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FileSystem.Status (File System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Interface FileSystem.Status

All Known Subinterfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static interface FileSystem.Status

Allows a filesystem to annotate a group of files (typically comprising a data object) with additional markers.

This could be useful, for example, for a filesystem supporting version control. It could annotate names and icons of data nodes according to whether the files were current, locked, etc.

Method Summary
 Image annotateIcon(Image icon, int iconType, Set<? extends FileObject> files)
          Annotate the icon of a file cluster.
 String annotateName(String name, Set<? extends FileObject> files)
          Annotate the name of a file cluster.

Method Detail


String annotateName(String name,
                    Set<? extends FileObject> files)
Annotate the name of a file cluster.

name - the name suggested by default
files - an immutable set of FileObjects belonging to this filesystem
the annotated name (may be the same as the passed-in name)
ClassCastException - if the files in the set are not of valid types


Image annotateIcon(Image icon,
                   int iconType,
                   Set<? extends FileObject> files)
Annotate the icon of a file cluster.

Please do not modify the original; create a derivative icon image, using a weak-reference cache if necessary.

icon - the icon suggested by default
iconType - an icon type from BeanInfo
files - an immutable set of FileObjects belonging to this filesystem
the annotated icon (may be the same as the passed-in icon)
ClassCastException - if the files in the set are not of valid types

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.