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RelationSupportMBean (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Interface RelationSupportMBean

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public interface RelationSupportMBean
extends Relation

This interface defines the management interface for a relation created internally within the relation service. The relation can have only roles - no attributes or mehods.

The relation support managed bean can be created externally, including extending it, and then registered with the relation service.

$Revision: 1.2 $
Adrian Brock.

Method Summary
 Boolean isInRelationService()
          Check to see whether this relation thinks it is in relation service.
 void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean value)
          Set the flag to specify whether this relation is registered with the relation service.
Methods inherited from interface javax.management.relation.Relation
getAllRoles, getReferencedMBeans, getRelationId, getRelationServiceName, getRelationTypeName, getRole, getRoleCardinality, getRoles, handleMBeanUnregistration, retrieveAllRoles, setRole, setRoles

Method Detail


public Boolean isInRelationService()
Check to see whether this relation thinks it is in relation service.

WARNING: This is not a dynamic check. The flag is set within the relation support object by the relation service, malicious programs may modifiy it to an incorrect value.

true when it is registered.


public void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean value)
Set the flag to specify whether this relation is registered with the relation service.

WARNING: This method is exposed for management by the relation service. Using this method outside of the relation service does not affect the registration with the relation service.

value - pass true for managed by the relation service, false otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null value

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