Class Summary |
DB2390Dialect |
An SQL dialect for DB2/390. |
DB2400Dialect |
An SQL dialect for DB2/400. |
DB2Dialect |
An SQL dialect for DB2. |
Dialect |
Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS. |
FirebirdDialect |
An SQL dialect for Firebird. |
FrontBaseDialect |
An SQL Dialect for Frontbase. |
GenericDialect |
A generic SQL dialect which may or may not work on any actual databases |
HSQLDialect |
An SQL dialect compatible with HSQLDB (Hypersonic SQL). |
InformixDialect |
Informix dialect. |
IngresDialect |
An Ingres SQL dialect |
InterbaseDialect |
An SQL dialect for Interbase. |
MckoiDialect |
An SQL dialect compatible with McKoi SQL |
MySQLDialect |
An SQL dialect for MySQL. |
NoArgSQLFunction |
Oracle9Dialect |
An SQL dialect for Oracle 9 (uses ANSI-style syntax where possible). |
OracleDialect |
An SQL dialect for Oracle, compatible with Oracle 8. |
PointbaseDialect |
A Dialect for Pointbase. |
PostgreSQLDialect |
An SQL dialect for Postgres |
ProgressDialect |
An SQL dialect compatible with Progress 9.1C
Connection Parameters required:
hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.sql.ProgressDialect
hibernate.driver com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver
hibernate.url jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:host:port:dbname;WorkArounds=536870912
hibernate.username username
hibernate.password password
The WorkArounds parameter in the URL is required to avoid an error
in the Progress 9.1C JDBC driver related to PreparedStatements. |
SAPDBDialect |
An SQL dialect compatible with SAP DB. |
SQLServerDialect |
A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 |
StandardSQLFunction |
Provides a standard implementation that supports the majority of the HQL
functions that are translated to SQL. |
Sybase11_9_2Dialect |
A SQL dialect suitable for use with Sybase 11.9.2 (specifically: avoids ANSI JOIN syntax) |
SybaseAnywhereDialect |
SQL Dialect for Sybase Anywhere
extending Sybase (Enterprise) Dialect
(Tested on ASA 8.x) |
SybaseDialect |
An SQL dialect compatible with Sybase and MS SQL Server. |
TimesTenDialect |
A SQL dialect for TimesTen 5.1. |
TypeNames |
This class maps a type to names. |