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javax.management.relation (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Package javax.management.relation

The JBossMX relation service.


Interface Summary
Relation This interface is implemented by an MBean that represents a relation.
RelationServiceMBean This interface defines the management interface for a relation service.
RelationSupportMBean This interface defines the management interface for a relation created internally within the relation service.
RelationType This interface is implemented by a class that represents a relation.

Class Summary
MBeanServerNotificationFilter A helper class, used to filter notifications of registration, unregistration of selected object names.
RelationNotification A notification from the relation service.
RelationService Implements the management interface for a relation service.
RelationSupport Implements the management interface for a relation created internally within the relation service.
RelationTypeSupport This class can be used to implement relation types.
Role A role is a role name and an ordered list of object names to the MBeans in the role.
RoleInfo This class contains information about a role.
RoleList A list of roles.
RoleResult Represents the result of multiple access to roles.
RoleStatus The problems that occur when resolving roles.
RoleUnresolved An unresolved role.
RoleUnresolvedList A list of unresolved roles.

Exception Summary
InvalidRelationIdException Thrown when a relation id provided has already been used.
InvalidRelationServiceException Thrown when an invalid relation service is used.
InvalidRelationTypeException Thrown when the relation type already exists with the given name or the same name is used in different role infos or there is no role info or a null role info.
InvalidRoleInfoException Thrown when a role info has a minimum greater than its maximum.
InvalidRoleValueException Thrown when the number of MBeans passed is less the minimum or greater than the maximum degree of a role, or the an MBean has an incorrect class or an MBean does not exist.
RelationException A super class for all relations thrown during relation management.
RelationNotFoundException Thrown when there is no relation for a passed relation id.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException Thrown when the relation service has not been registered with the MBean Server.
RelationTypeNotFoundException Thrown when a relation type is not registered with the relation service.
RoleInfoNotFoundException Thrown when the a role info with the given name doesn't exist for relation type.
RoleNotFoundException Thrown when the a role does not exist for a relation or is not readable or writable for the respective operation.

Package javax.management.relation Description

The JBossMX relation service.

Package Specification

Related Documentation

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