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MultiFileSystem (File System API) - NetBeans API Javadoc (Current Development Version)

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Class MultiFileSystem

  extended by org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
      extended by org.openide.filesystems.MultiFileSystem
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MultiFileSystem
extends FileSystem

General base class for filesystems which proxy to others.

This filesystem has no form of storage in and of itself. Rather, it composes and proxies one or more "delegate" filesystems. The result is that of a "layered" sandwich of filesystems, each able to provide files to appear in the merged result. The layers are ordered so that a filesystem in "front" can override one in "back". Often the frontmost layer will be writable, and all changes to the filesystem are sent to this layer, but that behavior is configurable.

Creating a new MultiFileSystem is easy in the simplest cases: just call MultiFileSystem(FileSystem[]) and pass a list of delegates. If you pass it only read-only delegates, the composite will also be read-only. Or you may pass it one or more writable filesystems (make sure the first file system is one of them); then it will be able to act as a writable file system, by default storing all actual changes on the first file system.

This class is intended to be subclassed more than to be used as is, since typically a user of it will want finer-grain control over several aspects of its operation. When subclassed, delegates may be changed dynamically and the "contents" of the composite filesystem will automatically be updated.

One of the more common methods to override is createWritableOn(java.lang.String), which should provide the delegate filesystem which should be used to store changes to the indicated file (represented as a resource path). Normally, this is hardcoded to provide the first filesystem (assuming it is writable); subclasses may store changes on another filesystem, or they may select a filesystem to store changes on according to (for example) file extension. This could be used to separate source from compiled/deployable files, for instance. Or some filesystems may prefer to attempt to make changes in whatever filesystem provided the original file, assuming it is writable; this is also possible, getting information about the file's origin from findSystem(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject).

Another likely candidate for overriding is findResourceOn(org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem, java.lang.String). Normally this method just looks up resources by the normal means on delegate filesystems and provides the resultant file objects. However it could be customized to "warp" the delegates somehow; for example, selecting a different virtual root for one of them.

notifyMigration(org.openide.filesystems.FileObject) provides a means for subclasses to update some state (for example, visual annotations) when the filesystem used to produce a given file changes dynamically. This most often happens when a file provided by a back delegate is written to, and the result stored on the foremost delegate, but it could occur in other situations too (e.g. change of delegates, removal of overriding file on underlying front delegate, etc.).

When new files are added to the MultiFileSystem, normally they will be physically added to the foremost delegate, although as previously mentioned they can be customized. When their contents (or attributes) are changed, by default these changes are again made in the foremost delegate. But what if a file is deleted? There must be a way to indicate on the foremost delegate that it should not appear in the composite (even while it remains in one of the delegates). For this reason, MultiFileSystem uses "masks" which are simply empty files named according to the file they should hide, but with the suffix _hidden. Thus, for example, if there is a file subdir/readme.txt_hidden in a front delegate it will hide any files named subdir/readme.txt in delegates further back. These masks are automatically created as needed when files are "deleted" from MultiFileSystem; or delegate filesystems may explicitly provide them. Normally the mask files are not themselves visible as FileObjects, since they are an artifact of the deletion logic. However, when nesting MultiFileSystems inside other MultiFileSystems, it can be useful to have delegates be able to mask files not provided by their immediate siblings, but by cousins. For this reason, nested subclasses may call setPropagateMasks(boolean) to make the mask files propagate up one or more nesting levels and thus remain potent against cousin delegates.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
FileSystem.AtomicAction, FileSystem.Environment, FileSystem.HtmlStatus, FileSystem.Status
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
Constructor Summary
protected MultiFileSystem()
          Creates new empty MultiFileSystem.
  MultiFileSystem(FileSystem[] fileSystems)
          Creates new MultiFileSystem.
Method Summary
 void addNotify()
          Notifies all encapsulated filesystems in advance to superclass behaviour.
protected  Set createLocksOn(String name)
          When a file is about to be locked this method is consulted to choose which delegates should be locked.
protected  FileSystem createWritableOn(String name)
          Finds the system to create writable version of the file on.
protected  FileSystem createWritableOnForRename(String oldName, String newName)
          Special case of createWritableOn (@see #createWritableOn).
 FileObject find(String aPackage, String name, String ext)
 FileObject findResource(String name)
          Finds a file given its full resource path.
protected  FileObject findResourceOn(FileSystem fs, String res)
          Finds a resource on given filesystem.
protected  FileSystem findSystem(FileObject fo)
          For given file object finds the filesystem that the object is placed on.
 SystemAction[] getActions()
          Merge actions from all delegates.
 SystemAction[] getActions(Set<FileObject> foSet)
          Get actions appropriate to a certain file selection.
protected  FileSystem[] getDelegates()
          All filesystem that this system delegates to.
 String getDisplayName()
          The name of the filesystem.
 boolean getPropagateMasks()
          Will mask files that are not used be listed as children?
 FileObject getRoot()
          Root of the filesystem.
protected static Enumeration<String> hiddenFiles(FileObject folder, boolean rec)
          Finds all hidden files on given filesystem.
protected  void hideResource(String res, boolean hide)
          Marks a resource as hidden.
 boolean isReadOnly()
          This filesystem is readonly if it has not writable system.
protected  void markUnimportant(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has been marked unimportant.
protected  void notifyMigration(FileObject fo)
          Notification that a file has migrated from one filesystem to another.
 void prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment env)
          Deprecated. Useless.
 void refresh(boolean expected)
          Actually implements contract of FileSystem.refresh().
 void removeNotify()
          Notifies all encapsulated filesystems in advance to superclass behaviour.
protected  void setDelegates(FileSystem... fileSystems)
          Changes the filesystems that this system delegates to
protected  void setPropagateMasks(boolean pm)
          Set whether unused mask files should be listed as children.
Methods inherited from class org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem
addFileChangeListener, addFileStatusListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, fireFileStatusChanged, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, getCapability, getStatus, getSystemName, isDefault, isHidden, isPersistent, isValid, removeFileChangeListener, removeFileStatusListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, runAtomicAction, setCapability, setHidden, setSystemName, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected MultiFileSystem()
Creates new empty MultiFileSystem. Useful only for subclasses.


public MultiFileSystem(FileSystem[] fileSystems)
Creates new MultiFileSystem.

fileSystems - array of filesystems (can contain nulls)
Method Detail


public void refresh(boolean expected)
Actually implements contract of FileSystem.refresh().

refresh in class FileSystem
expected - should the file events be marked as expected change or not?
See Also:


protected final void setDelegates(FileSystem... fileSystems)
Changes the filesystems that this system delegates to

fileSystems - array of filesystems


protected final FileSystem[] getDelegates()
All filesystem that this system delegates to.

the array of delegates


public final boolean getPropagateMasks()
Will mask files that are not used be listed as children?

true if so


protected final void setPropagateMasks(boolean pm)
Set whether unused mask files should be listed as children.

pm - true if so


public boolean isReadOnly()
This filesystem is readonly if it has not writable system.

Specified by:
isReadOnly in class FileSystem
true if the system is read-only


public String getDisplayName()
The name of the filesystem.

Specified by:
getDisplayName in class FileSystem
user presentable name of the filesystem


public FileObject getRoot()
Root of the filesystem.

Specified by:
getRoot in class FileSystem
root folder of whole filesystem


public SystemAction[] getActions()
Merge actions from all delegates.

Specified by:
getActions in class FileSystem
array of available actions


public SystemAction[] getActions(Set<FileObject> foSet)
Description copied from class: FileSystem
Get actions appropriate to a certain file selection. By default, returns the same list as FileSystem.getActions().

getActions in class FileSystem
foSet - one or more files which may be selected
zero or more actions appropriate to those files


public FileObject find(String aPackage,
                                  String name,
                                  String ext)

Description copied from class: FileSystem
Finds file in the filesystem by name.

The default implementation converts dots in the package name into slashes, concatenates the strings, adds any extension prefixed by a dot and calls the findResource method.

Note: when both of name and ext are null then name and extension should be ignored and scan should look only for a package.

find in class FileSystem
aPackage - package name where each package component is separated by a dot
name - name of the file (without dots) or null if one wants to obtain a folder (package) and not a file in it
ext - extension of the file (without leading dot) or null if one needs a package and not a file
a file object that represents a file with the given name or null if the file does not exist


public FileObject findResource(String name)
Description copied from class: FileSystem
Finds a file given its full resource path.

Specified by:
findResource in class FileSystem
name - the resource path, e.g. "dir/subdir/file.ext" or "dir/subdir" or "dir"
a file object with the given path or null if no such file exists


protected final FileSystem findSystem(FileObject fo)
                               throws IllegalArgumentException
For given file object finds the filesystem that the object is placed on. The object must be created by this filesystem orherwise IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

fo - file object
the filesystem (from the list we delegate to) the object has file on
IllegalArgumentException - if the file object is not represented in this filesystem


protected final void hideResource(String res,
                                  boolean hide)
                           throws IOException
Marks a resource as hidden. It will not be listed in the list of files. Uses createMaskOn method to determine on which filesystem to mark the file.

res - resource name of file to hide or show
hide - true if we should hide the file/false otherwise
IOException - if it is not possible


protected static Enumeration<String> hiddenFiles(FileObject folder,
                                                 boolean rec)
Finds all hidden files on given filesystem. The methods scans all files for ones with hidden extension and returns enumeration of names of files that are hidden.

folder - folder to start at
rec - proceed recursivelly
enumeration of String with names of hidden files


protected FileObject findResourceOn(FileSystem fs,
                                    String res)
Finds a resource on given filesystem. The default implementation simply uses FileSystem.findResource, but subclasses may override this method to hide/show some resources.

fs - the filesystem to scan on
res - the resource name to look for
the file object or null


protected FileSystem createWritableOn(String name)
                               throws IOException
Finds the system to create writable version of the file on.

name - name of the file (full)
the first one
IOException - if the filesystem is readonly


protected FileSystem createWritableOnForRename(String oldName,
                                               String newName)
                                        throws IOException
Special case of createWritableOn (@see #createWritableOn).

oldName - original name of the file (full)
newName - name new of the file (full)
the first one
IOException - if the filesystem is readonly


protected Set createLocksOn(String name)
                     throws IOException
When a file is about to be locked this method is consulted to choose which delegates should be locked. By default this method returns only one filesystem; the same returned by createWritableOn.

If an delegate resides on a filesystem returned in the resulting set, it will be locked. All others will remain unlocked.

name - the resource name to lock
set of filesystems
IOException - if the resource cannot be locked


protected void notifyMigration(FileObject fo)
Notification that a file has migrated from one filesystem to another. Usually when somebody writes to file on readonly file system and the file has to be copied to write one.

This method allows subclasses to fire for example FileSystem.PROP_STATUS change to notify that annotation of this file should change.

fo - file object that change its actual filesystem


protected void markUnimportant(FileObject fo)
Notification that a file has been marked unimportant.

fo - file object that change its actual filesystem


public void prepareEnvironment(FileSystem.Environment env)
                        throws EnvironmentNotSupportedException
Deprecated. Useless.

Lets any sub filesystems prepare the environment. If they do not support it, it does not care.

prepareEnvironment in class FileSystem
env - the environment to setup
EnvironmentNotSupportedException - if external execution and compilation cannot be supported


public void addNotify()
Notifies all encapsulated filesystems in advance to superclass behaviour.

addNotify in class FileSystem


public void removeNotify()
Notifies all encapsulated filesystems in advance to superclass behaviour.

removeNotify in class FileSystem

org.openide.filesystems 7.1

Built on May 28 2007.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.