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Uses of Interface javax.management.MBeanRegistration (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use MBeanRegistration
javax.management.monitor The JBossMX monitor services
javax.management.relation The JBossMX relation service
javax.management.timer The JBossMX timer service

Uses of MBeanRegistration in javax.management.loading

Classes in javax.management.loading that implement MBeanRegistration
 class MLet
          URL classloader capable of parsing an MLet text file adhering to the file format defined in the JMX specification (v1.0).
 class PrivateMLet

Uses of MBeanRegistration in javax.management.modelmbean

Classes in javax.management.modelmbean that implement MBeanRegistration
 class RequiredModelMBean
          Mandatory Model MBean implementation.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in javax.management.monitor

Classes in javax.management.monitor that implement MBeanRegistration
 class CounterMonitor
          The counter monitor service.
 class GaugeMonitor
          The gauge monitor service.
 class Monitor
          The monitor service.
 class StringMonitor
          The string monitor service.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in javax.management.relation

Classes in javax.management.relation that implement MBeanRegistration
 class RelationService
          Implements the management interface for a relation service.
 class RelationSupport
          Implements the management interface for a relation created internally within the relation service.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in javax.management.timer

Classes in javax.management.timer that implement MBeanRegistration
 class Timer
          The timer service.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.interceptor

Subinterfaces of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.interceptor
 interface SharedInterceptor

Classes in org.jboss.mx.interceptor that implement MBeanRegistration
 class AbstractSharedInterceptor
          Base class for shared interceptors.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.loading

Classes in org.jboss.mx.loading that implement MBeanRegistration
 class HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3
          A simple extension of UnifiedLoaderRepository3 that adds the notion of a parent UnifiedLoaderRepository.
 class UnifiedLoaderRepository3
          A repository of class loaders that form a flat namespace of classes and resources.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean

Classes in org.jboss.mx.modelmbean that implement MBeanRegistration
 class ModelMBeanInvoker
          An extension of the MBeanInvoker that implements the base Model MBean functionality, essentially making the Model MBean just another invoker of managed resources.
 class XMBean
          XMBean implementation.

Uses of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.server

Subinterfaces of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.server
 interface MBeanInvoker
          This interface represents an invoker for an MBean.

Classes in org.jboss.mx.server that implement MBeanRegistration
 class AbstractMBeanInvoker
          A base MBeanInvoker class that provides common state as well as
 class RawDynamicInvoker

Uses of MBeanRegistration in org.jboss.mx.server.registry

Methods in org.jboss.mx.server.registry with parameters of type MBeanRegistration
protected  ObjectName BasicMBeanRegistry.handlePreRegistration(MBeanRegistration registrationInterface, ObjectName regName)
          subclasses can override to provide their own pre-registration pre- and post- logic for preRegister and must call preRegister on the MBeanRegistration instance
protected  void BasicMBeanRegistry.handlePreDeregister(MBeanRegistration registrationInterface)
          subclasses can override to provide any custom preDeregister logic and must call preDregister on the MBeanRegistration instance

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