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org.drools.reteoo.beta - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Package org.drools.reteoo.beta

Interface Summary
BetaLeftMemory BetaLeftMemory The BetaLeftMemory is the interface for all classes implementing the left memory of a BetaMemory instance.
BetaRightMemory BetaRightMemory The BetaRightMemory is the interface for all classes implementing the right memory of a BetaMemory instance.

Class Summary
BetaMemoryFactory MemoryFactory A factory for Beta memories, both left and right
BooleanConstrainedLeftMemory BooleanConstrainedLeftMemory A boolean constrained implementation for the left memory
BooleanConstrainedRightMemory BooleanConstrainedRightMemory A boolean constrained right memory
DefaultLeftMemory DefaultLeftMemory A default implementation for Left Memory
DefaultRightMemory DefaultRightMemory A default implementation for BetaRightMemory.
ObjectEqualConstrLeftMemory ObjectConstrainedLeftMemory An equal object constrained left memory implementation
ObjectEqualConstrRightMemory ObjectEqualConstrRightMemory An Equal Constrained Right Memory
ObjectNotEqualConstrLeftMemory ObjectNotEqualConstrLeftMemory A not-equal object constrained left memory implementation
ObjectNotEqualConstrRightMemory ObjectNotEqualConstrRightMemory An Object not equal constrained right memory implementation