesModificationSupport By implementing this interface the class declares that it can notify clients about changes in files/directories.
VcsFileSystem.IgnoreListSupport Profile entry point to plug-in specifics ignore list implementation (here commands CMD_CREATE_FOLDER_IGNORE_LIST, CMD_CREATE_INITIAL_IGNORE_LIST).

Class Summary
DefaultVcsCommandsProvider The default implementation of VcsCommandsProvider based on commands provided by CommandsTree.
DefaultVcsFactory This class provides a default implementation of VcsFactory.
FileReference FileObject reference with properties.
Variables This class contains static methods for variable expansion.
VcsAction Deprecated. This class is retained just for compatibility reasons.
VcsActionSupporter TODO remove it's transitively unused.
VcsAttributes Implementation of file attributes for version control systems.
VcsCollocationQueryImpl VCS collocation query implementation based on VCS filesystems.
VcsDirContainer Container for objects belonging to directories.
VcsFileSystem Generic VCS filesystem.
VcsFSCommandsAction The system action with VCS commands, that are provided by the FileSystem.
VcsModule Redistributes notifications about module lifetime.
VcsVersioningSystemBeanInfo BeanInfo for VcsVersioningSystem.
VcsVisibilityQueryImpl VCS visibility query implementation based on VCS filesystems.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.