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Uses of Class org.openide.filesystems.FileObject (File System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Uses of Class

Uses of FileObject in org.openide.filesystems

Methods in org.openide.filesystems with type parameters of type FileObject
<T extends FileObject>
XMLFileSystem.createReference(T fo)
<T extends FileObject>
JarFileSystem.createReference(T fo)
<T extends FileObject>
AbstractFileSystem.createReference(T fo)
          Creates Reference.

Methods in org.openide.filesystems that return FileObject
 FileObject FileObject.copy(FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Copies this file.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.createData(File data)
          Returns FileObject for a data file.
static FileObject FileUtil.createData(FileObject folder, String name)
          Returns a data file on given filesystem if such a data file exists.
 FileObject FileObject.createData(String name)
          Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.createData(String name, String ext)
          Create new data file in this folder with the specified name.
static FileObject FileUtil.createFolder(File folder)
          Returns FileObject for a folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.createFolder(FileObject folder, String name)
          Returns a folder on given filesystem if such a folder exists.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.createFolder(String name)
          Create a new folder below this one with the specified name.
 FileObject Repository.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
 FileObject FileSystemCapability.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 FileObject FileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead, or use FileSystem.findResource(java.lang.String) if you are not interested in classpaths.
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
static FileObject FileUtil.findBrother(FileObject fo, String ext)
          Finds brother file with same base name but different extension.
static FileObject URLMapper.findFileObject(URL url)
          Find an appropriate instance of FileObject that addresses this URL
static FileObject[] URLMapper.findFileObjects(URL url)
          Deprecated. Use URLMapper.findFileObject(java.net.URL) instead.
 FileObject Repository.findResource(String name)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.findResource(String name)
 FileObject FileSystemCapability.findResource(String resName)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
abstract  FileObject FileSystem.findResource(String name)
          Finds a file given its full resource path.
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.findResource(String name)
protected  FileObject MultiFileSystem.findResourceOn(FileSystem fs, String res)
          Finds a resource on given filesystem.
static FileObject[] FileUtil.fromFile(File file)
          Deprecated. Use FileUtil.toFileObject(java.io.File) instead.
static FileObject FileUtil.getArchiveFile(FileObject fo)
          Returns a FileObject representing an archive file containing the FileObject given by the parameter.
static FileObject FileUtil.getArchiveRoot(FileObject fo)
          Returns a FileObject representing the root folder of an archive.
abstract  FileObject[] FileObject.getChildren()
          Get all children of this folder (files and subfolders).
 FileObject FileEvent.getFile()
 FileObject FileObject.getFileObject(String relativePath)
          Retrieve file or folder relative to a current folder, with a given relative path.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.getFileObject(String name, String ext)
          Retrieve file or folder contained in this folder by name.
abstract  FileObject[] URLMapper.getFileObjects(URL url)
          Get an array of FileObjects for this URL.
abstract  FileObject FileObject.getParent()
          Get parent folder.
 FileObject MultiFileSystem.getRoot()
          Root of the filesystem.
abstract  FileObject FileSystem.getRoot()
          Getter for root folder in the filesystem.
 FileObject AbstractFileSystem.getRoot()
 FileObject FileObject.move(FileLock lock, FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Moves this file.
static FileObject FileUtil.moveFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Moves file to the selected folder.
protected  FileObject AbstractFileSystem.refreshRoot()
          Instruct the filesystem that the root should change.
static FileObject FileUtil.toFileObject(File file)
          Converts a disk file to a matching file object.

Methods in org.openide.filesystems that return types with arguments of type FileObject
protected  Enumeration<? extends FileObject> AbstractFileSystem.existingFileObjects(FileObject fo)
          For the FileObject specified as parameter, returns the recursive enumeration of existing children fileobjects (both folders and data).
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> Repository.findAll(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> FileSystemCapability.findAll(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> Repository.findAllResources(String name)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> FileSystemCapability.findAllResources(String name)
          Deprecated. Please use the ClassPath API instead.
protected  Reference<? extends FileObject> AbstractFileSystem.findReference(String resourceName)
          This method allows to find Reference to resourceName
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> FileObject.getChildren(boolean rec)
          Enumerate all children of this folder.
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> FileObject.getData(boolean rec)
          Enumerate all data files in this folder.
 Enumeration<? extends FileObject> FileObject.getFolders(boolean rec)
          Enumerate the subfolders of this folder.

Methods in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileObject
 FileObject FileObject.copy(FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Copies this file.
static void FileUtil.copyAttributes(FileObject source, FileObject dest)
          Copies attributes from one file to another.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.copyFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName, String newExt)
          Copies file to the selected folder.
static FileObject FileUtil.createData(FileObject folder, String name)
          Returns a data file on given filesystem if such a data file exists.
static FileObject FileUtil.createFolder(FileObject folder, String name)
          Returns a folder on given filesystem if such a folder exists.
protected  Enumeration<? extends FileObject> AbstractFileSystem.existingFileObjects(FileObject fo)
          For the FileObject specified as parameter, returns the recursive enumeration of existing children fileobjects (both folders and data).
static void FileUtil.extractJar(FileObject fo, InputStream is)
          Deprecated. Use of XML filesystem layers generally obsoletes this method.
static FileObject FileUtil.findBrother(FileObject fo, String ext)
          Finds brother file with same base name but different extension.
static String FileUtil.findFreeFileName(FileObject folder, String name, String ext)
          Finds an unused file name similar to that requested in the same folder.
static String FileUtil.findFreeFolderName(FileObject folder, String name)
          Finds an unused folder name similar to that requested in the same parent folder.
abstract  String MIMEResolver.findMIMEType(FileObject fo)
          Resolves FileObject and returns recognized MIME type
protected  FileSystem MultiFileSystem.findSystem(FileObject fo)
          For given file object finds the filesystem that the object is placed on.
static URL URLMapper.findURL(FileObject fo, int type)
          Find a good URL for this file object which works according to type: inside this VM inside this machine from networked machines
static FileObject FileUtil.getArchiveFile(FileObject fo)
          Returns a FileObject representing an archive file containing the FileObject given by the parameter.
static FileObject FileUtil.getArchiveRoot(FileObject fo)
          Returns a FileObject representing the root folder of an archive.
static String FileUtil.getFileDisplayName(FileObject fo)
          Get an appropriate display name for a file object.
static String FileUtil.getMIMEType(FileObject fo)
          Resolves MIME type.
static String FileUtil.getRelativePath(FileObject folder, FileObject fo)
          Gets a relative resource path between folder and fo.
abstract  URL URLMapper.getURL(FileObject fo, int type)
          Get a good URL for this file object which works according to type: inside this VM inside this machine from networked machines The implementation can't use neither FileUtil.toFile(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) nor FileUtil.toFileObject(java.io.File) otherwise StackOverflowError maybe thrown.
 boolean FileStatusEvent.hasChanged(FileObject file)
          Check whether the given file has been changed.
protected static Enumeration<String> MultiFileSystem.hiddenFiles(FileObject folder, boolean rec)
          Finds all hidden files on given filesystem.
static boolean FileUtil.isArchiveFile(FileObject fo)
          Tests if a file represents a JAR or ZIP archive.
static boolean FileUtil.isParentOf(FileObject folder, FileObject fo)
          Recursively checks whether the file is underneath the folder.
protected  void MultiFileSystem.markUnimportant(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has been marked unimportant.
 FileObject FileObject.move(FileLock lock, FileObject target, String name, String ext)
          Moves this file.
static FileObject FileUtil.moveFile(FileObject source, FileObject destFolder, String newName)
          Moves file to the selected folder.
protected  void MultiFileSystem.notifyMigration(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has migrated from one filesystem to another.
static File FileUtil.toFile(FileObject fo)
          Finds appropriate java.io.File to FileObject if possible.

Method parameters in org.openide.filesystems with type arguments of type FileObject
 Image FileSystem.Status.annotateIcon(Image icon, int iconType, Set<? extends FileObject> files)
          Annotate the icon of a file cluster.
 String FileSystem.Status.annotateName(String name, Set<? extends FileObject> files)
          Annotate the name of a file cluster.
 String FileSystem.HtmlStatus.annotateNameHtml(String name, Set<? extends FileObject> files)
          Annotate a name such that the returned value contains HTML markup.
 SystemAction[] MultiFileSystem.getActions(Set<FileObject> foSet)
 SystemAction[] FileSystem.getActions(Set<FileObject> foSet)
          Get actions appropriate to a certain file selection.

Constructors in org.openide.filesystems with parameters of type FileObject
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileAttributeEvent(FileObject src, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
          Creates new FileAttributeEvent.
FileEvent(FileObject src)
          Creates new FileEvent.
FileEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file)
          Creates new FileEvent, specifying the action object.
FileEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileEvent, specifying the action object.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, String ext)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent, specifying an event location.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, FileObject file, String name, String ext, boolean expected)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent, specifying an event location and whether the event was expected by the system.
FileRenameEvent(FileObject src, String name, String ext)
          Creates new FileRenameEvent.
FileStatusEvent(FileSystem fs, FileObject file, boolean icon, boolean name)
          Creates new FileStatusEvent

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.