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org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.api.vcs.commands

Interface Summary
AddCommand This interface represents the VCS add command.
AddFolderCommand This interface represents the VCS add folder command.
CheckInCommand This interface represents the VCS check in command.
CheckOutCommand This interface represents the VCS check out command.
Command This interface represents the VCS command, that is executed to acually perform a VCS action.
DiffCommand This interface represents the VCS diff command.
HistoryCommand This interface represents the VCS history command.
MessagingCommand This interface represents commands, that need a message to complete the VCS action.
PropertiesCommand This interface represents the VCS properties command.
RemoveCommand This interface represents the VCS remove command.
RemoveFolderCommand This interface represents the VCS remove folder command.
RevisionCommand This interface represents a VCS command, that can operate on revisions.
UncheckOutCommand This interface represents the VCS uncheck out command.
UpdateCommand This interface represents the VCS update command.

Class Summary
CommandTask This class represents the actual command, that is executed to acually perform a VCS action.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.