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org.drools.leaps.util - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.leaps.util

Interface Summary
TableIterator Leaps specific iterator for leaps tables. relies on leaps table double link list structure for navigating

Class Summary
ConstrainedIteratorFromPositionToTableStart this class is for multi pass iterations to sort out facts that do not satisfy alpha nodes previous to the left next to the right
IteratorFromPositionToTableEnd Leaps specific iterator for leaps tables. relies on leaps table double link list structure for navigation
IteratorFromPositionToTableStart Leaps specific iterator for leaps tables. relies on leaps table double link list structure for navigation
Table double linked list structure to store objects in the ordered list and iterate over the list for leaps
TokenStack This class follows java.util.Stack interface but accounts for remove( object ) functionallity needed by leaps