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Queryable (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Interface Queryable

All Superinterfaces:
ClassPersister, Joinable, Loadable, PropertyMapping
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractEntityPersister, EntityPersister

public interface Queryable
extends Loadable, PropertyMapping, Joinable

Extends the generic ClassPersister contract to add operations required by the Hibernate Query Language

Gavin King

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.ClassPersister
Method Summary
 Object getDiscriminatorSQLValue()
          Get the discriminator value for this particular concrete subclass, as a string that may be embedded in a select statement
 String[] getIdentifierColumnNames()
          Get the names of columns used to persist the identifier
 Class getMappedSuperclass()
          Get the class that this class is mapped as a subclass of - not necessarily the direct superclass
 String identifierSelectFragment(String name, String suffix)
          Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the intentifier select fragment.
 boolean isExplicitPolymorphism()
          Is this class explicit polymorphism only?
 boolean isInherited()
          Is this class mapped as a subclass of another class?
 String propertySelectFragment(String alias, String suffix)
          Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the property select fragment.
 String queryWhereFragment(String alias, boolean innerJoin, boolean includeSubclasses)
          Get the where clause fragment, given a query alias
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.Loadable
getDiscriminatorAlias, getDiscriminatorType, getIdentifierAliases, getPropertyAliases, getSubclassForDiscriminatorValue, hasSubclasses
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.ClassPersister
createProxy, delete, findDirty, findModified, getCache, getClassMetadata, getClassName, getConcreteProxyClass, getCurrentPersistentState, getCurrentVersion, getIdentifier, getIdentifierGenerator, getIdentifierPropertyName, getIdentifierSpace, getIdentifierType, getMappedClass, getPropertyCascadeStyles, getPropertyInsertability, getPropertyNames, getPropertyNullability, getPropertySpaces, getPropertyType, getPropertyTypes, getPropertyUpdateability, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getVersion, getVersionProperty, getVersionType, hasCache, hasCascades, hasCollections, hasIdentifierProperty, hasIdentifierPropertyOrEmbeddedCompositeIdentifier, hasProxy, implementsLifecycle, implementsValidatable, insert, insert, instantiate, isBatchLoadable, isCacheInvalidationRequired, isIdentifierAssignedByInsert, isMutable, isUnsaved, isVersioned, load, lock, postInstantiate, setIdentifier, setPropertyValue, setPropertyValues, update
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.PropertyMapping
getType, toColumns, toType
Methods inherited from interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.Joinable
consumesAlias, fromJoinFragment, getJoinKeyColumnNames, getName, getTableName, isCollection, isManyToMany, selectFragment, whereJoinFragment

Method Detail


public boolean isInherited()
Is this class mapped as a subclass of another class?


public boolean isExplicitPolymorphism()
Is this class explicit polymorphism only?


public Class getMappedSuperclass()
Get the class that this class is mapped as a subclass of - not necessarily the direct superclass


public Object getDiscriminatorSQLValue()
Get the discriminator value for this particular concrete subclass, as a string that may be embedded in a select statement


public String queryWhereFragment(String alias,
                                 boolean innerJoin,
                                 boolean includeSubclasses)
                          throws MappingException
Get the where clause fragment, given a query alias



public String identifierSelectFragment(String name,
                                       String suffix)
Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the intentifier select fragment.


public String propertySelectFragment(String alias,
                                     String suffix)
Given a query alias and an identifying suffix, render the property select fragment.


public String[] getIdentifierColumnNames()
Get the names of columns used to persist the identifier