Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate |
Subclasses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate | |
class |
Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class. |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate that throw MappingException | |
Query |
Query.setEnum(int position,
Object val)
Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2 |
Query |
Query.setEnum(String name,
Object val)
Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2 |
static Type |
Hibernate.enum(Class enumClass)
Deprecated. Support for PersistentEnums will be removed in 2.2 |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.cache |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.cache that throw MappingException | |
static CacheConcurrencyStrategy |
CacheFactory.createCache(org.dom4j.Element node,
String name,
boolean mutable)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.cfg |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.cfg that throw MappingException | |
void |
Mappings.addClass(PersistentClass persistentClass)
void |
Mappings.addCollection(Collection collection)
void |
Mappings.addImport(String className,
String rename)
void |
Mappings.addQuery(String name,
String query)
void |
Mappings.addSQLQuery(String name,
NamedSQLQuery query)
void |
Mappings.addCache(String name,
CacheConcurrencyStrategy cache)
Configuration |
Configuration.addFile(String xmlFile)
Read mappings from a particular XML file |
Configuration |
Configuration.addFile(File xmlFile)
Read mappings from a particular XML file |
Configuration |
Configuration.addXML(String xml)
Read mappings from a String |
Configuration |
Configuration.addURL(URL url)
Read mappings from a URL |
Configuration |
Configuration.addDocument(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
Read mappings from a DOM Document |
Configuration |
Configuration.addInputStream(InputStream xmlInputStream)
Read mappings from an InputStream |
Configuration |
Configuration.addResource(String path,
ClassLoader classLoader)
Read mappings from an application resource |
Configuration |
Configuration.addResource(String path)
Read mappings from an application resource trying different classloaders. |
Configuration |
Configuration.addClass(Class persistentClass)
Read a mapping from an application resource, using a convention. |
Configuration |
Configuration.addJar(String resource)
Deprecated. use addJar(java.io.File) |
Configuration |
Configuration.addJar(File jar)
Read all mappings from a jar file |
Configuration |
Configuration.addDirectory(File dir)
Read all mapping documents from a directory tree. |
Configuration |
Configuration.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(Class clazz,
CacheConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy)
Set up a cache for an entity class |
Configuration |
Configuration.setCacheConcurrencyStrategy(String collectionRole,
CacheConcurrencyStrategy concurrencyStrategy)
Set up a cache for a collection role |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.collection |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.collection that throw MappingException | |
protected CollectionInitializer |
OneToManyPersister.createCollectionInitializer(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Create the OneToManyLoader |
protected CollectionInitializer |
BasicCollectionPersister.createCollectionInitializer(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Create the CollectionLoader |
protected abstract CollectionInitializer |
AbstractCollectionPersister.createCollectionInitializer(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.collection that throw MappingException | |
OneToManyPersister(Collection collection,
Configuration cfg,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
ElementPropertyMapping(String[] elementColumns,
Type type)
CompositeElementPropertyMapping(String[] elementColumns,
AbstractComponentType compositeType,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
BasicCollectionPersister(Collection collection,
Configuration cfg,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
AbstractCollectionPersister(Collection collection,
Configuration cfg,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.dialect |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.dialect that throw MappingException | |
String |
TypeNames.get(int typecode)
get default type name for specified type |
String |
TypeNames.get(int typecode,
int size)
get type name for specified type and size |
String |
String |
String |
The syntax that returns the identity value of the last insert, if identity column key generation is supported. |
String |
The keyword used to specify an identity column, if identity column key generation is supported. |
String |
Dialect.getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName)
The syntax that fetches the next value of a sequence, if sequences are supported. |
String |
Dialect.getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName)
The syntax used to create a sequence, if sequences are supported. |
String |
Dialect.getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName)
The syntax used to drop a sequence, if sequences are supported. |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.engine |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.engine that throw MappingException | |
ClassPersister |
SessionImplementor.getPersister(Object object)
Get the ClassPersister for an object |
void |
SessionImplementor.scheduleBatchLoad(Class clazz,
Serializable id)
Register the entity as batch loadable, if enabled |
Object |
SessionImplementor.getCollectionOwner(Serializable key,
CollectionPersister collectionPersister)
ClassPersister |
SessionFactoryImplementor.getPersister(Class clazz)
Get the persister for a class |
ClassPersister |
SessionFactoryImplementor.getPersister(String className)
Get the persister for the named class |
CollectionPersister |
SessionFactoryImplementor.getCollectionPersister(String role)
Get the persister object for a collection role |
Type |
Mapping.getIdentifierType(Class persistentClass)
String |
Mapping.getIdentifierPropertyName(Class persistentClass)
Type |
Mapping.getPropertyType(Class persistentClass,
String propertyName)
Boolean |
Cascades.VersionValue.isUnsaved(Object version)
Does the given version belong to a new instance? |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.hql |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.hql that throw MappingException | |
void |
QueryTranslator.compile(SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
Map replacements,
boolean scalar)
Compile a "normal" query. |
void |
FilterTranslator.compile(String collectionRole,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory,
Map replacements,
boolean scalar)
Compile a filter. |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.id |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.id that throw MappingException | |
void |
SequenceHiLoGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect d)
void |
SequenceGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect dialect)
void |
IncrementGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect d)
static IdentifierGenerator |
IdentifierGeneratorFactory.create(String strategy,
Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect dialect)
void |
ForeignGenerator.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect d)
void |
Configurable.configure(Type type,
Properties params,
Dialect d)
Configure this instance, given the value of parameters specified by the user as <param> elements. |
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.impl |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.impl that throw MappingException | |
Query |
SessionImpl.getNamedQuery(String queryName)
ClassPersister |
SessionImpl.getPersister(Object object)
Object |
SessionImpl.getCollectionOwner(Serializable key,
CollectionPersister collectionPersister)
void |
SessionImpl.scheduleBatchLoad(Class clazz,
Serializable id)
QueryTranslator[] |
SessionFactoryImpl.getQuery(String queryString,
boolean shallow)
FilterTranslator |
SessionFactoryImpl.getFilter(String filterString,
String collectionRole,
boolean scalar)
ClassPersister |
SessionFactoryImpl.getPersister(String className)
ClassPersister |
SessionFactoryImpl.getPersister(Class theClass)
CollectionPersister |
SessionFactoryImpl.getCollectionPersister(String role)
Type |
SessionFactoryImpl.getIdentifierType(Class ObjectClass)
String |
SessionFactoryImpl.getIdentifierPropertyName(Class ObjectClass)
Type |
SessionFactoryImpl.getPropertyType(Class persistentClass,
String propertyName)
Query |
AbstractQueryImpl.setEnum(int position,
Object val)
Query |
AbstractQueryImpl.setEnum(String name,
Object val)
Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.impl that throw MappingException | |
ScrollableResultsImpl(ResultSet rs,
PreparedStatement ps,
SessionImplementor sess,
QueryTranslator queryTranslator,
QueryParameters queryParameters,
Type[] types,
Class holderClass)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.loader |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.loader that throw MappingException | |
protected int |
OuterJoinLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type,
int config,
String path,
String table,
String[] foreignKeyColumns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected List |
OuterJoinLoader.walkTree(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
String alias,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
For an entity class, return a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin |
protected List |
OuterJoinLoader.walkCollectionTree(QueryableCollection persister,
String alias,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
For a collection role, return a list of associations to be fetched by outerjoin |
protected boolean |
OuterJoinLoader.isJoinedFetchEnabledByDefault(int config,
AssociationType type,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Does the mapping, and Hibernate default semantics, specify that this association should be fetched by outer joining |
protected String |
OuterJoinLoader.selectString(List associations,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Generate a select list of columns containing all properties of the entity classes |
protected int |
CriteriaLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type,
int config,
String path,
String table,
String[] foreignKeyColumns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected String |
Use the discriminator, to narrow the select to instances of the queried subclass. |
protected int |
CollectionLoader.getJoinType(AssociationType type,
int config,
String path,
String table,
String[] foreignKeyColumns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractEntityLoader.renderStatement(List associations,
String condition,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractEntityLoader.initStatementString(List associations,
String condition,
String orderBy,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected String |
Don't bother with the discriminator, unless overridded by subclass |
Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.loader that throw MappingException | |
OneToManyLoader(QueryableCollection collPersister,
SessionFactoryImplementor session)
OneToManyLoader(QueryableCollection collPersister,
int batchSize,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
EntityLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
int batchSize,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
EntityLoader(OuterJoinLoadable persister,
String[] uniqueKey,
Type uniqueKeyType,
int batchSize,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
CollectionLoader(QueryableCollection persister,
SessionFactoryImplementor session)
CollectionLoader(QueryableCollection persister,
int batchSize,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.mapping |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.mapping that throw MappingException | |
boolean |
Value.isValid(Mapping mapping)
abstract void |
ToOne.setTypeByReflection(Class propertyClass,
String propertyName)
void |
Subclass.addNewProperty(Property p)
void |
Subclass.validate(Mapping mapping)
IdentifierGenerator |
SimpleValue.createIdentifierGenerator(Dialect dialect)
void |
SimpleValue.setTypeByReflection(Class propertyClass,
String propertyName)
boolean |
SimpleValue.isValid(Mapping mapping)
void |
RootClass.addSubclass(Subclass subclass)
void |
RootClass.validate(Mapping mapping)
Cascades.CascadeStyle |
Getter |
Property.getGetter(Class clazz)
Setter |
Property.getSetter(Class clazz)
protected PropertyAccessor |
boolean |
Property.isValid(Mapping mapping)
void |
PersistentClass.addSubclass(Subclass subclass)
void |
PersistentClass.addNewProperty(Property prop)
Add a new property definition |
Property |
PersistentClass.getProperty(String propertyName)
void |
PersistentClass.validate(Mapping mapping)
void |
OneToOne.setTypeByReflection(Class propertyClass,
String propertyName)
boolean |
OneToMany.isValid(Mapping mapping)
void |
ManyToOne.setTypeByReflection(Class propertyClass,
String propertyName)
void |
IndexedCollection.validate(Mapping mapping)
void |
IdentifierCollection.validate(Mapping mapping)
void |
ForeignKey.setReferencedTable(Table referencedTable)
void |
Component.setTypeByReflection(Class propertyClass,
String propertyName)
void |
Collection.validate(Mapping mapping)
boolean |
Collection.isValid(Mapping mapping)
Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.mapping that throw MappingException | |
OneToOne(Table table,
SimpleValue identifier)
OneToMany(PersistentClass owner)
ManyToOne(Table table)
Component(PersistentClass owner)
Component(Table table)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.persister |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.persister that throw MappingException | |
String |
Queryable.queryWhereFragment(String alias,
boolean innerJoin,
boolean includeSubclasses)
Get the where clause fragment, given a query alias |
void |
String |
NormalizedEntityPersister.queryWhereFragment(String alias,
boolean innerJoin,
boolean includeSubclasses)
void |
String |
EntityPersister.queryWhereFragment(String name,
boolean innerJoin,
boolean includeSubclasses)
void |
Finish the initialization of this object, once all ClassPersisters have been instantiated. |
Type |
ClassPersister.getPropertyType(String propertyName)
Get the type of a particular property |
protected void |
AbstractPropertyMapping.initPropertyPaths(String path,
Type type,
String[] columns,
String formulaTemplate,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractPropertyMapping.initPropertyPaths(String path,
Type type,
String[] columns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractPropertyMapping.initIdentifierPropertyPaths(String path,
EntityType etype,
String[] columns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractPropertyMapping.initComponentPropertyPaths(String path,
AbstractComponentType type,
String[] columns,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractEntityPersister.initPropertyPaths(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractEntityPersister.initSubclassPropertyAliasesMap(PersistentClass model)
Must be called by subclasses, at the end of their constructors |
protected void |
AbstractEntityPersister.checkColumnDuplication(Set distinctColumns,
Iterator columns)
protected UniqueEntityLoader |
AbstractEntityPersister.createEntityLoader(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected void |
AbstractEntityPersister.createUniqueKeyLoaders(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Type |
AbstractEntityPersister.getPropertyType(String propertyName)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.property |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.property that throw MappingException | |
static PropertyAccessor |
PropertyAccessorFactory.getPropertyAccessor(String type)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.type |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.type that throw MappingException | |
static Type |
TypeFactory.heuristicType(String typeName)
Uses heuristics to deduce a Hibernate type given a string naming the type or Java class. |
int[] |
Type.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
Return the SQL type codes for the columns mapped by this type. |
int |
Type.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
How many columns are used to persist this type. |
int[] |
PersistentCollectionType.sqlTypes(Mapping session)
int |
PersistentCollectionType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
Joinable |
PersistentCollectionType.getJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
String[] |
PersistentCollectionType.getReferencedColumns(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Class |
PersistentCollectionType.getAssociatedClass(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
protected Type |
PersistentCollectionType.getElementType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
int |
OneToOneType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
int[] |
OneToOneType.sqlTypes(Mapping session)
int |
ObjectType.getColumnSpan(Mapping session)
int[] |
ObjectType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
String[] |
ObjectType.getReferencedColumns(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Class |
ObjectType.getAssociatedClass(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
int[] |
MetaType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
int |
MetaType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
int |
ManyToOneType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
int[] |
ManyToOneType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
Joinable |
EntityType.getJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
String[] |
EntityType.getReferencedColumns(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Type |
EntityType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyType(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
String |
EntityType.getIdentifierOrUniqueKeyPropertyName(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
int |
DynamicComponentType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
int[] |
DynamicComponentType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
int |
CompositeCustomType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
int[] |
CompositeCustomType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
int[] |
ComponentType.sqlTypes(Mapping mapping)
int |
ComponentType.getColumnSpan(Mapping mapping)
Joinable |
AssociationType.getJoinable(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Get the "persister" for this association - a class or collection persister |
String[] |
AssociationType.getReferencedColumns(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Get the columns referenced by this association. |
Class |
AssociationType.getAssociatedClass(SessionFactoryImplementor factory)
Constructors in net.sf.hibernate.type that throw MappingException | |
PersistentEnumType(Class enumClass)
Deprecated. |
CustomType(Class userTypeClass)
CompositeCustomType(Class userTypeClass)
ComponentType(Class componentClass,
String[] propertyNames,
Getter[] propertyGetters,
Setter[] propertySetters,
boolean foundCustomAccessor,
Type[] propertyTypes,
int[] joinedFetch,
Cascades.CascadeStyle[] cascade,
String parentProperty)
Uses of MappingException in net.sf.hibernate.util |
Methods in net.sf.hibernate.util that throw MappingException | |
static Type |
ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyType(Class clazz,
String name)
static Class |
ReflectHelper.reflectedPropertyClass(Class clazz,
String name)
static Getter |
ReflectHelper.getGetter(Class theClass,
String name)