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org.drools.reteoo - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.reteoo

Interface Summary
ObjectSink Receiver of propagated FactHandleImpls from a ObjectSource.
ObjectSinkList ObjectSinkList An interface for object sink lists

Class Summary
AlphaNodeSwitch AlphaNodeSwitch A LiteralConstraint wrapper to be used on alpha node hashing algorithm
DefaultObjectSinkList DefaultObjectSinkList A default implementation for DefaultObjectSinkList
HashedObjectSinkList HashedObjectSinkList A hashed implementation for ObjectSinkList to use in nodes that do alpha node hashing
NotNode NotNode extends BetaNode to perform tests for the non existence of a Fact plus one or more conditions.
ObjectMatches ObjectMatches maintains a reference to its FactHandleImpl and a LinkedList of TupleMatches.
ObjectSinkListFactory ObjectSinkListFactory A factory for ObjectSinkLists
ReteooRuleBase Implementation of RuleBase.
ReteooWorkingMemory Implementation of WorkingMemory.
ReteTuple Rete-OO Tuple implementation.
RightInputAdapterNode When joining two Nots together the resulting Tuple from the first Not Must be adapted to FActHandleImpl so it can be propagated into the second not
TupleMatch TupleMatch maintains a reference to the parent ReteTuple and a List of all resulting joins.