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ClusterItemVisualizer (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Interface ClusterItemVisualizer

public interface ClusterItemVisualizer

TODO Is not it unused?

ClusteringAction expects to have the popup menu to be defined consisting of items implementing this interface. The menu is defined on the default filesystem by the module's layer.

Method Summary
 Icon getIcon()
          Icon for the item.
 String getName()
          Display name of the item.
 boolean isItemEnabled(ClusteringAction action)
 boolean isSwitchable()
          Indicates wheather the item enables a forced dialog display.
 void performAction(Node[] nodes, ClusteringAction action)
 void setSwitched(boolean userHoldsCtrl)

Method Detail


public String getName()
Display name of the item.


public Icon getIcon()
Icon for the item. Is used only if the menu is constructed within the main menu structure. If it's defined as popup menu, icon is ignored.


public boolean isSwitchable()
Indicates wheather the item enables a forced dialog display. is valid only if the ClusteringAction returns true in isSwitchingEnabled(). In such case, items returning true here will be appended "3 dots" when user presses CTRL and is expected to display some kind of dialog when performed.


public boolean isItemEnabled(ClusteringAction action)


public void performAction(Node[] nodes,
                          ClusteringAction action)


public void setSwitched(boolean userHoldsCtrl)


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.