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TupleMatch - JBoss RULES 3.0.6 API 英文版文档

Class TupleMatch

  extended by org.drools.util.AbstractBaseLinkedListNode
      extended by org.drools.reteoo.TupleMatch
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.io.Serializable, LinkedListNode

public class TupleMatch
extends AbstractBaseLinkedListNode

TupleMatch maintains a reference to the parent ReteTuple and a List of all resulting joins. This is a List rather than a single instance reference because we need to create a join for each TupleSink branches. A reference is also maintained to the ObjectMatches instance; this is so the FactHandleImpl that is used in the join can be referenced, and also any other TupleMatches the FactHandleImpl is joined with.

See Also:
TupleMatch, ObjectMatches, ReteTuple, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
TupleMatch(ReteTuple tuple, ObjectMatches objectMatches)
          Construct a TupleMatch with references to the parent ReteTuple and FactHandleImpl, via ObjecMatches.
Method Summary
 void addJoinedTuple(ReteTuple tuple)
          Adds a resulting join to the List.
 java.util.List getJoinedTuples()
          Return the List of joined ReteTuples.
 ObjectMatches getObjectMatches()
          Returns the referenced ObjectMatches which provides the FactHandleImpl the ReteTuple is joined with.
 ReteTuple getTuple()
          Return the parent ReteTuple
Methods inherited from class org.drools.util.AbstractBaseLinkedListNode
getNext, getPrevious, setNext, setPrevious
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TupleMatch(ReteTuple tuple,
                  ObjectMatches objectMatches)
Construct a TupleMatch with references to the parent ReteTuple and FactHandleImpl, via ObjecMatches.

tuple -
objectMatches -
Method Detail


public ReteTuple getTuple()
Return the parent ReteTuple

the ReteTuple


public ObjectMatches getObjectMatches()
Returns the referenced ObjectMatches which provides the FactHandleImpl the ReteTuple is joined with.

the ObjectMatches


public void addJoinedTuple(ReteTuple tuple)
Adds a resulting join to the List. A join is made for each TupleSink.

tuple -


public java.util.List getJoinedTuples()
Return the List of joined ReteTuples.

the List.