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Loadable (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Interface Loadable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
OuterJoinLoadable, Queryable, SQLLoadable, UniqueKeyLoadable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityPersister, EntityPersister

public interface Loadable
extends ClassPersister

Implemented by a ClassPersister that may be loaded using Loader.

Gavin King
See Also:

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.ClassPersister
Method Summary
 String getDiscriminatorAlias(String suffix)
          Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix
 Type getDiscriminatorType()
          Get the discriminator type
 String[] getIdentifierAliases(String suffix)
          Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix
 String[] getPropertyAliases(String suffix, int i)
          Get the result set aliases used for the property columns, given a suffix (properties of this class, only).
 Class getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue(Object value)
          Get the concrete subclass corresponding to the given discriminator value
 boolean hasSubclasses()
          Does this persistent class have subclasses?
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.ClassPersister
createProxy, delete, findDirty, findModified, getCache, getClassMetadata, getClassName, getConcreteProxyClass, getCurrentPersistentState, getCurrentVersion, getIdentifier, getIdentifierGenerator, getIdentifierPropertyName, getIdentifierSpace, getIdentifierType, getMappedClass, getPropertyCascadeStyles, getPropertyInsertability, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNullability, getPropertySpaces, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypes, getPropertyUpdateability, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getVersion, getVersionProperty, getVersionType, hasCache, hasCascades, hasCollections, hasIdentifierProperty, hasIdentifierPropertyOrEmbeddedCompositeIdentifier, hasProxy, implementsLifecycle, implementsValidatable, insert, insert, instantiate, isBatchLoadable, isCacheInvalidationRequired, isIdentifierAssignedByInsert, isMutable, isUnsaved, isVersioned, load, lock, postInstantiate, setIdentifier, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValues, update

Method Detail


public boolean hasSubclasses()
Does this persistent class have subclasses?


public Type getDiscriminatorType()
Get the discriminator type


public Class getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue(Object value)
Get the concrete subclass corresponding to the given discriminator value


public String[] getIdentifierAliases(String suffix)
Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix


public String[] getPropertyAliases(String suffix,
                                   int i)
Get the result set aliases used for the property columns, given a suffix (properties of this class, only).


public String getDiscriminatorAlias(String suffix)
Get the result set aliases used for the identifier columns, given a suffix