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Uses of Interface net.sf.hibernate.persister.Loadable (Hibernate API Documentation) - Hibernate 2.1.8 正式版 API 英文文档

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Loadable

Uses of Loadable in net.sf.hibernate.hql

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.hql that return Loadable
protected  Loadable[] QueryTranslator.getPersisters()
          Persisters for the return values of a find() style query.

Uses of Loadable in net.sf.hibernate.loader

Fields in net.sf.hibernate.loader declared as Loadable
protected  Loadable[] OuterJoinLoader.classPersisters

Methods in net.sf.hibernate.loader that return Loadable
protected  Loadable[] SimpleEntityLoader.getPersisters()
protected  Loadable[] OuterJoinLoader.getPersisters()
protected abstract  Loadable[] Loader.getPersisters()
          An array of persisters of entity classes contained in each row of results; implemented by all subclasses
protected  Loadable AbstractEntityLoader.getPersister()

Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.loader with parameters of type Loadable
SimpleEntityLoader(Loadable persister, String sql, LockMode lockMode)

Uses of Loadable in net.sf.hibernate.persister

Subinterfaces of Loadable in net.sf.hibernate.persister
 interface OuterJoinLoadable
          A ClassPersister that may be loaded by outer join using the OuterJoinLoader hierarchy and may be an element of a one-to-many association.
 interface Queryable
          Extends the generic ClassPersister contract to add operations required by the Hibernate Query Language
 interface SQLLoadable
          A class persister that supports queries expressed in the platform native SQL dialect
 interface UniqueKeyLoadable

Classes in net.sf.hibernate.persister that implement Loadable
 class AbstractEntityPersister
          Superclass for built-in mapping strategies.
 class EntityPersister
          The default implementation of the ClassPersister interface.
 class NormalizedEntityPersister
          A ClassPersister implementing the normalized "table-per-subclass" mapping strategy.