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org.jboss.mx.loading (JBoss/JMX API) - JBoss 3.2.7 jmx API Documentation 英文版文档

Package org.jboss.mx.loading

Interface Summary
LoaderRepositoryFactory.LoaderRepositoryConfigParser The interface representing a LoaderRepository configuration parser.
MBeanFileParser Interface that abstracts the access to different MBean loader parsers (MLet file parsers, XML based parsers, etc.).
UnifiedClassLoader2MBean Just a tagging interface to make the UnifiedClassLoader so it can be used as a loader in other MBean creation via MBeanServer.createMBean.
UnifiedClassLoader3MBean Just a tagging interface to make the UnifiedClassLoader so it can be used as a loader in other MBean creation via MBeanServer.createMBean.
UnifiedClassLoaderMBean Just a tagging interface to make the UnifiedClassLoader so it can be used as a loader in other MBean creation via MBeanServer.createMBean.
UnifiedLoaderRepository3MBean The UnifiedLoaderRepository3 (ULR) management interface
UnifiedLoaderRepository4MBean The UnifiedLoaderRepository4 (ULR) management interface
UnifiedLoaderRepositoryMBean UnifiedLoaderRepositoryMBean.java Created: Sun Apr 14 13:04:04 2002

Class Summary
BasicLoaderRepository Implements a simple classloader repository for the MBean server.
ClassLoaderUtils Utility methods for class loader to package names, etc.
ClassLoadingTask An encapsulation of a UCL3.loadClass task.
HeirarchicalLoaderRepository2 A simple extension of UnifiedLoaderRepository2 that adds the notion of a parent UnifiedLoaderRepository.
HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3 A simple extension of UnifiedLoaderRepository3 that adds the notion of a parent UnifiedLoaderRepository.
HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3ConfigParser The LoaderRepositoryConfigParser implementation for the HeirarchicalLoaderRepository3.
HeirarchicalLoaderRepository4 A simple extension of UnifiedLoaderRepository3 that adds the notion of a parent UnifiedLoaderRepository.
LoaderRepositoryClassLoader A delegating classloader that first peeks in the loader repository's cache.
LoaderRepositoryFactory A factory for LoaderRepository instances.
LoaderRepositoryFactory.LoaderRepositoryConfig A class that represents the configuration of the a LoaderRepository.
LoadMgr3 A utility class used by the UnifiedClassLoader3 to manage the thread based class loading tasks.
LoadMgr3.PkgClassLoader A UCL and its relative ordering with respect to the class loading.
LoadMgr4 A utility class used by the UnifiedClassLoader3 to manage the thread based class loading tasks.
LoadMgr4.PkgClassLoader A UCL and its relative ordering with respect to the class loading.
MBeanElement Dataholder class used with MBean file parsers.
MLetParser Parses an MLet text file confirming to spec format.
UnifiedClassLoader A ClassLoader which loads classes from a single URL in conjunction with the LoaderRepository.
UnifiedClassLoader2 An extension of UnifiedClassLoader that only allows a single thread into its UnifiedLoaderRepository2 by seperating the threads attempting class loading through it and the single thread active in the UnifiedLoaderRepository2 by registering a delegate UnifiedClassLoader with the UnifiedLoaderRepository2 rather than itself.
UnifiedClassLoader3 An extension of UnifiedClassLoader that manages a thread based loading strategy to work around the locking problems associated with the VM initiated locking due to the synchronized loadClassInternal method of ClassLoader which cannot be overriden.
UnifiedClassLoader4 An extension of UnifiedClassLoader that manages a thread based loading strategy to work around the locking problems associated with the VM initiated locking due to the synchronized loadClassInternal method of ClassLoader which cannot be overriden.
UnifiedLoaderRepository Deprecated. Use the UnifiedLoaderRepository3 version
UnifiedLoaderRepository2 Deprecated. Use the UnifiedLoaderRepository3 version
UnifiedLoaderRepository3 A repository of class loaders that form a flat namespace of classes and resources.
UnifiedLoaderRepository4 A repository of class loaders that form a flat namespace of classes and resources.

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