Interface Summary |
CompositeUserType |
A UserType that may be dereferenced in a query. |
Criteria |
Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities
by composing Criterion objects. |
Databinder |
Provides XML Marshalling for classes registered with a SessionFactory. |
Interceptor |
Allows user code to inspect and/or change property values. |
Lifecycle |
Provides callbacks from the Session to the persistent object. |
PersistentEnum |
Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2 |
Query |
An object-oriented representation of a Hibernate query. |
ScrollableResults |
A result iterator that allows moving around within the results
by arbitrary increments. |
Session |
The main runtime interface between a Java application and Hibernate. |
SessionFactory |
Creates Sessions. |
Transaction |
Allows the application to define units of work, while
maintaining abstraction from the underlying transaction
implementation (eg. |
UserType |
This interface should be implemented by user-defined "types". |
Validatable |
Implemented by persistent classes with invariants that must
be checked before inserting into or updating the database. |
Exception Summary |
AssertionFailure |
Indicates failure of an assertion: a possible bug in Hibernate. |
CallbackException |
Should be thrown by persistent objects from Lifecycle
or Interceptor callbacks. |
HibernateException |
Any exception that occurs inside the persistence layer
or JDBC driver. |
InstantiationException |
Thrown if Hibernate can't instantiate an entity or component
class at runtime. |
JDBCException |
Wraps an SQLException. |
LazyInitializationException |
A problem occurred trying to lazily initialize a collection or
proxy (for example the session was closed) or iterate query
results. |
MappingException |
An exception that usually occurs at configuration time, rather
than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the O-R mappings. |
NonUniqueObjectException |
This exception is thrown when an operation would
break session-scoped identity. |
NonUniqueResultException |
Thrown when the application calls Query.uniqueResult() and
the query returned more than one result. |
ObjectDeletedException |
Thrown when the user tries to do something illegal with a deleted
object. |
ObjectNotFoundException |
Thrown when Session.load() fails to select a row with
the given primary key (identifier value). |
PersistentObjectException |
Throw when the user passes a persistent instance to a Session
method that expects a transient instance. |
PropertyAccessException |
A problem occurred accessing a property of an instance of a
persistent class by reflection, or via CGLIB. |
PropertyNotFoundException |
Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be
found on a class. |
PropertyValueException |
Thrown when the (illegal) value of a property can not be persisted. |
QueryException |
A problem occurred translating a Hibernate query to SQL
due to invalid query syntax, etc. |
StaleObjectStateException |
Thrown when a version number or timestamp check failed, indicating that the
Session contained stale data (when using long transactions
with versioning). |
TransactionException |
Indicates that a transaction could not be begun, committed
or rolled back. |
TransientObjectException |
Throw when the user passes a transient instance to a Session
method that expects a persistent instance. |
UnresolvableObjectException |
Thrown when Hibernate could not resolve an object by id, especially when
loading an association. |
ValidationFailure |
Thrown from Validatable.validate() when an invariant
was violated. |
WrongClassException |
Thrown when Session.load() selects a row with
the given primary key (identifier value) but the row's
discriminator value specifies a subclass that is not
assignable to the class requested by the user. |