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org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands (NetBeans VCS API) - NetBeans API Javadoc 4.1.0


Package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands

Commands scheduling and executing framework implementation.


Interface Summary
ActionCommandSupport This class represents a command which has associated an action.
ChainingCommand A command, that permits chaining of several command.
CommandDataOutputListener Deprecated. Use RegexOutputListener instead.
CommandExecutionContext A provider of execution context, that is necessary for the UserCommand to be executed.
CommandOutputListener Deprecated. Use TextOutputListener or TextErrorListener instead.
CommandProcessListener This listener is to be used to listen on commands preprocessing and execution.
CommandsTree.Provider Provider of CommandsTree.
FileReaderCommand The command, that produces files and their VCS status with respect to the VCS repository.
OutputProgressListener The listener that is notified about the progress of output from a command.
ProvidedCommand This class represents a command which knows about it's VcsCommandsProvider.
RecursionAwareCommand This command allows to forbid to process directories recursively.
RecursionAwareCommandSupport This extension of CommandSupport can be asked whether the created commands will be able to process folders nonrecursively.
RegexErrorListener The listener to get the error data output of a command obtained from a regular expression parser usually applied on the error text output of the command.
RegexOutputCommand This class represents a command which produce elements of parsed data from a text output of the command using a regular expression.
RegexOutputListener The listener to get the data output of a command obtained from a regular expression parser usually applied on the standard text output of the command.
TextErrorListener The listener to get the error textual output of a command line by line.
TextInput The interface to provide the textual input to a command.
TextOutputCommand This class represents a command which produce a text output.
TextOutputListener The listener to get the textual output of a command line by line.
VcsCommand The VcsCommand interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed by a VcsCommandExecutor.
VcsCommandCookie Cookie of VcsCommand.
VcsCommandExecutor The VcsCommand interface should be implemented by any class whose instances are intended to be executed as version control commands.
VcsCommandVisualizer This class should be used to display the graphical output of the running command.
VcsCommandVisualizer.Wrapper The wrapper of the visualizer.
VcsDescribedCommand This class represents a command whose behavior is described by VcsCommand.
VcsDescribedTask This class represents a command task whose behavior is described by VcsCommand.

Class Summary
CommandCustomizationSupport This class contains a support for VCS commands customization.
CommandExecutorSupport This class contains a support for VCS commands execution.
CommandOutputCollector The collector of commands' output.
CommandOutputTextProcessor The processor of text output of a command.
CommandOutputTopComponent TopComponent for vcs command output
CommandOutputVisualizer The default visualizer of command output.
CommandProcessor This class is used as a container of all external commands which are either running or finished.
CommandsPool Deprecated. Use CommandProcessor instead.
CommandsTree This class represents a tree structure of commands.
CommandTaskInfo Info, that is used to submit a task into CommandProcessor.
DialogVisualizerWrapper Dialog wrapper of a command visualizer.
InteractiveCommandOutputVisualizer The interactive visualizer of command output with an ability to provide input.
PreCommandPerformer This class checks if there are any commands to be run during preprocessing the command.
VcsCommandIO This class contains static methods for getting and setting command properties.

Package org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.commands Description

Commands scheduling and executing framework implementation.

Command Processing Engine

Package keeps trace of all running commands and schedules and dispatches queued commands to performing threads.

Main package entry point is CommandProcessor.process() method that is called from CommandTask.run() that is called by ... (XXX there is mess, I cannot understand CommandTask.run() vs. CommandTask.execute() called by runCommandTask from an Info).

It looks like it's API implementation so real client entry point is the API.


org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.runtime contains engine UI implementation.


Built on May 4 2005.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.