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RelationSupport (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Class RelationSupport

  extended byjavax.management.relation.RelationSupport
All Implemented Interfaces:
MBeanRegistration, Relation, RelationSupportMBean

public class RelationSupport
extends Object
implements RelationSupportMBean, MBeanRegistration

Implements the management interface for a relation created internally within the relation service. The relation can have only roles - no attributes or methods.

The relation support managed bean can be created externally, including extending it, and then registered with the relation service.

$Revision: $


20020412 Juha Lindfors:

  • Changed MBeanProxy exception handling on create methods -- only need to catch one MBeanProxyCreationException
Adrian Brock., Juha Lindfors

Constructor Summary
RelationSupport(String relationId, ObjectName relationService, MBeanServer mbeanServer, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
          Construct a new relation support object.
RelationSupport(String relationId, ObjectName relationService, String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
          Construct a new relation support object.
Method Summary
 RoleResult getAllRoles()
          Retrieves all the roles in this relation.
 Map getReferencedMBeans()
          Retrieves MBeans referenced by roles of this relation.
 String getRelationId()
          Retrieves the relation id used to identify the relation within the relation service.
 ObjectName getRelationServiceName()
          Retrieves the object name of the relation service this relation is registered with.
 String getRelationTypeName()
          Retrieves the relation type for this relation.
 List getRole(String roleName)
          Retrieves the role for the passed role name.
 Integer getRoleCardinality(String roleName)
          Retrieves the number of MBeans in a given role.
 RoleResult getRoles(String[] roleNames)
          Retrieves the roles in this relation with the passed names.
 void handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName, String roleName)
          The relation service will call this service when an MBean referenced in a role is unregistered.
 Boolean isInRelationService()
          Check to see whether this relation thinks it is in relation service.
 void postDeregister()
          This method is called by the MBeanServer after deregistration takes place.
 void postRegister(Boolean registered)
          This method is called by the MBeanServer after registration takes place or when registration fails.
 void preDeregister()
          This method is called by the MBeanServer before deregistration takes place.
 ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName objectName)
          This method is called by the MBeanServer before registration takes place.
 RoleList retrieveAllRoles()
          Retrieve all the roles in this relation without checking the role mode.
 void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean value)
          Set the flag to specify whether this relation is registered with the relation service.
 void setRole(Role role)
          Sets the passed role for this relation.
 RoleResult setRoles(RoleList roleList)
          Sets the roles.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public RelationSupport(String relationId,
                       ObjectName relationService,
                       String relationTypeName,
                       RoleList roleList)
                throws IllegalArgumentException,
Construct a new relation support object.

This constructor is intended for use when manually registrating a relation support object or an class that extends it.

Constructing the object does not register it with the relation service, only the following is validated at this stage.

The relation id is mandatory.
The relation service name is mandatory.
. The relation type name is mandatory.
The same name is used for more than one role.

relationId - the relation Id
relationService - the object name of the relation service
relationTypeName - the name of the relation type
roleList - the roles in this relation
IllegalArgumentException - for null values.
InvalidRoleValueException - when two roles have the same name.


public RelationSupport(String relationId,
                       ObjectName relationService,
                       MBeanServer mbeanServer,
                       String relationTypeName,
                       RoleList roleList)
                throws IllegalArgumentException,
Construct a new relation support object.

This constructor is intended for use when manually registrating a relation that delegates to relation support.

Constructing the object does not register it with the relation service, only the following is validated at this stage.

The relation id is mandatory.
The relation service name is mandatory.
. The mbean service is mandatory.
. The relation type name is mandatory.
The same name is used for more than one role.

relationId - the relation Id
relationService - the object name of the relation service
mbeanServer - the object name of the relation service
relationTypeName - the name of the relation type
roleList - the roles in this relation
IllegalArgumentException - for null values.
InvalidRoleValueException - when two roles have the same name.
Method Detail


public RoleResult getAllRoles()
                       throws RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves all the roles in this relation.

Specified by:
getAllRoles in interface Relation
the roles both resolved and unresolved.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.


public Map getReferencedMBeans()
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves MBeans referenced by roles of this relation.

The return value is a map keyed by MBean object names. The objects are associated with an ArrayList that contains all the role names the MBean has within this relation.

Specified by:
getReferencedMBeans in interface Relation
the map of object names and their roles.


public String getRelationId()
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the relation id used to identify the relation within the relation service.

Specified by:
getRelationId in interface Relation
the unique id.


public ObjectName getRelationServiceName()
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the object name of the relation service this relation is registered with.

Specified by:
getRelationServiceName in interface Relation
the relation service object name.


public String getRelationTypeName()
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the relation type for this relation.

Specified by:
getRelationTypeName in interface Relation
the relation type.


public List getRole(String roleName)
             throws IllegalArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the role for the passed role name. The role must exist and be readable.

The return value is an ArrayList of object names in the role.

Specified by:
getRole in interface Relation
the role.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null role name.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.
RoleNotFoundException - when there is no such role or it is not readable.


public Integer getRoleCardinality(String roleName)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the number of MBeans in a given role.

Specified by:
getRoleCardinality in interface Relation
the number of MBeans.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null role name.
RoleNotFoundException - when there is no such role.


public RoleResult getRoles(String[] roleNames)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieves the roles in this relation with the passed names.

Specified by:
getRoles in interface Relation
roleNames - an array of role names
the roles both resolved and unresolved.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null role names.


public void handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName objectName,
                                      String roleName)
                               throws RoleNotFoundException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
The relation service will call this service when an MBean referenced in a role is unregistered.

The object name should be removed from the role.

Calling this method manually may result in incorrect behaviour

Specified by:
handleMBeanUnregistration in interface Relation
objectName - the object name unregistered.
roleName - the role the containing the object.
InvalidRoleValueException - when the role does not conform to the associated role info.
RelationTypeNotFoundException - when the relation type has not been registered in the relation service.
RelationNotFoundException - when this method is called for for an MBean not registered with the relation service.
RoleNotFoundException - if the role does exist or it is not writable.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.


public RoleList retrieveAllRoles()
Description copied from interface: Relation
Retrieve all the roles in this relation without checking the role mode.

Specified by:
retrieveAllRoles in interface Relation
the list of roles.


public void setRole(Role role)
             throws IllegalArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
Sets the passed role for this relation.

The role is checked according to its role definition in the relation type. The role is not valid if there are the wrong number of MBeans, an MBean is of an incorrect class or an MBean does not exist.

The notification RELATION_BASIC_UPDATE is sent when the relation is not an MBean or RELATION_MBEAN_UPDATE when it is.

Specified by:
setRole in interface Relation
role - the new role.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.
RoleNotFoundException - if the role is not writable. This test is not performed at initialisation.
RelationTypeNotFoundException - when the relation type has not been registered in the relation service.
InvalidRoleValueException - if the role is not valid.
RelationNotFoundException - when this method is called for for an MBean not registered with the relation service.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null role.


public RoleResult setRoles(RoleList roleList)
                    throws IllegalArgumentException,
Description copied from interface: Relation
Sets the roles.

The roles are checked according to its role definition in the relation type. The role is not valid if there are the wrong number of MBeans, an MBean is of an incorrect class or an MBean does not exist.

A notification RELATION_BASIC_UPDATE is sent when the relation is not an MBean or RELATION_MBEAN_UPDATE when it is for every updated role.

The return role result has a role list for successfully updated roles and an unresolved list for roles not set.

Specified by:
setRoles in interface Relation
roleList - the new roles.
the resulting role result.
RelationTypeNotFoundException - when the relation type has not been registered in the relation service.
IllegalArgumentException - for a null role name.
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException - when the relation service is not registered with an MBeanServer.
RelationNotFoundException - when this method is called for for an MBean not registered with the relation service.


public Boolean isInRelationService()
Description copied from interface: RelationSupportMBean
Check to see whether this relation thinks it is in relation service.

WARNING: This is not a dynamic check. The flag is set within the relation support object by the relation service, malicious programs may modifiy it to an incorrect value.

Specified by:
isInRelationService in interface RelationSupportMBean
true when it is registered.


public void setRelationServiceManagementFlag(Boolean value)
Description copied from interface: RelationSupportMBean
Set the flag to specify whether this relation is registered with the relation service.

WARNING: This method is exposed for management by the relation service. Using this method outside of the relation service does not affect the registration with the relation service.

Specified by:
setRelationServiceManagementFlag in interface RelationSupportMBean
value - pass true for managed by the relation service, false otherwise.


public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server,
                              ObjectName objectName)
                       throws Exception
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration
This method is called by the MBeanServer before registration takes place. The MBean is passed a reference of the MBeanServer it is about to be registered with. The MBean must return the ObjectName it will be registered with. The MBeanServer can pass a suggested object depending upon how the MBean is registered.

The MBean can stop the registration by throwing an exception.The exception is forwarded to the invoker wrapped in an MBeanRegistrationException.

Specified by:
preRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
the actual ObjectName to register this MBean with.
Exception - for any error, the MBean is not registered.


public void postRegister(Boolean registered)
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration
This method is called by the MBeanServer after registration takes place or when registration fails.

Specified by:
postRegister in interface MBeanRegistration
registered - the MBeanServer passes true when the MBean was registered, false otherwise.


public void preDeregister()
                   throws Exception
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration
This method is called by the MBeanServer before deregistration takes place.

The MBean can throw an exception, this will stop the deregistration. The exception is forwarded to the invoker wrapped in an MBeanRegistrationException.

Specified by:
preDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration


public void postDeregister()
Description copied from interface: MBeanRegistration
This method is called by the MBeanServer after deregistration takes place.

Specified by:
postDeregister in interface MBeanRegistration

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