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Uses of Interface net.sf.hibernate.type.Type (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Type

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate

Fields in net.sf.hibernate declared as Type
static Type Hibernate.OBJECT
          Hibernate object type.

Methods in net.sf.hibernate that return Type
 Type ScrollableResults.getType(int i)
          Get the type of the ith column of results
 Type[] Query.getReturnTypes()
          Return the Hibernate types of the query result set.
static Type Hibernate.enum(Class enumClass)
          Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2
static Type Hibernate.serializable(Class serializableClass)
          A Hibernate serializable type.
static Type Hibernate.any(Type metaType, Type identifierType)
          A Hibernate any type.
static Type Hibernate.association(Class persistentClass)
          Deprecated. use Hibernate.entity()
static Type Hibernate.entity(Class persistentClass)
          A Hibernate persistent object (entity) type.
static Type Hibernate.custom(Class userTypeClass)
          A Hibernate custom type.
 Type[] CompositeUserType.getPropertyTypes()
          Get the corresponding "property types".

Methods in net.sf.hibernate with parameters of type Type
 List Session.find(String query, Object value, Type type)
          Execute a query with bind parameters.
 List Session.find(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
          Execute a query with bind parameters.
 Iterator Session.iterate(String query, Object value, Type type)
          Execute a query and return the results in an iterator.
 Iterator Session.iterate(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
          Execute a query and return the results in an iterator.
 Collection Session.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object value, Type type)
          Apply a filter to a persistent collection.
 Collection Session.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object[] values, Type[] types)
          Apply a filter to a persistent collection.
 int Session.delete(String query, Object value, Type type)
          Delete all objects returned by the query.
 int Session.delete(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
          Delete all objects returned by the query.
 Query Query.setParameter(int position, Object val, Type type)
          Bind a value to a JDBC-style query parameter.
 Query Query.setParameter(String name, Object val, Type type)
          Bind a value to a named query parameter.
 Query Query.setParameterList(String name, Collection vals, Type type)
          Bind multiple values to a named query parameter.
 Query Query.setParameterList(String name, Object[] vals, Type type)
          Bind multiple values to a named query parameter.
 boolean Interceptor.onLoad(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
          Called just before an object is initialized.
 boolean Interceptor.onFlushDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
          Called when an object is detected to be dirty, during a flush.
 boolean Interceptor.onSave(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
          Called before an object is saved.
 void Interceptor.onDelete(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] state, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
          Called before an object is deleted.
 int[] Interceptor.findDirty(Object entity, Serializable id, Object[] currentState, Object[] previousState, String[] propertyNames, Type[] types)
          Called from flush().
static Type Hibernate.any(Type metaType, Type identifierType)
          A Hibernate any type.

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.cache

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.cache with parameters of type Type
 void StandardQueryCache.put(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, List result, SessionImplementor session)
 List StandardQueryCache.get(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, Set spaces, SessionImplementor session)
 void QueryCache.put(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, List result, SessionImplementor session)
 List QueryCache.get(QueryKey key, Type[] returnTypes, Set spaces, SessionImplementor session)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.collection

Fields in net.sf.hibernate.collection declared as Type
protected  Type AbstractCollectionPersister.elementType

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.collection that return Type
 Type ElementPropertyMapping.toType(String propertyName)
 Type ElementPropertyMapping.getType()
 Type CompositeElementPropertyMapping.getType()
 Type CollectionPropertyMapping.toType(String propertyName)
 Type CollectionPropertyMapping.getType()
 Type CollectionPersister.getKeyType()
          Get the "key" type (the type of the foreign key)
 Type CollectionPersister.getIndexType()
          Get the "index" type for a list or map (optional operation)
 Type CollectionPersister.getElementType()
          Get the "element" type
 Type CollectionPersister.getIdentifierType()
          Get the type of the surrogate key
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.getKeyType()
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.getIndexType()
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.getElementType()
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.getIdentifierType()
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.toType(String propertyName)
 Type AbstractCollectionPersister.getType()

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.collection with parameters of type Type
 boolean Set.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator Set.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean Set.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean Set.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
abstract  boolean PersistentCollection.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
          Does the current state exactly match the snapshot?
abstract  boolean PersistentCollection.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
          Do we need to insert this element?
abstract  boolean PersistentCollection.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
          Do we need to update this element?
abstract  Iterator PersistentCollection.getDeletes(Type elemType)
          Get all the elements that need deleting
 boolean Map.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator Map.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean Map.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean Map.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean List.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator List.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean List.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean List.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean IdentifierBag.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator IdentifierBag.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean IdentifierBag.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean IdentifierBag.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean Bag.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator Bag.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean Bag.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean Bag.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean ArrayHolder.equalsSnapshot(Type elementType)
 Iterator ArrayHolder.getDeletes(Type elemType)
 boolean ArrayHolder.needsInserting(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)
 boolean ArrayHolder.needsUpdating(Object entry, int i, Type elemType)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.collection with parameters of type Type
ElementPropertyMapping(String[] elementColumns, Type type)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.dialect

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.dialect that return Type
 Type StandardSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type SQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type NoArgSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.dialect with parameters of type Type
 Type StandardSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type SQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)
 Type NoArgSQLFunction.getReturnType(Type columnType, Mapping mapping)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.dialect with parameters of type Type
StandardSQLFunction(Type typeValue)
NoArgSQLFunction(Type returnType)
NoArgSQLFunction(Type returnType, boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.engine

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.engine that return Type
 Type TypedValue.getType()
 Type[] SessionFactoryImplementor.getReturnTypes(String queryString)
          Get the return types of a query
 Type[] QueryParameters.getPositionalParameterTypes()
 Type Mapping.getIdentifierType(Class persistentClass)
 Type Mapping.getPropertyType(Class persistentClass, String propertyName)

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.engine with parameters of type Type
 void TypedValue.setType(Type type)
 void QueryParameters.setPositionalParameterTypes(Type[] types)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.engine with parameters of type Type
TypedValue(Type t, Object o)
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] postionalParameterValues)
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] positionalParameterValues, Map lockModes, RowSelection rowSelection)
QueryParameters(Type[] positionalParameterTypes, Object[] positionalParameterValues, Map namedParameters, Map lockModes, RowSelection rowSelection, boolean cacheable, String cacheRegion, boolean forceCacheRefresh)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.expression

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.expression that return Type
protected static Type AbstractCriterion.getType(SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory, Class persistentClass, String property, Map aliasClasses)

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.expression with parameters of type Type
static Criterion Expression.sql(String sql, Object[] values, Type[] types)
          Apply a constraint expressed in SQL, with the given JDBC parameters.
static Criterion Expression.sql(String sql, Object value, Type type)
          Apply a constraint expressed in SQL, with the given JDBC parameter.
protected  void Example.addPropertyTypedValue(Object value, Type type, List list)
 boolean Example.PropertySelector.include(Object propertyValue, String propertyName, Type type)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.hql

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.hql that return Type
 Type SelectParser.aggregateType(List funcTokenList, Type type, QueryTranslator q)
 Type[] QueryTranslator.getReturnTypes()
          Types of the return values of an iterate() style query.
protected  Type PathExpressionParser.getPropertyType()
 Type PathExpressionParser.getWhereColumnType()

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.hql with parameters of type Type
 Type SelectParser.aggregateType(List funcTokenList, Type type, QueryTranslator q)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.id

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.id with parameters of type Type
 void UUIDStringGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
 void UUIDHexGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
 void TableHiLoGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
 void TableGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect)
 void SequenceHiLoGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
 void SequenceGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect)
 void IncrementGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
static Serializable IdentifierGeneratorFactory.get(ResultSet rs, Type type, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
static IdentifierGenerator IdentifierGeneratorFactory.create(String strategy, Type type, Properties params, Dialect dialect)
 void ForeignGenerator.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
 void Configurable.configure(Type type, Properties params, Dialect d)
          Configure this instance, given the value of parameters specified by the user as <param> elements.

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.impl

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.impl that return Type
 Type[] SQLQueryImpl.getReturnTypes()
 Type SessionFactoryImpl.getIdentifierType(Class ObjectClass)
 Type[] SessionFactoryImpl.getReturnTypes(String queryString)
 Type SessionFactoryImpl.getPropertyType(Class persistentClass, String propertyName)
 Type ScrollableResultsImpl.getType(int i)
 Type[] FilterImpl.typeArray()
 Type[] AbstractQueryImpl.getReturnTypes()
 Type[] AbstractQueryImpl.typeArray()

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.impl with parameters of type Type
 List SessionImpl.find(String query, Object value, Type type)
 List SessionImpl.find(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 Iterator SessionImpl.iterate(String query, Object value, Type type)
 Iterator SessionImpl.iterate(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 int SessionImpl.delete(String query, Object value, Type type)
 int SessionImpl.delete(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 Collection SessionImpl.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object value, Type type)
 Collection SessionImpl.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 String Printer.toString(Type[] types, Object[] values)
 Query AbstractQueryImpl.setParameter(int position, Object val, Type type)
 Query AbstractQueryImpl.setParameter(String name, Object val, Type type)
 Query AbstractQueryImpl.setParameterList(String name, Collection vals, Type type)
 Query AbstractQueryImpl.setParameterList(String name, Object[] vals, Type type)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.impl with parameters of type Type
ScrollableResultsImpl(ResultSet rs, PreparedStatement ps, SessionImplementor sess, QueryTranslator queryTranslator, QueryParameters queryParameters, Type[] types, Class holderClass)
IteratorImpl(ResultSet rs, PreparedStatement ps, SessionImplementor sess, Type[] types, String[][] columnNames, Class holderClass)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.jca

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.jca with parameters of type Type
 List JCASessionImpl.find(String query, Object value, Type type)
 List JCASessionImpl.find(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 Iterator JCASessionImpl.iterate(String query, Object value, Type type)
 Iterator JCASessionImpl.iterate(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 Collection JCASessionImpl.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object value, Type type)
 Collection JCASessionImpl.filter(Object collection, String filter, Object[] values, Type[] types)
 int JCASessionImpl.delete(String query, Object value, Type type)
 int JCASessionImpl.delete(String query, Object[] values, Type[] types)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.loader

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.loader with parameters of type Type
protected  boolean OuterJoinLoader.isJoinedFetchEnabled(Type type, boolean mappingDefault, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns)
          Override on subclasses to enable or suppress joining of some associations, especially in the case of dynamic fetch settings
protected  boolean OneToManyLoader.isJoinedFetchEnabled(Type type, boolean mappingDefault, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns)
protected  List Loader.loadEntity(SessionImplementor session, Serializable id, Type identifierType, Object optionalObject, Serializable optionalIdentifier)
          Called by subclasses that load entities
protected  List Loader.loadEntityBatch(SessionImplementor session, Serializable[] ids, Type idType, Object optionalObject, Serializable optionalID)
          Called by subclasses that batch load entities
protected  void Loader.loadCollection(SessionImplementor session, Serializable id, Type type)
          Called by subclasses that load collections
protected  void Loader.loadCollectionBatch(SessionImplementor session, Serializable[] ids, Type type)
          Called by subclasses that batch initialize collections
protected  List Loader.list(SessionImplementor session, QueryParameters queryParameters, Set querySpaces, Type[] resultTypes)
          Return the query results, using the query cache, called by subclasses that implement cacheable queries
protected  boolean AbstractEntityLoader.isJoinedFetchEnabled(Type type, boolean mappingDefault, String path, String table, String[] foreignKeyColumns)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.loader with parameters of type Type
EntityLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister, String[] uniqueKey, Type uniqueKeyType, int batchSize, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.mapping

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.mapping that return Type
 Type Value.getType()
 Type SimpleValue.getType()
 Type Property.getType()
 Type OneToMany.getType()
 Type Column.getType()
 Type Collection.getType()
 Type Any.getIdentifierType()
          Returns the identifier type.
 Type Any.getType()
 Type Any.getMetaType()

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.mapping with parameters of type Type
 void SimpleValue.setType(Type type)
 void Column.setType(Type type)
 void Any.setIdentifierType(Type identifierType)
          Sets the identifier type.
 void Any.setType(Type type)
 void Any.setMetaType(Type type)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.metadata

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.metadata that return Type
 Type CollectionMetadata.getKeyType()
          The collection key type
 Type CollectionMetadata.getElementType()
          The collection element type
 Type CollectionMetadata.getIndexType()
          The collection index type (or null if the collection has no index)
 Type ClassMetadata.getIdentifierType()
          Get the identifier Hibernate type
 Type[] ClassMetadata.getPropertyTypes()
          Get the Hibernate types of the class properties
 Type ClassMetadata.getPropertyType(String propertyName)
          Get the type of a particular (named) property

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.persister

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.persister that return Type
 Type SQLLoadable.getType()
          Get the type
 Type PropertyMapping.toType(String propertyName)
          Given a component path expression, get the type of the property
 Type PropertyMapping.getType()
          Get the type of the thing containing the properties
 Type OuterJoinLoadable.getSubclassPropertyType(int i)
          Get the type of the numbered property of the class or a subclass.
 Type NormalizedEntityPersister.getSubclassPropertyType(int i)
 Type NormalizedEntityPersister.getDiscriminatorType()
 Type Loadable.getDiscriminatorType()
          Get the discriminator type
 Type EntityPersister.getSubclassPropertyType(int i)
 Type EntityPersister.getDiscriminatorType()
 Type ClassPersister.getPropertyType(String propertyName)
          Get the type of a particular property
 Type[] ClassPersister.getPropertyTypes()
          Get the Hibernate types of the class properties
 Type ClassPersister.getIdentifierType()
          Get the identifier type
 Type AbstractPropertyMapping.toType(String propertyName)
 Type[] AbstractEntityPersister.getPropertyTypes()
 Type AbstractEntityPersister.getIdentifierType()
 Type AbstractEntityPersister.getType()
 Type AbstractEntityPersister.getPropertyType(String propertyName)

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.persister with parameters of type Type
protected  void NormalizedEntityPersister.handlePath(String path, Type type)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.addPropertyPath(String path, Type type, String[] columns)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.addFormulaPropertyPath(String path, Type type, String template)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.initPropertyPaths(String path, Type type, String[] columns, String formulaTemplate, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.initPropertyPaths(String path, Type type, String[] columns, SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected  void AbstractPropertyMapping.handlePath(String path, Type type)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.type

Subinterfaces of Type in net.sf.hibernate.type
 interface AbstractComponentType
          Enables other Component-like types to hold collections and have cascades, etc.
 interface AssociationType
          A type that represents some kind of association between entities.
 interface DiscriminatorType
          A Type that may be used for a discriminator column.
 interface IdentifierType
          A Type that may be used as an identifier.
 interface VersionType
          A Type that may be used to version data.

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.type that implement Type
 class AbstractType
          Abstract superclass of the built in Type hierarchy.
 class ArrayType
          A type for persistent arrays.
 class BagType
 class BigDecimalType
          big_decimal: A type that maps an SQL NUMERIC to a java.math.BigDecimal
 class BinaryType
          binary: A type that maps an SQL VARBINARY to a Java byte[].
 class BlobType
          blob: A type that maps an SQL BLOB to a java.sql.Blob.
 class BooleanType
          boolean: A type that maps an SQL BIT to a Java Boolean.
 class ByteType
          byte: A type that maps an SQL TINYINT to a Java Byte.
 class CalendarDateType
          calendar_date: A type mapping for a Calendar object that represents a date.
 class CalendarType
          calendar: A type mapping for a Calendar object that represents a datetime.
 class CharacterType
          character: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Character.
 class CharBooleanType
          Superclass for types that map Java boolean to SQL CHAR(1).
 class ClassType
          class: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java Class.
 class ClobType
          clob: A type that maps an SQL CLOB to a java.sql.Clob.
 class ComponentType
          Handles "component" mappings
 class CompositeCustomType
          Adapts CompositeUserType to Type interface
 class CurrencyType
          currency: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a java.util.Currency
 class CustomType
          Adapts UserType to the generic Type interface.
 class DateType
          date: A type that maps an SQL DATE to a Java Date.
 class DoubleType
          double: A type that maps an SQL DOUBLE to a Java Double.
 class DynamicComponentType
          Handles "dynamic" components, represented as Maps
 class EntityType
          A reference to an entity class
 class FloatType
          float: A type that maps an SQL FLOAT to a Java Float.
 class IdentifierBagType
 class ImmutableType
          Superclass of nullable immutable types.
 class IntegerType
          integer: A type that maps an SQL INT to a Java Integer.
 class ListType
 class LocaleType
          locale: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java Locale.
 class LongType
          long: A type that maps an SQL BIGINT to a Java Long.
 class ManyToOneType
          A many-to-one association to an entity
 class MapType
 class MetaType
 class MutableType
          Superclass for mutable nullable types
 class NullableType
          Superclass of single-column nullable types.
 class ObjectType
          Handles "any" mappings and the old deprecated "object" type
 class OneToOneType
          A one-to-one association to an entity
 class PersistentCollectionType
          A type that handles Hibernate PersistentCollections (including arrays).
 class PersistentEnumType
          Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2
 class PrimitiveType
          Superclass of primitive / primitive wrapper types.
 class SerializableType
          serializable: A type that maps an SQL VARBINARY to a serializable Java object.
 class SetType
 class ShortType
          short: A type that maps an SQL SMALLINT to a Java Short.
 class SortedMapType
 class SortedSetType
 class StringType
          string: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a Java String.
 class TextType
          text: A type that maps an SQL CLOB to a Java String.
 class TimestampType
          timestamp: A type that maps an SQL TIMESTAMP to a Java java.util.Date or java.sql.Timestamp.
 class TimeType
          time: A type that maps an SQL TIME to a Java java.util.Date or java.sql.Time.
 class TimeZoneType
          timezone: A type that maps an SQL VARCHAR to a java.util.TimeZone
 class TrueFalseType
          true_false: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.
 class YesNoType
          yes_no: A type that maps an SQL CHAR(1) to a Java Boolean.

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.type that return Type
static Type TypeFactory.oneToOne(Class persistentClass, ForeignKeyDirection foreignKeyType)
          A one-to-one association type for the given class
static Type TypeFactory.oneToOne(Class persistentClass, ForeignKeyDirection foreignKeyType, String uniqueKeyPropertyName)
          A one-to-one association type for the given class
static Type TypeFactory.manyToOne(Class persistentClass)
          A many-to-one association type for the given class
static Type TypeFactory.manyToOne(Class persistentClass, String uniqueKeyPropertyName)
          A many-to-one association type for the given class
static Type TypeFactory.basic(String name)
          Given the name of a Hibernate basic type, return an instance of net.sf.hibernate.type.Type.
static Type TypeFactory.heuristicType(String typeName)
          Uses heuristics to deduce a Hibernate type given a string naming the type or Java class.
protected  Type PersistentCollectionType.getElementType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
 Type[] ObjectType.getSubtypes()
 Type EntityType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
 Type[] DynamicComponentType.getSubtypes()
 Type[] CompositeCustomType.getSubtypes()
 Type[] ComponentType.getSubtypes()
 Type[] AbstractComponentType.getSubtypes()

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.type with parameters of type Type
static void TypeFactory.deepCopy(Object[] values, Type[] types, boolean[] copy, Object[] target)
          Deep copy values in the first array into the second
static int[] TypeFactory.findDirty(Type[] types, Object[] x, Object[] y, boolean[] check, SessionImplementor session)
          Determine if any of the given field values are dirty, returning an array containing indexes of the dirty fields or null if no fields are dirty.
static int[] TypeFactory.findModified(Type[] types, Object[] old, Object[] current, boolean[] check, SessionImplementor session)
          Determine if any of the given field values are modified, returning an array containing indexes of the dirty fields or null if no fields are dirty.
static Object[] TypeFactory.assemble(Serializable[] row, Type[] types, SessionImplementor session, Object owner)
static Serializable[] TypeFactory.disassemble(Object[] row, Type[] types, SessionImplementor session)
static Object[] TypeFactory.copy(Object[] original, Object[] target, Type[] types, SessionImplementor session, Object owner, Map copiedAlready)

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.type with parameters of type Type
ObjectType(Type metaType, Type identifierType)
MetaType(Map values, Type baseType)
DynamicComponentType(String[] propertyNames, Type[] propertyTypes, int[] joinedFetch, Cascades.CascadeStyle[] cascade)
ComponentType(Class componentClass, String[] propertyNames, Getter[] propertyGetters, Setter[] propertySetters, boolean foundCustomAccessor, Type[] propertyTypes, int[] joinedFetch, Cascades.CascadeStyle[] cascade, String parentProperty)

Uses of Type in net.sf.hibernate.util

Fields in net.sf.hibernate.util declared as Type
static Type[] ArrayHelper.EMPTY_TYPE_ARRAY

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.util that return Type
static Type ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyType(Class clazz, String name)

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.util with parameters of type Type
static Constructor ReflectHelper.getConstructor(Class clazz, Type[] types)